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2014 Vancouver Whitecaps

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Old timer is it not how Americans work for their teams to win. If you look close it show lots of times. For some un know reason our teams get called yet their sides do not. We need two three more Canadian teams in MLS, for things to balance out and few more Canadian refs. It's part of growing up in MLS.
One cold beer and we forget about it. I am sure Robbo will not forget.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Biggest test for Caps this season in today's game against LA. If the club can bounce back and win today all the guys will once again gain that game pride and confidacse. Remains to be seen if the D core can with stand the pressure.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Is that it? No more comments than that? I may have to go back to the jocksniffer forum and rile some folks up for fun again...

Anyhow, I found the match very entertaining. The second half dissolved to look more like a WHL game, with a lot of mistakes, busted plays, and energy.

Hurtado: I read in the paper this morning about how much he's improved. Well, not really, but great effort. If Robo's intent here was to put him in purely for his energy and direct play, almost to use him as a decoy down the centre of the park, well then it worked, from the sense that all this guy does is run hard and have the odd terrible touch- but his speed and direct play force the midfield into following him, opening up space for Kekuta / Miller / Mattocks. A totally different look than having Morales, who I thought had a poor match (by his standards) with way too many give aways (that said, I'd rather have him in there attempting to make those plays, hands down). Hurtado still dribbles w/ his head down, has no vision...though he did have one very nice cross he whipped in. On the Mattocks goal, it was a busted play highlighted by hard work and luck. Even on the goal, Mattocks wins a 50/50 w/ the keeper and defender and gains possession right down by the goal line after a Hurtado shinny (he meant to bring the ball down), he's at the Cap's right side of the net (Galaxy left side). Turns, and blindly fires w/ his RIGHT foot at the net, and scores on the impossible angle. Great hustle on the play, nose for the net, and all that...but...a smart player would have looked up, switched to his left, and fired at a better angle. That being said, Galaxy players were closing in fast to cover the net, so taking that extra touch may have taken too much time. So, what I'm saying is that Mattocks got lucky, but he also created his own luck. That being said, it showed me two glaring shortcomings that we here at TTP all have pointed out: he panics when in close, and doesn't really have a high footballing IQ.

Mattocks did get his head up on the Manneh goal, though, and made a very good decision to set him up rather than shoot into a crowd. I have to say, as much as I dislike Mattocks, and don't think he's, long term, the quality of front runner we need, his effort and teamwork was outstanding.

Manneh...what can I say, I heart Manneh. Nuff said there. Now this kid IS the quality for a full time striker. Shame, I don't think Vancouver will have him for long. I see him having a fantastic season and WFC selling him off.
Back to Morales, he was still all over the highlight reel, and still made some very nice plays. I love how, when he's made a pass, he's immediately getting into position to get it back, or to open up space for an attack. He's frequently able to get himself to the top of the 18, wide open after a pass, in good position. Not his best match, as I've said, but even though it wasn't, he still looked great on the highlights.
Finally…Jordan Harvey is growing on me. He’s cleaning up his defensive work, but still gets involved in the attack quite a bit. Dunno. Maybe it’s just his hair…

A just result, and a fun match. Anybody attend? It looked entertaining from my hot tub in Whistler.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It was entertaining for sure... really like Manneh's attitude regarding coming off the bench. Even better was hear Robbo say he thought hard about starting him for this match. Just a matter of time until Manneh takes the starter role from Mattocks and "Darren" come in for the last 15-30.

Post match stuff, I've heard the FREE scarf for season ticket holders was a supreme fcuk-up... STHers were asked to pick-up AFTER the match in a single location. Massive line-ups and chaos ensued. Allegedly.

Does ANYONE in the front office have a fcuking brain?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No kidding.

I wish / hope that the Caps could look across the street and take note of what a true pro sports franchise does in their front office and business side. Really, how much of an extra investment does it take to simply upgrade your professional side? Not much. Both in terms of the offices and the way they deal w/ the public. That should be considered (even though, in reality, it isn't) equally important to the on-field side.

No, this doesn't have to be Camp Nu, but it does need to be the same on a micro scale. The Caps actually have some deep and proud history, if including the 86er history, that they need to enrich the public on. That, and they should also find a way to bring in some of the deep history in the province here w/ the VMSL, FVSL, and PCSL. I'm thinking home base offices with something of a walk-through museum / display that tells the history of the game in this province, all the cups, ect. Show some pride, and make it 1st rate, then open it to the public. You need to separate yourselves from all the other franchises, which don't have any of this to draw from. Something that brings the quality standard up, in turn bringing the standard of expectation up. Because, if you behave cheaply on the business side, the on-field product will reflect as such.

Just my 0.02$.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude I think centre D is more needed than a display. Rent a space along Stanley Park sea wall and put a display for people to see. All they need is a trailer like building nicely done. Big numbers go by that area.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
It was entertaining for sure... really like Manneh's attitude regarding coming off the bench. Even better was hear Robbo say he thought hard about starting him for this match. Just a matter of time until Manneh takes the starter role from Mattocks and "Darren" come in for the last 15-30.

Post match stuff, I've heard the FREE scarf for season ticket holders was a supreme fcuk-up... STHers were asked to pick-up AFTER the match in a single location. Massive line-ups and chaos ensued. Allegedly.

Does ANYONE in the front office have a fcuking brain?

Scarf fiasco was terrible, signs said to go to two sections, one of the sections told you to go to the other section where I don't know how many hundreds of people were, then going up all those ramps there was quite painful unless you had some random drunken supporters nearby chanting n singing to ease the wait didn't go too well with non southside STH's though who just kept there heads down n kept on walking. Real shitty job on caps part hopefully next time they don't muck it up.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude I think centre D is more needed than a display. Rent a space along Stanley Park sea wall and put a display for people to see. All they need is a trailer like building nicely done. Big numbers go by that area.

Try to keep up, Base, the subject shifted slightly to the business side...and that type of thinking, above? That screams CHEAP. They need to start taking the business side seriously.

Yes, I think they need to start planning out shifting the two CBs to Johnny Leveron and Christian Dean. Leveron is ready now, Dean needs grooming, but hopefully not too much to get up to speed.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Business side: Scarf fiasco should not surprise anyone. For me it is just a continuation of a poor decision to create "intimate atmosphere" by limiting the number of available seats to 27,000 or 28,000 in a stadium that has 55,000 seats. But, we talked about that in the past and I was in a clear minority (obviously, a lot of fans like that "intimate atmosphere" created by those curtains). Obviously I do not understand this "North American business model" in which everything is geared toward corporate sponsorship instead of creating a large fan base by offering a quality products for exceptionally low price (to season ticket holders, of course).

Anyway, at this point, the product on the field certainly is something we should talk more about. After this last game I am quite sure that Carl Robinson is not a good coach. If he still does not get it that Manneh can be successful only by playing as a center forward then I do not know what else to say. Manneh proved in Seattle and on a few more occasions that he is very, very dangerous when playing as a target man upfront. When he is playing outside he is not visible.

Mattocks is trying much harder than ever before and for that a hat down. But, at this point, Manneh is more dangerous and should be starting. Unfortunately, Robinson and Whitecaps as an organization do not know how to handle this situation with Mattocks and Manneh. The only option eventually would be to play 4-4-2 and both of them up front with 4 midfielders behind them who know how to send a through ball. In that formation attacking from the left and right flank are non existing, of course.

Playing Hurtado at the same time with Mattocks and Manneh is idiotic. There is no team anywhere in the World that can sustain that kind of strategy (3 runners of which one has both left feet, all of them without defensive responsibilities, and with the two full-backs with offensive approach, it is a miracle a team like Galaxy did not punish Whitecaps for that "run and gun" strategy). Unfortunately, Hurtado will never be a good player. He is missing some basics which kids learn at age of 9 or 10. But, to be fair, maybe he is also a center forward (as Manneh and Mattocks) and can play only that position (which he never does). If that is the case then we have to question Whitecaps draft strategy.

Finally, we saw Teibert out (not sure if he was injured or finally somebody at the Whitecaps organization suddenly added 2 and 2). Too bad Morales was out at the same time because with Teibert out (who just interferes with every rational decision by other midfielders, Morales and Laba, first of all) Morales would have more room and be more dangerous (and his passes would easier find way to 3 runners).
What I cannot understand at all is that those TV commentators are raving about Teibert's play so I have to ask myself if all that is a push by Canadian Soccer Association (because they desperately want to show case some young Canadian players). Teibert has been awful all season (for me, he was never a good player). His playing is useless, he is a weak player who was put a few times (during the first half against Galaxy) in a panic mode. I will never understand why Teibert plays and better players are sitting on the bench (no need to name them). What the hell does Teibert bring to Whitecaps? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Waste of a space and a position.

By the way, that referee is a joke. If that is one of the top Canadian referees than...

At the end, at this point, I firmly believe that Whitecaps need a better coach but I know there is no one out there who would come into Bobaduzzi's kingdom where everything is "Bob's way or highway". Carl Robinson is just a puppet.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
So are we putting you down as a satisfied customer or undecided?
And btw the intimate atmosphere is 21,000 with four sellouts and we find it helps to keep the undesirables out.

I hope they gave out most of the scarves because when we saw the lineup we decided to pick it up at the San Jose game.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Robbo is a smart guy. Just like Linden. Baba has a control phobia. Robbo will coach for few years. All the others got fired by Baba after first year. Now you are making a mistake on a gummer man. If you say Baba than you are close. Robbo is new school guy, he go's with the flow does the best he can do with what he has.
One more or two more good players Caps can bring the cup home. A very good Latino striker would fit well with the boys we have. Nanne will take number one striking job soon. Fun to watch a young man play with hart. BC soccer takes care of business side of it but with all the kids playing none make it to the big leagues.
Bigger public will bring in more money with better striker or two. We could build a new place to play in in five years. Next to CP Station is ideal for a new Stadium. Hop on the train hop on the bus and go home. Caps are doing OK Nucks are selling but wipe napkins to make more money.
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Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
So are we putting you down as a satisfied customer or undecided?
And btw the intimate atmosphere is 21,000 with four sellouts and we find it helps to keep the undesirables out. I hope they gave out most of the scarves because when we saw the lineup we decided to pick it up at the San Jose game.

Sell-out in a stadium with 55,000 seats is when you sell 55,000 tickets (not an artificially created number of 21,000 or 27,000).


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I have to admit I like Robo's style, in the way he deals w/ his players. I don't think he's an idiot...except when I see Hurtado get on the park! I don't get it! I agree with everything you've said above about player options, and why Manneh is not the featured striker I have no idea. He now has the same number of tallies as Mattocks w/ about 1/8th the playing time, and 1/4 the chances. And again, Mattocks, on his goal, was exposed for his lack of intelligence and composure, but will admit he's working hard. That's something, I suppose.

Watching Robbie Kean play was a treat, two weeks in a row. The difference in quality from him to everyone else (save maybe Morales) is staggering. And no, I'm not putting Morales on the same level, it's just not that staggering a difference, is all I'm saying.

I again find myself somewhat agreeing w/ RL on the business side, too. Going from 21K-28K is a matter of selling the less desireable tickets to soccer clubs at extreme discounts. Maybe even give them away. Who cares. Get them in the hands of the clubs to distribute to kids, and make yourself some long tem fans. Seriously, what could the incremental extra costs be to do that (opening the top, concession, etc.)? it's about creating loing term, die hard fans. I have to admit, one reason I continue to be a Whitecaps fan is because, when I was in Kindergarten, we could go to the games through our soccer club in Port Moody, we had players come to the school to do clinics, we sang "White is the Color" during song time. Fond memories. Why the eff can't this club figure it out? Again, incremental short term costs- relative peanuts- for exponential long term gain.

It's so easy, it's stupid. So why are they so bloody cheap? Bobaduzzi has to go...


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
I have to admit, one reason I continue to be a Whitecaps fan is because, when I was in Kindergarten, we could go to the games through our soccer club in Port Moody, we had players come to the school to do clinics, we sang "White is the Color" during song time. Fond memories.

Port Moody Steamers?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Fack me...Manneh is effective as a 20 minute man...period.
In Europe top players make a career of this.
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