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2016 Whitecaps

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Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
How long do wait wait for Manneh to be the goal scorer they think he can be?
So far he still can't finish when he needs to, or should.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
From the first 2 games the caps have been second to the ball. Cause for concern yes. Time to correct but gotta figure it out soon


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Again, they don't score much so they need to stop letting in 2-3 goals a game.
Back line is always scrambling.

Just seems to be that every other team finishes their chances and we don't.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Tactic anyone?

Yesterday was the day I became a non Robo fan.

WTF is with his hard-on for Flores? Why is this kid not getting minutes in USL? Why is "Kianz" getting opportunities ahead of Bustos, when it is actually Bustos showing that he deserves the 1st minute opportunities? Or Mezquida for that matter? Why is Robo so fcuking stuck on his 4-2-3-1 when it is so obvious that Rivero needs a partner up top to work with?

He brought in quality players, and he's not using them. Harvey is far from their biggest problem on the back, I say shift him to the right and bring in Sam. I had huge hopes for Fraser Aird, but he is a liability. And Jordan Smith...where do I start?

It's just not working. At all. No cohesion, and they seem two steps behind. As soon as World Cup superstar Dom Dywer scored inside the first 5, I knew he'd have at least two, if not three. Wait, he's not a World Cuper? Well Flores and the collective Caps fullback line sure made him look like one. What a dick, but he's tapping Sindney Leroux and killing the Caps, I hate him and am envious at the same time.

Finally...Manneh. He should not be seeing the pitch anymore. He was nothing but a liability, both going forward and covering back. He should have finished the one chance. He dribbles into trouble consistently instead of using the players around him for simple give-and-go. He'll have an opponent isolated with Rivero posting in the perfect spot, and instead of a simple wall pass he'll go straight at the defender, and with a consistently heavy tough lose possession. Consistently.

Manneh is not a starter, and one can argue not even a 20 minute man. Perez should be your 20 minute man.

Overall, I don't see our personnel as being the problem, it's the manager and how he's failing to use them and switch tactics that has become the issue.

Rant over.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money
How long do wait wait for Manneh to be the goal scorer they think he can be?
So far he still can't finish when he needs to, or should.

One step to the right = wide open net. Yes he was in full flight but anyone with a bit of touch would have buried that.
But hey at least hes really fast.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Tactic anyone?
Yesterday was the day I became a non Robo fan.
WTF is with his hard-on for Flores? Why is this kid not getting minutes in USL? Why is "Kianz" getting opportunities ahead of Bustos, when it is actually Bustos showing that he deserves the 1st minute opportunities? Or Mezquida for that matter? Why is Robo so fcuking stuck on his 4-2-3-1 when it is so obvious that Rivero needs a partner up top to work with?
He brought in quality players, and he's not using them. Harvey is far from their biggest problem on the back, I say shift him to the right and bring in Sam. I had huge hopes for Fraser Aird, but he is a liability. And Jordan Smith...where do I start?
Finally...Manneh. He should not be seeing the pitch anymore. He was nothing but a liability, both going forward and covering back. He should have finished the one chance. He dribbles into trouble consistently instead of using the players around him for simple give-and-go. He'll have an opponent isolated with Rivero posting in the perfect spot, and instead of a simple wall pass he'll go straight at the defender, and with a consistently heavy tough lose possession. Consistently.
Overall, I don't see our personnel as being the problem, it's the manager and how he's failing to use them and switch tactics that has become the issue.
Rant over.
Can't disagree. Better personnel each of the last couple years but poor results.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Anyone else see how much thes miss Koffie. Looks like the Koffie curse Is a real thing

We have to be a bit more patient. Hard to coach for a mistake like that in the first 5 minutes. Then to have your right back take a red after your right back from the week before was shambolic.
I don't get the Koffie transfer.
He is a young guy himself at 24 and lived vancouver so why would we need to make room for younger guys. We are to young as it is. I'm hoping this Andrew Jacobson from New York FC can solidify our middle a bit.
It's been hard to watch as offensively we have the same old issues. Honestly how successful would most forwards be in this team?We ask a lot out of Octavio. Yes his finishing needs to improve but he is the least of our problems. That Graham zusi is the level of player we need to start bringing in. Actual quality. We can't just hope everyone young player will become something at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
This team obviously has been smelling their own farts a little too hard here since preseason.
Get the fcuk over yourselves, grab your lunch bucket, and get to work boys.

I think the lone wolf formation with Octavio is a joke.
He's a sniper and can't do the tracking all by himself.
We need him getting chances in the box or at least get it to the guys feet FFS if he's up there by himself.

Waston and Ousted need to take charge back there and shore that back line out, soon, FFS.

Who the fcuk was the guy that replaced Aird again?
My fcuking God that boy was tragic.
Smith has the touch of a well loved teammate of mine with his two cinder blocks for feet. :D
He was atrocious and you could see the frustration (or embarrassment) of the other players just looking at him with his passing and throw ins.
I haven't given up on Aird quite yet after watching that...

That game was rubbish.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Couple mistakes can't be on the coach. The red card can't be on the coach.

My question is, if you want a 4-4-2, or a two central striker system with Laba.... who the hell is in the middle of the park.

Laba is a 9/10 defensively. and maybe a 4/10 on the offensive side.
Morales isn't tracking back to the 18 and grinding in the middle to win balls. he is 8/10 offensive and 4/10 defensive.
Koffie would have been perfect in there for a 4-4-2....
maybe this is why that new Midfielder is coming in... to give us the option...

point is you need two box to box guys in there with an everage of 7/10 that balance each other well.
Bustos is not a box to box midfielder. he is a 10 guys from what I know... should be getting minutes behind Morales.

perhaps the idea is morales sits deeper with Laba and perhaps try Riv in the 10 spot? he is pretty skilled and if Blas is the high guy I can see them doing well. Pace on the wings... Morales can go direct to high striker at times with Riv running off him.

But I just don't see this 4-4-2 with the guys we have.. unless its a diamond mid... with laba sitting and Morales attacking mid..
and the bug and bolanos perhaps... that could be an option I would like to see... but then in a diamond mid we need really dynamic wing backs and right now we can't find a right back..... (perhaps Harvey right sige and Adekube left back)

How would you line up to get 2 central strikers? cause I tell you, Laba isn't getting up the park and or picking out creative offensive passes. And if Morales is in there with him, can you see Laba and Morales battling against some top midfields in this league...
Morales doesn't have the grind in him.... not happening.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I was thinking the same - Maybe move Harvey to RB and then put young Sam in at LB.
Harvey could do the old ala Messi and cut in from the right offensively in the other half and just make sure he's covered when he does.
That could be dangerous.
And, maybe his right peg is good enough to whip in stuff anyway.

Yes, Morales and Laba in the central midfield.
Good point though, not sure Morales could do it long term being made of glass.
Before last year I would have said fcuk yeah, but now, you have a good point as I said.
But I'd still like to give it a go...

Something needs to change though as that is two poor performances.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Your well loved teammate would have done better than Smith at RB last night.

Lion...tactics go right down to the starting formation. I'm going to point out only two issues:

1. Continuously going to a lone striker formation.
2. Manneh.

Manneh as a nuclear threat is no good if the missile is a dud...which the rest of the league has figured out. His heavy touch neutralizes the threat of his speed and shot...and his shot isn't consistent, anyhow. Manneh has been given more rope than almost anyone, yet the same errors and same selfishness have remained.

Robo has brought in personnel to support a two-striker formation. I'm still on The Riv bandwagon...and as Ranger points out, he needs the support, either to be the sniper or the hold-up man, but he can't do it all. I'd like to see Kudo put in as a second striker, and try Laba and Morales alone centrally....while benching Manneh. He should not even be second option. That second goal last night where Harvey looked exposed, where was Manneh? Nowhere to be seen. Put Bolanos back in (only a one game suspension, right?) and hopefully he pulls his head out of his ass so far as tracking back.

RB...either stick with Aird and live with the growing pains, or shift Harvey over and run with Sam at LB.

Fcuk...so many deficiencies.....
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