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2006 BC Mens Cup - Semifinal Results & Final Predictions

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Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Gorge FC vs Vancouver Firefighters, 1-5
Columbus vs Sapperton 1-2

All Vmsl final, any reports on the game?

Congrats to Sapp and Fireman



New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

First game Sapp`s were very lucky. The Clan`s keeper basically scored on himself then the Sapp`s keeper scored on him. Talk about a long shot, those were the only shot`s Sapp`s had in first half. Clan must of had at least 6 shot`s in the first half. Second half Sapp`s seemed to have some confidence.[We must be good were up two goal`s.] The Clan kept pressure on all game, but were only able to pot one. Not much depth at the shallow end of the tight jean`s pool ! Gay retard`s were in a daze as soon as Mr.November came on in second half.It seemed like they all wanted to mark him which left everyone else wide open. Gayjay your a better coach than a player! Wait, I take that back a good coach would have kept you on the bench. Gayerway hang them up with Gayjay. Gaystar thought you played better last weekend your getting old fast. Big strong Firemen will beat Sapp`s by at least 3 !


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Apr 11, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Gorge played like shite...didn't battle for the ball..sat back and let them come at us. To be honest, they out worked us all over the park. We figured we could hold them when we were up by one. Should have went at them more......shoulda coulda woulda.....we suck ass. Ah well....camping time boys!!

Class team though..all the best in the final. Sorry to have ya come all the way to the Island for that shite second half, we pretty much folded the tents after the third.

Thanks for the banter boys.....until next year?????


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Fartmaster said:

GORGE FC over Firefighters FC

I don't know much about Gorge but I do know that the Firemen are not capable of going another step further in the province cup. I've seen about 4 firemen games this year and everytime I watched them they haven't really proved to me that they are a team capable of winning on a weekly basis. However, this is the semi-finals and it is WIN OR GO HOME time but I just don't see the firemen in the finals, so Gorge has this one.

COLUMBUS/CLAN FC over Sapperton Rovers

Too bad these two teams can't play here in the mainland so that the regular VMSL fans can watch the two Group B teams going at it for the final two spots at nationals. I know both teams quite well in terms of their style. Sapperton leads the all time series by beating Columbus twice in the season this year by knocking them 4-2 early on and 2-1 in the last game of the seasson. But don't let that fool you, Columbus is a much better team and I can't remember the last time they lost...oh wait, it was the Sapperton game! Columbus is on a 7 or 8 game winning streak...congratulations!, I'm rooting for you! this streak will not come to an end. Columbus will win!!!

ps. Congratulations to GINO GAITA of Columbus/Clan FC for scoring his first goal of the year in about 22 games as he is one of their forwards!!! The team played about 27 games including league, imperial, the province cup and also a few exhibitions this season. Of those games, Gino Gaita has missed about 5 due to an injury he suffered in the first imperial cup game. Scoring 1 goal all season shows that GINO GAITA deserves more time on the pitch as opposed to his half a games. What about the celebration when Gino scored that only tap in goal of the year against Inter!!!, his brother was so excited for him that he ran a full sprint from his 18 yard box he was sweeping to the other teams goal line to hug and embrace his brother! that was too funny! The entire Inter sideline was in tears laughing albeit they were down 2-0. Besides Gino Gaita's offensive prowlness and his hunger to score goals (laughing as I type) Columbus/Clan will win the nationals!!!...GO GAITA GO!!!.....score me another!!!

I think Gino Gaita is my new favorite player in the VMSL, his celebration was just too much for me not to like him!

pss. I just farted.

Stick to farting buddy. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Am I the only one hoping all these retards will go away now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Sapp 2 - Clanbus 1
Horseshoes today. Clan have Inter's number, we have Clan's. Goalie Cory Breure with the 85 yard miracle shot (wind aided) that took 1 bounce, over the keeper, and into the net in the 40th min for the game winner.

Firemen 5 - Gorge 1
Gorge looked good and scored a nice header in the 15th min and then tried to defend the lead; very bad move. They played terrible and got slaughtered in the 2nd half - and deserved it for that brilliant move.


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Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

I know I'm out of my element but fartmaster, nice predictions...I guess you picked the Canucks to win the Stanley Cup this year as well.

Gorge weren't very impressive today. The wind was brutal...Never seen a wind like that. Should have been about 7 or 8 to 1 for Fireman if they could finish.

Nice goal Cory(sp) .... Clan goalie lost it for there team!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Sapp vs Clanbus

I feel bad for Luca. He made a really good stop on TT's breakaway early in the 1st half but basically killed the momentum Clanbus had with the give away to TT 10 minutes before half. Cory's goal was just a total fluke. You can argue what he coulda or shoulda done, but for a ball to bounce 20 hards like that and with pace, well, once in a life-time situation. In the 2nd half, though, Luca made 7 or 8 good saves; mostly on breakaways, to keep Clanbus in the game when they were pressing forward and vulnerable at the back. Ironically, he put them down a goal, but he kept them within a goal.

As for the game in general, the 1st half saw a lot of bad play and decisions on Sapp's behalf. It created numerous counters and dangerous possession for Clanbus, but I thought Sapp defended well and in numbers when we really needed to. Cory didn't have to make any tough stops. The best chance for Clanbus was off the corner that Carmen shot wide from 6 yards out. Clanbus really deserved a whole lot better in the 1st, had the majority of play, and attacked well, but sometimes you have to make your breaks and Sapp did just that.

The 2nd half was a different game. Both teams possessed the ball better and Clanbus were dangerous with darting runs though the midfield. Sapp had a lot of flank play with Jeff Rogers and Mike Favaro working the right side to perfection. Colin Phillips and Paul Favaro controlled the centre of the park and kept Sapp in control of the ball most of the 2nd half. Kevin Hearne was an absolute force up front in the half and made a huge difference. Unlike the 1st, we knew we had to pressure Clanbus' defence and this created many turnovers. In the end, even though Clanbus scored to make it close with 7 minutes to go, there was no real flurry of chances or pressure by Clanbus to get the equalizer. Sapp remained calm and continued to control the play after the 2-1 goal.

Yes, just like the Croatia game, Sapp was lucky. But you have to be good to be lucky and lucky to be good. Full marks to Clanbus who, on any other day, would have had better fortunes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Firemen vs. Gorge

What a game this was. The 1st 15 minutes saw Gorge play solid. It looked as though the Firemen were nervous and playing on their heals. Gorge was confident and moved the ball nicely. The Gorge goal was off a cross from the right side that was headed home from 6 yards out. Gorge was making it look easy and I bet even they thought this was going to be a walk in the park. After that it was ALL Firemen. Gorge dropped to a very defensive 4-4-2 and stopped playing soccer. What a collosal mistake. At times Gorge had 8, 9 guys in the box. Firemen pushed hard and controlled the rest of the half. But the question was, where would the scoring come from for the Firemen? They had possession, but no break-through guy in the 1st half. At half I thought the game was going to be either a very tight 1-0 game or 1-1 and into peno's.

In 2nd half Firemen got the break they needed 10 minutes in. A good shot from 23 out was deflected at the top of the box and beat the goalie going the other way. I expected Gorge to raise their game, but they couldn't do it. Firemen kept coming and got a second 7 minutes later, then a third 5 minutes after that, and wheels fell off for Gorge. It was a humiliating loss in front of the large contingent of Gorge spectators - a loss they fully deserved and a win Firemen fully earned.

Gorge looked older and slow after the 1st 15. They looked out of shape, and I quess that was the case because they didn't even mount any sort of attack. Maybe it's time for re-tooling.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

First off, congratulations to Sapperton and Fireman for making the finals... I have to say though, trying not to take anything away from the final two contestants, but if I were to do 20 provincial cup pools I can honestly say I never would have had these two playing each other in the final, though to Sapperton’s credit they were only a PK or two from being here last year. This for Firemen, one must think, or I do anyway, is quite an achievement for the Richmond boys, as only a couple a years ago they were fighting their way back from being in Div 1.

I thought the anger and bitterness was out of my system after a week off and few summer league games under my belt ( a couple of pounds too) but watching the results come in the empty, sick to my stomach feeling came crashing back with vengeance yesterday. I can't wait for someone to put a bullet in this so it can be over.

Well played Island guys. You’ve represented yourself well on TTP. Kind of. Too bad all that chatter couldn’t be translated to on field play. Let’s re-cap shall we? Because it was only three short weeks ago an all Island final was inevitable. Gordon head was bounced by an 8th place VMSL team with 10 men. Trights hammered a keeperless, injury riddled and suspension handcuffed FVSL side and your “best” team got thumped 5-1. Congrats. Did you know the Firemen, bless their hearts, only scored maybe 22 goals all season? I’m glad 3 weeks of "gay retard" drivel and a barf bag full of "wouldn’t it be great for the island to win it all again" non-sense will finally be silenced.

Have a nice day. I'm not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

knvb said:
First off, congratulations to Sapperton and Fireman for making the finals... I have to say though, trying not to take anything away from the final two contestants, but if I were to do 20 provincial cup pools I can honestly say I never would have had these two playing each other in the final, though to Sapperton’s credit they were only a PK or two from being here last year.

Funny, I ended up with 8 different senarios for the 2 finalists.
Sapp vs Gorge
Sapp vs Bays
Sapp vs VanT
Sapp vs SU
Sapp vs Metro Ford
Sapp vs PAU
Sapp vs LAngley
Sapp vs Firemen
On all 8 cards, my unbias opinion keeps ending up with Sapp winning it all. Hmmmm....


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Hey, Knvb I don`t know if you figured it out but I don`t think the Gorge are the best team on the Island. They sure were not yesterday. I once watched a cup game in which the one team had 20 or more shot`s on goal. The keeper who was average at best stopped every shot. He was as good as any keeper in the world that one day. His team had one shot it went in they won! Luck is alway`s a factor in life and in soccer. With 16 team`s in this tourney you know odd`s are the team with the most luck will win. You mentioned how Treight`s Hammered a keeperless, injury riddled and suspension handcuffed fvsl team. That team was very unlucky having all those problem`s. Treight`s were missing argueably thier two best player`s due to injury for both provincial game`s. Also they had some player`s handcuffed by suspension. Seem`s they were a little unlucky aswell. Gorge were lucky to beat the Treight`s. Thier luck ran out against the Firemen. They also had problem`s not unlike all the team`s in the tourney. From what you said,[22 goal`s all season] Firemen played probably thier best game of the season. They will win national`s if they can string 5 or 6 game`s like that together. Also they will need that good luck thing. I thought the Clan were very unlucky yesterday the Sapp`s were lucky.It would have been nice if the wind was not a factor, but it was. All nine of the goal`s scored were with the direction of the wind. In the first game Sapp`s had the wind 35-40 mile`s an hour of it they scored twice. That was the first half, guess what the wind died down to about 20mph in the second. Unlucky for the Clan they only scored once. The next game Gorge started with the wind still blowing about 20mph. They scored once going with the wind. As the half progressed the wind picked up. During the break the wind really started to howl. When the second half started I would estimate the wind to be blowing 40-50mph. The Firemen scored 5 Goal`s going with the wind. Unlucky for Gorge. Lucky for Fireman ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Todd Ted,

1st time you've made sense.... Firemen has done everyone else's dirty work:
Round 1: Beat top team in VMSL
Round 2: Beat VMSL champion
Round 3: Beat VISL champion
They are peaking at the right time. I just hope Sapp gets a little more luck to finish off the run.


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

Hey Bob, One day it will all make sense I am not Tedd Ted. I am u are wee todd ted, two different guy`s. It was nice to see class displayed by all 4 team`s yesterday. The ref`s let the team`s play and did not try to steal the stage. I wish your team continued success, may the wind be on your back`s.That Nanaimo guy on your team is he on performance enhancing drug`s. He sure has improved alot. I am not saying he used to be the shite`s or am I. Anyway Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

That guy from Naniamo is Colin Phillips. At the beginning of the year we lost 2 of our better players, but we added Colin and Ed Bradford (D). I feel this has made Sapp a better team than last. Colin is an excellent player but a complete idiot; he fitted in with the Sapp boys instantly. Bradford is just an idiot.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 2006 BC Mens Cup - Round 2 Results & Semis Predictions

whataboutbob said:
SU 0 - Firemen 1

I take it that the fortunate bounces and luck that SU had most of the year finally caught up to them?

Are Firemen this year's Sporting?
you will find out saturday

cant get enough of that sap....per.......ton:wa:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Here's a funny tid bit that I heard last night that I'll throw out there ... Since 1966 The Fireman have won the Provincial Cup every 8 years.

They last won it in 1998 in case you were wondering.


New Member
Aug 19, 2005
Dirty Money
First off, congrats to Sapp and Firemen. Definitely did not predict this final. I predict Sapp to win 2-1 in the finals.

What happened to Clanbus last week. I am trying to imagine how Sapp's keeper scored the goal. How windy was it???Must have been a hurricane for him to score against Luca.

On a side note, after Clanbus beat Inter and Gino Gaita scored, he ran front infront of the Inter bench and stated the following " WE ARE GOING". First off, that was uncalled for but my real question is "WHERE ARE YOU GOING," I could have sworn that Gino was saying "WE ARE GOING.... TO NATIONALS" or maybe "WE ARE GOING .....TO DISNEYLAND" since when teams win championships, some players are paid by Disneyland to say that. Well Gino, go to Disneyland and enjoy it over there since you guys are out. Next time don't blow your load in the second round.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
dudelove said:
What happened to Clanbus last week. I am trying to imagine how Sapp's keeper scored the goal. How windy was it???Must have been a hurricane for him to score against Luca.
Cory launched the pass back to him from his own 12 yard line, 30 yards high and some 65 yards long. (The wind was gusting at times hard enough that it snapped our canopy in two as it was ripped out of the ground.) Luca came out to about his 14 yard line to catch the ball on the one-hop from about the 28 yard line. The ball hit the ground and took off about 15 yards in the air and 28 yards long and over Luca. He scrambled to get back to catch it but the ball hit the under part of the cross bar as it was coming down, bounced a couple of yards over the goal line, and back up into the roof of the net.

It was game over at that point.
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