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2013 Whitecaps Game Thread

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
After all I am sure Rennie will be happy to part from here. Club buys $1.99 players and an old horse and trys to make playoffs. It will take more than Yallop, Yallop has troble dealing with big ego guys. Any guy they buy for big money will do that. Coacker came to this town not tolong ago and his words chased the coach out. But the way I see it, unless he scores ten goals there is no need for him to shoot his mouth.
Small things like that stop the team from wining. Who the fruck cares how he feals. Koffie set out most of the season not due to Rennie but due to Coakers input.
Most coaches try to keap the club going. Only when things are not going well coach has to step in. Rennie was one win away from playoffs. Club did better than last year.
He can walk away proud. He can not play for the invalids and guys that talk crap but can not score a goal if their life depends on it. Next coach will be in same perdicament. I got the gut feal this club will do the same as Toronto. Ever since Dasovic left TFC club went for Shyt.
We have to go slow use kids from reseves build fun around the club and buy two younger good players from Alsalvador or one of those countries that can deal with playing in humid places and we will do fine.
If Caps do take Yallop I wish the man all the best. Colin Miller will be here soon after that. He looked dam cold in Edmontons last game. Those two guys would slow the things down and would give Canadian kid a chance.
Fans are jumping all over Rennie. In my opinion they got rid of a coach but they should have gotten rid of Manager. He head to help the coach by buying a player, or getting a player via trade. He blames the coach I blame him.
I hope Scott gets the job soon. There is guys here that like Rennie. I was one of those.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
The revelations today explain everything why this club will always struggle.

The Football Committee

Tweet that Chapman!



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Ignoring Base's diatribe...only to go onto one of my own

Regs, you and I went after Chapman on twitter yesterday and really The Province generally speaking is pretty weak, although Chapman has been outspoken on the radio from time to time and not exactly kid gloves with Duzzi or the team, I'd say the same about Sekeres, overall though the TEAM and the rags (Weber also) are kid gloves with Duzzi, they protect him on air, never open him up to callers and never EVER ask any tough questions of him. I'm not sure if VWFC Pays the TEAM 1040/1410 for their coverage, if Schaad is an employee of VWFC or TEAM radio, and if they are just sheltering them or if their on air personalities are just to ignorant to understand the game enought to ask tough questions.

MLS Soccer is going to be weird no matter what when compared to other NA Sports or to Footbal elsewhere in the world. It's essentially a world sport being run in North America like the NBA, NFL, MLB and NHL... So Lenarduzzi can hide behind "His 5 person committee" all he wants, the fact of the matter is that he has never been better than his peers elsewhere since he took over in '98.

1. Fired Coaches under his Presidency: A-League/USL/NASL: Carl Valentine, Dale Mitchell, Tony Fonseca, Bob Lilley. MLS: Teitur, Soehn, Rennie. 7 Coaches in 16 years.

2. He absolutely didn't get "Supporters Culture" till it was too late. Like em or lump em, the Southsiders started off mid-90's the same time and same size as the Timbers Army and ECS. While the USL versions of Seattle and Portland were busy helping their groups grow by allowing them management over away travel, allowing them input on seating arrangements, pricing, access to stadiums etc Lewis and Bobbaduzzi were getting in the way over concerns of Soccer Moms, Standing in a "beer garden", and Smoke bombs... only to allow a few of us SS'ers at the time to a table with 2 people no longer with the club. The fact that the ECS and TA are so formidable in comparison to our fractured and disjointed Supporters groups is not simply a demographics or personalities thing. (Think back to the "Evil Bert" breakfast TV incident - Lenarduzzi invited 1 long time supporter of 100% known quantity to attend along with 2 WFC employees who watched games from the SS, and what you got was embarrassing.)

3. This committee is appointed by him. He's the President. He could say "fcuk all you- I'm the boss" which he probably does, only now to publicly hide behind a manager who he says has total autonomy, and now hides behind a committee to save his own skin. Who brought in Jarju? Lenarduzzi saw first hand that it was hard bringing players from tier 2 to MLS and have consistency.. of the Tier 2 Caps from their final season the only ones jumping to MLS with them were: Khalfan, Chiumiento, Teibert (via residency), Knight, Dunfield, & Koffie... who's left? So why wouldn't he veto the Gravy Train of Railhawks who all also failed?!

Lenarduzzi with unrivaled access to cash and resources under Kerfoot inTier 2 and then into Salary Cap MLS has amassed the following trophies since re-taking the helm in '98:
4 x Cascadia Cups (1 in MLS Era) in 16 years (2 other teams in competition): FAILURE
0 x Voyageurs Cups since 2002: EPIC FAILURE
2 x USL First Division Championships (Playoffs) from 1998-2010: FAILURE
0 x Commissioners Cups (Reg Season) from 1998-2010: EPIC FAILURE
1 x Playoff Appearance in 3 MLS Seasons, obviously no supporters shields.

In any event I said it publicly and haven't come off my pledge. After the first year of MLS I've cancelled my seasons tix and haven't spend 1 penny on the team and will continue not to until Lenard Bobbaduzzi is shown the door, quits/retires or dies. I know I'm just one guy, but I can vote with only one thing- my wallet. /diatribe
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Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
The Committee just had to go back to drawing board...Yallop to Chicago. Rob Reed up next...:)
Seriously, is Colin Miller next choice?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Sep 24, 2011
Dirty Money
Let's think bigger, Glenn Hoddle for example, Peter Beardsley maybe...Ex Whitecap doing a great job with Newcastle"s youth team...but we'll probably end up with Alex McCleish!! I'd even take Ian Holloway...let's think bigger than Yallop and Miller.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
After a near perfect fifa 14 season and excellent transactions in both transfer windows, I have submitted my resume, to be the next head coach of VWFC. I will be bringing Base on as the head of development and releasing Klazura, Harvey and JDM Immediately. I thank you for your support.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Ignoring Base's diatribe...only to go onto one of my own In any event I said it publicly and haven't come off my pledge. After the first year of MLS I've cancelled my seasons tix and haven't spend 1 penny on the team and will continue not to until Lenard Bobbaduzzi is shown the door, quits/retires or dies. I know I'm just one guy, but I can vote with only one thing- my wallet. /diatribe

JB, you are absolutely not the only one who would want to see Bobaduzzi gone. I have been talking about that for a long time. Also, any person I spoke to has never said anything positive about him. Remember lame comments when he was a special guest in Toronto's studio during WC 2010? That guy simply did not know what to say. Showed a total lack of knowledge for modern soccer. I cannot believe that Whitecaps owner(s) did not show him the exit door after that.

You listed "accomplishments" so there is no need to repeat. One coach is not good, then the other one, then the third one. Players who would not improve even Division 1 teams in VMSL are brought to Whitecaps while local talents are pushed away. What was the name of a guy from Tottenham that was hired? Barber? He was very quickly gone, wasn't he? Fans' favourite players were quickly shown the door. Who is most likely behind all that? I'd say General Manager/President who obviously does not allow anyone to become bigger than him.

A few years ago one of the Whitecaps "affiliates" plays the final game in Florida for North American championship. Bobaduzzi is in Florida, attending Super Y conference, and does not show up to watch the game that young guys played and won. You can imagine disappointment because he, the Soccer God in Canada, did not want to support them although he was there, in the same city! A day later Whitecaps FC are bragging about how their team won North American championship! WCFC had nothing with that team, absolutely nothing, yet they take the credit without investing anything. That is how it is done at WCFC level. Local volunteer coaches put their countless hours of work to work with young soccer players, develop them and then WCFC comes and just takes them claiming how they are WCFC products!

Team AM 1040 is a bunch of jockers who have no balls to ask any tough questions. Bunch of selfproclaimed journalists whose main goal is to please local Gods (Bobaduzzi, Gillis, etc.). And, really, how can they ask tough questions their customers (at the end, there is a business agreement between that radio station and Whitecaps, Canucks, Lions). Chapman who writes for The Province is also employed by Team AM 1040 so he does not want to shake the boat either. Ridiculous circle formed which protects people who would not survive 15 days let alone 15 years in a real world, running actual business that has to satisfy real customers.

The last game against Colorado was a perfect opportunity for Whitecaps to open the second level, charge $5 for tickets and give all proceeds for the cancer research. That is how you promote your team, that is how you try to get more fans into the seats, that is how you show actually that you care about cancer research. That opportunity was, of course, lost. That is how WCFC marketing team operates. No better than their management. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Some people were laughing here at me when I said that WCFC should actually support a lot more their most loyal supporters (example, Southsiders) and that they should not charge them even half of what they charge them. See, that is how you build a fan base but Bobaduzzi is trying to take a shortcut via corporate support (and it will never work as long as Canucks are in the city and let's admit, beside money, corporate sponsorship only created a dead atmosphere among "fans" and nothing else).

I guess enough from me for now. Bobaduzzi should be the first one to go.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Missing out on Yallop speaks VOLUMES about the management. Think about...Yallop is no idiot. He is the only coach that I can think of in recent history that actually resigned from coaching a National side. Although I don't know if the true reasons ever came out, it was pretty obviousl that he saw that the CSA was so effed up as an oganization, he felt it was in his best interest to steer clear.

It's not like he would have come here w/ an empty cupboard...there is some tallent, and there is some youth primed and ready to be groomed. To stay away, well...

Now, what about Demerit and ReoC? These guys need contracts, and they are in limbo, and unrestricted, until someone comes in.

What a mismanaged mess.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Pretty much my thoughts as well.

Yallop isn't an idiot, hell, he parted ways with the CMNT becuase of the CSA buffoonery at the time.

He wasn't just named head coach of the Fire, he was also appointed Director of Soccer Operations meaning he DOES HAVE the final say on the soccer side of things with no TFC (the football committee) in sight.

Here's my prediction:

The next coach of the Whitecaps will be here for 2 years tops as I think after 5 years in the MLS, the owners will finally say changes need to be made at the very top (whether that be structural or employees) and that will result in a complete house cleaning.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Think about...Yallop is no idiot. He is the only coach that I can think of in recent history that actually resigned from coaching a National side. Although I don't know if the true reasons ever came out, it was pretty obviousl that he saw that the CSA was so effed up as an oganization, he felt it was in his best interest to steer clear.

I'm not saying you are wrong about Yallop & CSA, but there are plenty of examples of coaches leaving national sides for better opportunities:

Martino (quit Paraguay to go to Newell's Old Boys -> Now manages Barcelona)
Advocaat (quit Russia to go to PSV)


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Yallop quit CNMT because board of directors were controling who he can bring in to play for Canada. He is not dumb to come to Vancouver. It will take a special coach and a youth developer to set this club forward. Resedancy is not a problem in developing. Second team is a problem. They must have six players capable to help the first side if need be.
Club must train on grass to save the players from sorness. Club must buy a spot in NASL and run their second team in it. That's how you develop young players. They play against men and get the strength and skill needed for MSL.
Robson will sit with Bob and see if he can be the Coach. Dasovic would do better job than most. Local guy with family here.
I wish them all the luck in getting a new coach. But in my opinion two good players are needed more.
Ryan Giggs is the man I would bring in to be a manager and a coach of this club. In three years we would be in MSL finals.
Pay the man and watch. Both Demerit an Reo Croacker should move. Demerit is at the end of his run. Croaker is a man of many opinions self centred. We need two big men in the midle of the park. One as a C back and one as a defensive mid. Coffie and bunch of young guys on the sides.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Fack me Base!! Giggs??? Reallyy??
From someone of Rennies calibre to someone like Giggs..I love how you connect the dots.

Bottom line is from all of the games I've watched, is that if Rennie would of played a starting 11 and gone for all 3 points with a killer attitude, we would of easily made the playoffs.

I hope Coaker comes back. He showed up to play most nights and led by example.
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