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World Cup 2006 Seeds


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
FIFA seeds eight teams for World Cup

World Cup 2006

Associated Press

12/6/2005 10:10:08 AM

LEIPZIG, Germany (AP) - The Netherlands was left out of the top seedings for Friday's World Cup draw and could end up in the same group as perennial rival Germany or defending champion Brazil.

The omission of the world's third-ranked team was the biggest surprise during Tuesday's announcement of the seedings. Mexico and Spain were the only teams never to win the World Cup that were picked for the top eight, which also included host Germany, Brazil, England, France, Argentina and Italy.

Germany and Brazil were automatically seeded for Friday's draw and will head groups A and F, allowing the powerhouses to play in Berlin, Munich and Dortmund, the three biggest stadiums.

Seeded teams are each placed in their own first-round groups, meaning the heavyweights are kept apart in the early stages.

England was happy to be among the seeded teams after it was picked to play Argentina, Nigeria and Sweden in the first round at the 2002 World Cup.

''This is a big boost but, when the tournament starts, we must show on the pitch why we have been seeded,'' England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson told the English federation website.

For Brazil, which is going for its sixth championship, first-round opponents matter little.

''I don't have any preference,'' Real Madrid defender Roberto Carlos said. ''I have already participated in two World Cups and I did play against all teams. So, I don't know and I don't have any preference.''

The Netherlands had been lobbying for a top seeding but its non-qualification for the World Cup three years ago made sure it fell short. The Dutch lost to Brazil in the semifinals in a penalty shootout at France 1998.

''It appears that our current third place in FIFA's world rankings is no guarantee of getting seeded,'' Dutch federation director Henk Kesler said. ''This will serve as an incentive to do well at this World Cup.''

Dutch coach Marco van Basten said the snub was only logical since the Dutch had failed to qualify for the 2002 World Cup.

''Our mission remains unchanged: getting the boys ready in the coming months to be at their best,'' he told the Dutch federation's website.

FIFA based its seedings on results at the last two World Cups and the world rankings of the past three years.

Based on that rule, Brazil topped the standings with 64 points, ahead of England with 51, Spain with 50 and Germany with 48. The fifth-ranked team was Mexico with 47, followed by France with 46 and Argentina and Italy tied in seventh with 44 points.

The United States fell just short of the top eight with 43 points, while the Dutch were well back with 38.

The Netherlands is a two-time runner-up and is best known for its showing in Germany at the 1974 World Cup, where it lost to the hosts in the final 2-1.

Based on the points, Italy barely scraped through.

''Italy is seeded because it deserved it,'' Italian soccer federation president Franco Carraro said. ''It was a logical choice.''

Added Italy coach Marcello Lippi: ''It looks like Italy's prestige and tradition have once again been recognized.''

Spain, a perennial underachiever, qualified through the European playoffs. Mexico was runner-up behind the United States in CONCACAF, which covers North and Central America and the Caribbean. The Czechs, ranked second in the world, failed to qualify for the previous three World Cups and never had hopes of making the top seeds.

The draw was also set up to prevent teams from the same continent landing in the same group. Europe, with 14 of the 32 teams, is the exception. But no more than two European teams will be paired in the same group.

The field has four teams each from South America, Asia and the CONCACAF region and five from Africa. Australia represents Oceania.

Under a complicated decision, Serbia and Montenegro will be in a special pot at Friday's draw and will be in a group with either Brazil, Argentina or Mexico to avoid the possibility of a group with three European teams.

In other news, FIFA announced the winner of next year's World Cup will earn 24.5 million Swiss francs ($21.7 million Cdn).

Each team will be guaranteed at least two million Swiss francs ($1.77 million Cdn) per group game, assuring each team a minimum of at least six million Swiss francs ($5.3 million Cdn).

FIFA will also pay business class air tickets for the teams to come to the finals and will pay up to 400 Swiss francs ($353 Cdn) per day for hotel costs.

Each qualifier also will be given one million Swiss francs ($883,950 Cdn) to cover the cost of preparations.
Mexico should NOT be seeded. They are good at Azteca. That's it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I understand why the dutch were left out being that we didn't qualify 3 years ago :rolleyes: alot can happen in 3 years and the dutch have been proving there dominance. Spain and France in the top 8, spain in third WTF. What how france performed last world cup. Doesn't really matter in the end if you want to be the best you have too beat the best. There could be some potentially very tough groups out there. How can the dutch be getting less consideration then the U.S fukcing hodge podge.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
because the us is in the concacaf...and they as much as netherlands dominate there region. As for Mexico not being seeded, they're a tough team, and I think the do deserve the nod.

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