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2003 BC High School Senior Girls

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
We will discuss the outfit tomorrow. Just in case anyone thought otherwise, We shall not be moved.

The grudge match saw OD's team spanked by the first shutout in softball history. Once again the teams were unfair even though we tried to even them out. Our solution is to have the kids pick the teams next time.

Back to the game. Does Onk coach DITH? Too bad the girls know that it is not single knock out anymore, some of them were still not impressed today, especially LC according to the Captain. Funny stuff. I have a lame student teacher meeting at 3 so I will try to get out of that as quickly as I can. See you tomorrow.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Don't be fooled by Onk's assessment. They must be a good team if they can beat Centennial 3 - 1. We will have another very tough game, especially if our grade 9 phenom is not available. If she is, we will be able to create a couple of chances. We just need to keep up the pressure from the start and we will have a decent chance. We will discuss an outifit tomorrow. BTW, DITH, could you get there as early as possible? Thanks.

I will post about the baseball game on the SDSS thread.......



Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Fraser Heights vs Thomas Haney

Well we played the "wonder kids" from today's Vancouver Sun article, the Thunder of Thomas Haney. They are a good team with some individual talent, and will be a tough team to beat next year. The game was evenly contested, we scored in the first half from a corner and were unfornuate not to be up by 2 at half. Having said that, Thomas Haney ended the half very strong and had a territorial edge in the second half. It was not our best effort from a soccer viewpoint, however, we did what it took and won 1-0. A gutsy effort from our girls. We move forward to the semi's against DW Poppy, who thumped Lord Tweedsmuir 7-3. A win guarantees us a provincial berth, a loss and we're trying to get in through the backdoor.


Good luck vs Enver on Thursday.



New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
fraser valleys

Does Anybody know which theatre is playing bend it like beckam, for a little inspiration for my girls?? Captain, Crafty coaching move telling the ladies it is single kO , I'll have to use that for the BC's if we make it. As for Enver, we played them during the Langley Ice breaker on a terrible pitch and drew them 1-1. As for Sardis secondary, I think you guys would beat them, they have no real offensive threats, they didn't get more than one shot off against us. # 14 had her ankle fractured by a girl from ND during the last leaugue game so I'm hoping she'll be back for the BC's if we get through. Sardis had a decent girl on the right side of midfield who was short but quick and jinky. best of luck, hope to see ya in the final.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Fcuking stunned and gutted.....

Enver Creek 3 South Delta 2

I am in shock still. We TTP out of this team throughout and somehow had 3 goals scored on us, while missing about 5 clear sitters. It went something like this....

We completely schooled them in the first half and were leading 2-0 at the break. The girls came out the second half and played the same way. There was no let down. One of their players lump-ed a ball(like they did all game) from just inside our side of the half and the ball went over our end-line. The ref(Hollywood for those who know him) looked at their linesperson for the call, despite being right beside the play. He called a corner, even though he was going to call a goal kick.....Off the corner, our keeper come out and punched the ball from just inside her 18(she should have caught it) to one of their players who was about 25 yards out. Our defense came out and this girl, off her shin and knee, knocked it back towards our goal. Apparently, the ball was going wide(I didn't have a good view) and as one of our full-backs was backtracking, she stumbled a bit and somehow handled the ball. Penalty shot. Their player took it and it went right through our keeper's hands. Shoc-king.

At this point, I said to myself: "No problem, this team hasn't created anything all game, so why would they start now." We picked up the tempo right away again and created two decent chances.

With about 10 minutes to go, another lump up the park. One of our defenders went out to defend the winger. Their player tried beating our player and the ball was taken by our player, only the have the girl follow through and have the ball go in her path somehow. She crossed the ball from the end line. Our other center back had a simple clearance. She swiped at the ball and it went fcuking BACKWARDS into our net. 2 - 2.

Okay, I said to myself. This team still is not a threat and we will score before the end of the game. We came right down again and created the two BEST chances of the game. Two brutal misses(almost as bad as mine last night). Alright, I said, we will go into overtime and we will win then.

Another lump up the sidelines. Our midfield backtracked got to the ball first and was shielding the ball out of bounds. Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting the blatant two-handed shove from behind. Once again, unforutnately for us, Hollywood was perched at the center circle again. He didn't call the most blatant foul of the game. The ball was crossed and it bounced of our defender on to thier players SHIN, and into our goal, after our goalie made a 'weak' attempt to stop the ball. She palmed it into the side of the net.

We still manage to come down field and create another solid chance(a header cleared off the line). The whistle blew and EVERYONE on both sides was stunned as to what had just taken place.

We've all played in games, which we dominate, but end up losing 1 - 0 on a cheap goal, but I have never been in a game in which we seriously had 90% of the possession, and still give up 3 goals. It was truly unbelievable. Either way, Enver Creek battled the full match and got some fortunate breaks and they're on their way to the BC's. Congrats to them.


If you don't beat them by 5 or 6 goals, I will be absolutely shocked. They are a weak team and don't even attempt to keep any possession. Congrats on you Valley Championship.

On a positive side(is there one?), we still have a chance to make the BC's, if we win our game on Monday against North Delta or Sardis. Hopefully, the girls can regroup from this heartbreaker(I'm sure they can), and put in another solid effort. They really did play some brilliant football today. Their coach looked more stunned than us after the match. Oh well, we still have a chance, but certainly missed out on a HUGE opportunity to get to the BC's. The next one will be more difficult because we either have to go to fcuking Sardis(hell) or play North Delta on their dinky turf park. We'll see what we're made out of, I guess. :rolleyes:


We Shall Not Be Moved (possibly :rolleyes: )



New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
ND wins 2-0

Well captain sad to say that we will be playing eachother for a spot in the BC's. Too bad it comes down to 2 teams who deserve to be there. However this will be a great match. We better not get hollywood for this game. ND has been playing strong through all their games but as always had trouble finishing the ball. Knowing our 2 teams it will probably be a garbage goal that will win the game. I guess it's who's ever teams lucky on the day. Do you know forsure if it's our home game? Well I'm sure all the girls will enjoy a break this weekend to rest from 3 games this week.
Go Canucks Go!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done, Lionheart. It is definitely your home game because you were seeded 6th, thanks to the 1-0 win in league play. It should be a dandy. See you then.



Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Fraser Heights vs DW Poppy

We travelled to Poppy to play in today's Fraser Valley semi-final. We played our best half of the year, we won 50-50 balls, got stuck in tackles, spread the ball wide, had some good individual play, lots of crosses, but could not finish.

The second half was much more evenly played between the 18's with both teams having opportunities at goal. No score, golden goal overtime. First half of overtime was a stalemate. With about 4 minutes remaining in the second overtime, as I was writing down PK takers, we finished off a creative midfield play and scored!!!!

On to Carney on Tuesday, and hopefully the first official athletic banner in Fraser Heights history. Regardless, we have qualified for the provincials. Quite an accomplishment for our very young team. Can you say Minnesota Wild :D


Unlucky result against Enver, I'm sure your girls will regroup and put forth a great effort against North Delta tomorrow. Good luck.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Great stuff, Gilly. Hopefully, we can be joining you with a win on Monday. It would be the first time that a soccer team, either girls or guys has qualified for the BC's in successive years. It may not seem like much of an accomplishment but it is, when you realise how small of a school South Delta is compared to most of the schools we play.

Go Devils!


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Bad Luck Captain. Where was Buddha's influence?
Good Luck Monday. The girls can hopefully see the game as a character building episode and can rally around the fact that the result was unjustified and you can stuff North Delta(I hate North Delta, they screwed me in more sports in high school than you can imagine).



(who's looking for a kid goat to sacrifice to the gods in hope the Devils beat ND)


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Valley semi's

Shammy, unlucky on the result mate. Your side and ND gave us our toughest battles of the regular season. Should be a dandy to watch, too bad one team from delta will knock out another. I was shocked to hear the result as well. Enver's coach called me last night and said he was missing five of his starters and also said he was quite shocked to have won the game. The finals of the fraser valley's are always held at a neutral site and it looks as if we will be playing at South Surrey athletic on wed at 3:30 if anyone cares. The game against Terry fox was a good one, Our keeper stood on her head, she was absolutely brilliant on the day making three absolute game savers. Their goal was a long range shot from about 30 yards that just caught keeps off the line and there was about 1" either side of her hand and the cross bar. I think terry fox will do very well in the bc's, they are quite a strong team and they battle hard.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Enver's coach called me last night and said he was missing five of his starters and also said he was quite shocked to have won the game.


I was talking to their assistant coach and he said they were missing a couple of players. Unless these players were Rinaldo and Zidane, no one could have helped that style of play. We are actually going to have practice tomorrow night on the turf at Mackie, just to help get us ready. We struggled on the turf during the league, as it took us at least a 1/2 hour to start getting used to the speed. At least, we'll be a more prepared for it this time. Maybe we can actually finish some of our chances this time.........No Hollywood, PLEASE!

Well done, Studsup, and congrats on your Valley Championship. That is another banner for the school this year. Hopefully, we can cross paths at the BC's this year. Time will tell, I guess...


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
North Delta 0 South Delta 1

It was anything but easy from the very start. Our top 2 players were stuck in the traffic on River Road and another car load of girls arrived right at 3:30. The coaches arrived just after 3:30 and were told we had to start within 10 minutes. Not good. I was already going nuts from the drive.....

"Captain, take River Road, it's the best way."

"Are you sure?"


On the way down River Road we see our key striker coming back the other way shouting out the window, "Don't go that way." We went on for awhile before coming to a halt. One Dart and DITH came up with an alternate route through the 'cow tunnel'. Still, we were late and I knew our two top players were stuck in traffic. When we arrived, we had 8 players. They were trying to rush the start of the game. When 3 more players arrived, we basically started. They had two long shots stopped by our keeper and that was it in the first 10 minutes. We created 2 great chances too. The rest of the half was basically a stalemate.

The second half was a different story. We kept possession very well and they continued to lump balls up the park. Our keeper made one good save on another long range effort and that was all they had to offer. We still had troubles with the turf, just missing on several great through balls. Finally, the goal came on a scramble with 3 minutes to go directly off a throw in to our best player on the day, a grade 10 midfielder. Game over. Overall, we definitely deserved to win.

Centennial beat Terry Fox surprisingly in the other game today.................

On to Carson Graham and the lovely turf fields.....:rolleyes:


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats Captain and crew. I see my attempt at finding a goat wasn't in vain.(all i could find was a nice rack of lamb)
Good luck in the Provincials.

Thank God, Buddha ,Zeus , Odin etc. the Huskies are out and the Devils are in.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Definitely a good effort from the girls today to keep pushing. Overcoming adversity, and another shocker of a ref, was the order of the day and they did so quite well. How's the chest Captain? Are your kids going to suffer tomorrow from the sore front side that you no doubt have from the large chest bumps that you received from DITH and I after the goal? Always good to see ND lose. Always.

We Shall Not Be Moved


New Member
Mar 26, 2003
Dirty Money
The posse is now entering their second consecutive provincials, and as we found out last year, the provincials will again never be the same.

Quote of the day

"Look at the size of that girl" classy OD, very classy.

Even I wouldn't pull that one out anymore.

I tried to lay off the Captain after the goal but he was fully prepared to go toe to toe with the chest bump.

But as he saw OD lugging ffiteen yards behind be he new that nothing but pain could come from chest bumping OD.

Good to see some of our key players having their best out today.

Hopefully everyone will be able to get their games in tact so we can one-up our result from the last campaign.

Were on our way to Norvan, We shall not be moved.


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money

well done captain and crew. Any idea of the score line between centennial and fox?? I am a little surprised fox lost that game. Captain will we be playing every single game on the turf during the provincials?? Am looking for a friendly sometime next week, on the 21st or 22nd. Want to play a game on the turf at either mackie park or newton athletic to prepare the girls a little for the bc's. Anybody up for it??

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