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Premier Who are the best and Worst Refs ??



The worst Refs are ::

Joe Bronco

Good refs - Fcuck knows ??


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Perhaps you should explain why they are the worst refs. Just posting names w/o a reason to back it up is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing.

No way should Rene be #1... he is one of the better ones now in my opinion over the last 2 years or so.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
no contest........

The best ref in the Lower Mainland, though my memory has been clouded by distance, narcotics, and alcohol, is, and always will be, Sean 'brother of kid Khalsa' Sneddon.

He's also a damn good manager with tactical nous and shrewd man-management.

Isn't that right, Buckfast?

Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

No way should Rene be #1... he is one of the better ones now in my opinion over the last 2 years or so.

Definately one of the better ones out there.......He has now realized that respect goes 2 ways on a field........Maybe the other guys should follow his example :confused:

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Bobby Brown, one of the Best of All-time

Too bad his talents are now wasted in the Fraser Valley Leagues.

J. Mac or Joe does a good job, if you like to play and don't mind the bumps and bruses you will get from the game.

Rene has mellowed out a bit after lossing his FIFA status, but he still scares the Hell out of me when he is in the middle. Watch out for the flying water bottles.

The young kid from the north shore does a good job, he may be the next big time ref out of the Lower Mainland, due to the fact that FIFA retires its Refs at 45 years old.

Mauricio is OK, but the stare down that he does is a joke. Don't look into the eyes, don't or you will turn to stone.

I heard one time that Zambrano was a good ref, never had him in the middle before.

How about Angelo, he does a good job in the I-tal league, but I never see him in winter except in exhibition matches. He played at a High level, so he knows the game and lets you play.

Don't get me started on LinesMan, there are some classic in the league, and to think they do the job in the middle for the lower divisions, scary.

Happy HallowHOS


New Member
Oct 8, 2002
Dirty Money

What's your definition of a bad ref and a good ref?

Is a good ref, one that takes control of the game, won't take any shite and applies the Laws of the Game? Or do you define it as a bad one?

For a player to say that Rob Brown is a good ref is a joke. That guy CANNOT run, period. Players only respect him because he has been around for awhile, his application of the laws is a joke. Rob has his "clique" of refs in the FVSL. A ref in the Fraser Valley eithers kisses his ass or he "tries" to kick yours. Rob Brown IS one of the most hated refs among the referees in British Columbia.

So, what makes a good ref? And why are the good refs hated by the players and the bad refs loved by the players?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Players only respect him because he has been around for awhile
If he has everyone's respect, then that is good enough isn't it? If everyone walks away feeling that everything was called fair, isn't that the point?



New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

Your comments on Mr Brown show your total lack of knowledge. To be a good ref has nothing to do with having respect of other refs, which by the way he does. He was definitely one of the best B.C has had in a long time. Nowadays he rarely does games as he cannot move well do to his fitness and very bad legs. In my opinion he can be a bit over the top on the field but he controlled the crap on the field and definitely knows the game.

My opinion is Mr Sawtell has been the best Ref we have had. My judgement may be a little bias but he has all the credentials and respect of players and officials across the country not just in B.C.

Now that I am fat and outta shape I really can't say which ref currently is the best as I don't get the good ones anymore in Div 1.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Bob, a Great Ref on the Field and a Good Guy Off

Originally posted by Balsa
My opinion is Mr Sawtell has been the best Ref we have had. My judgement may be a little bias but he has all the credentials and respect of players and officials across the country not just in B.C.

Bob traveled with Wesburn to England on a trip back in 1995, and was great. He did a good job as a Ref in the games he had, and also kept up with the boys after the matches in the Pub. He even handed out a few Red Cards in the Hotel for some of the Birds.
The only reason that he has winded down as a Ref is because of the FIFA rule that Refs over 45 can not do International Games. I hope this will be changed due to the lack of good Refs out there, look at WC 2002 as an example.
FIFA has taken a step forward by having Referee Teams that work together, now they must keep the best Refs working at the Top level.
I don't want to see the Lead Singer for Midnight Oil Retired at 45.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Rob Brown

Rob Brown has no doubt slowed since we used to have him. He is a consistently good ref. He does become the show, although he is vocal and talks firmly to the players, when necessary. He got to know how players play. The best refs are the ones who you can hardly remember a week after the game. You know you had a ref, but nothing comes to mind about him.

Players liked the fact that Rob called it as he saw it. If he missed something like a cheap shot, he'd acknowledge it. He could talk to a player or coach firmly, without arrogance or to inflame. He didn't make something of nothing. The same can't be said for the refs who hear every comment and react to them.

I gave Rob shite from the side as I was really pissed with the punching(!) of my player in the mouth, and no call. His response: He came over calmly and simply said "Coach, that's unlike you to yell at me like that." I apologized and pointed to my players bleeding mouth. He said "Sorry, I didn't see it" and "I will watch more closely". He shot a glance towards the offending player and communicated without a word that he would be watching back of the play. No card for me. The game settled back down and no more crap occurred.

Sean Sneddon refs our Burn. Summer league games and he is also a fair ref who our players respect EVEN when Ian S. is on the opposing team. Our guys know that if Sean misses a call it is unintentional- he didn't see it or saw it another way.

Joe Macintyre is good also. I used to hate the guy reffing but since we played in the Burn Summer League, he sees that our team isn't chippy and we get a fair result. He thinks I am undisciplined, but I do the bitching, the players play - no yapping.
He may not appreciate that it is likely going to be me or them.

It is about respect as others point out. Give it, and you will get it back. You don't have to be a prick to be in control of a game. If you make an error, acknowledging it helps. It sure defuses situations. What is really bad is a ref missing a call and ending up carding the victims! Now that is bad reffing. And it sure makes the other team want to retaliate and that's how games get out of hand.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
hey ref!

your right man.i would much rather have a bozo like mauricio in the middle then good old robbie brown.

(give your head a shake you silly twat!)
(first post thumbs down):bronco:


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

Are you on crack?

Or, have you been out with HOS celebrating an early Halloween?

;) :p :wa: :) ;) :p :wa: :) ;) :p :wa:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain's Comments required .....

I'd be interested to read what the Captain has got to say about all of this as his Guatemalan referee's ticket should lend a bit of credibility to this thread.

From the jungles to King George, the Captain has seen it all ........ :D


New Member
Oct 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Gentlemen (& Ladies),

Most senior refs knows what Robbie is like as a ref. Like all refs, you either like him or not.

We have to make ways for newer and better refs. All referees sees it in black or white (foul or no foul). Referees may mistakes like players. Unfortunately, when a player makes a mistake, he has 10 other people covering up his mistake. But when a referee makes a mistake, he is on his own. That's not fair.

As to the fact of a referee being behind the play, it is impossible to run the speed of the ball. When a defender kicks the ball from his own 18 to the other side of the field and the recipient is offside, it is impossible for the referee to see the offside, especially when it is close. Because of the fact the referee was on the defending side watching the play there.

I agree with all that the officiating needs to be improved upon. The only way to do that is to develop the referees at a young age, this way he/she can continue to improve. For a young referee to improve, he needs good calibre soccer and games.

Let the officials officiate the games. Referees do not tell the players how to play the game, why should the players tell the referee how to officiate it?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

You really must be a ref... only a referee in the lower mainland could give views a complete 180 from each other as you have done here :rolleyes:

You slag RB, insinuating that he can't keep up and then you come on here and say it is impossible to keep up? Furthermore you tell us players to lay off the refs?

Inconsistency - you are the exact reason that threads such as this one become hot topics on TTP :rolleyes:



New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
The worst refs ever...

This is mostly from years ago and I can't remember names....

-On a goalies punt in the air, the ball is coming down in front of me and I am about to control it with my left foot. The man marking me puts his hands on my shoulders and jumps up and over top of me. I still manage to control the ball and the ref calls a foul on me. Explanation, I didn't jump??

- I am making a run down the wing with the ball at my feet. My marker is chasing close behind and then kicks the bottom of my boots and falls down. Foul on me for studding him in the top of the foot??

-After dribbling through 3 Okanogan Challenge players I pass the ball off. 2 seconds later a Challenge player comes running by and elbows me in the head in front of the referee. I only look a the ref shrugging my shoulders and he yells in a loud voice, "it's part of the game, get on with it"...

-Croatia / Inter 1995 or 96, We are winning 1-0 when in the dieing seconds of the game Inter takes a long shot which our keeper saves. The ball is firmly in our keepers hands, held firmly against his chest, when another Inter player comes charging in and kicks at the ball in our keepers hands and falls on top of him. Penalty shot Inter??

Peg/Croatia Provincial Cup semi-final a couple of years back. Peter Sulentic on a clear-cut breakaway when Mastro kicks his legs out from under him inside the box. Ref says, play-on.

I have many more but those are the ones I remember most.The worst refs ever...

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I will preface this by saying that I am a class 3 referee.

Referee, shut up.

How can you say that Rob Brown is a bad ref. He has been admired by the people who play the games he officiates for years. His vocal and fair approach to the game is refreshing to say the least.

Further, your ass-covering comments about not being able to keep up with the play are ridiculous. Of course no-one expects you to be able to keep up with a ball that's knocked 50 yards through the air. What is expected - realistically I might add - is that you anticipated the ball being hammered down the field, and put yourself in an appropriate position to make the call. This is the problem most referees have. They don't anticipate the next play and adjust.

My vote for the best is Angelo. He refs a good game and is a great guy.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Brad Leetch was a good ref...

Being a referee is obviously a tough job, but it is a job - yeah, I know, that’s not a particularly enlightened thought. But they do get compensated with more than enough money to put up with the odd hassle; and to be fair most of the shite the referees put up with is self-inflicted. Yes, some players can become tiresome little gob-shites that think they know every sundry detail of football governance, but in my defence, I do. Referees get paid, and players tend to have a moan - what’s the big deal?

Some are good. Some are bad. That’s why I’m relatively disinterested in the subject.

As for the best and worst list, I give you:

Best: Mr. Brown, Mr. Sawtell, the youthful Mr. P. Ward and the recently revamped Mr. René.
Worst: That dip-shite Mauricio (who always tries to pick on my good chum, Fearless Leader Regs), and any other referee that looks up to him as a guiding- light.

Saint Omniscience


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

We shouldn't be slagging this guy so he won't continue posting. Maybe a dialogue would be better between players/coaches and referees rather than telling them off.

Referee: Look at the relationship, Rob Brown establishes with players. That should be a model to others.

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