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When is a goal celebration over the top?


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Rangerforever said:
Totally agree on the format being gimped and don't see why you can't have a 20 team division like the EPL.
You want promoted - Go earn it.
You top a 20 team league, you deserve to go up on that kind of consistency.
It could have something to do with field allocations and times, who knows.

Totally disagree on the back flip.
Why not? :cool:
If he's being an arrogant cnut about it - Fine, bottle him.
But if it's all in fun, fcuk man, that's entertainment.

Entertainment isn't showmanship, it's about skilled soccer. Orr was entertaining, and rarely raised his arms after a goal, class act all the time. The one time he raised his arms, he got his feet lifted over his heed for it.
Backflip = arrogance. jeting to the corner flag with your jersey over your heed = Arrogance. Do that shite against me and be prepared to be "bottled".
Nothin wrong with a handshake or high five....it's the extra shite that's unnecessary. Anyway, that's my opinion.

I'd even prefer the 20 team 1 game per, than the 3 divisions, and two having byes...that sux....I don't give a rats ass about field allocations, no need for for all those teams in 2nd, and even less for promotion without earning it.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Division 2] Results & Banter - September 04'

All these comments about not celebrating after a goal must be coming from defencemen or goalies. Why the hell wouldnt u celebrate after a goal. Not a better feeling in the world. Div 2,3 Pro whatever, it's all the same. Jealousy, it has to be routed in jealousy. In no way is it a question of class. I think a goal celebration can be considered an expression of personality. Loud exciting outgoing players tend to celebrate that way, while bORRing , quiet , shy players don't make a big deal about it. If u score it, u can do whatever u want.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Division 2] Results & Banter - September 04'

As I said, just my opinion. I think it classless. I was the leading scorrer in the league every year throught my juvenile soccer days,and I never celebrated any goal I ever got. So don't give me the jealousy crap. I guess it was like you said, personality. Some have to express it some are satisfied with it. The only thing you'll remember in time is the way the player celebrated, not the goal he got. Is that what soccer is all about, the celebration?
Go ahead and do what you want when you score, it's JMO that you look like an idiot whan you celebrate. Have some humility and class about you. .... and by the way, there is a better feeling than scoring a meaningless goal....when your boyfriend lets you go all the way, you'll understand.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Jesus fcuking Christ Lucy, we agree on something. :D

Respectfully, Guru:

If a guy taunts you after a goal and gives the old 'fcuk you cnut' and then does the back flip - fine.
Crack his fcuking skull.

But if he runs to the flag or his bench and his mates mob him after a great strike the odds are he's not being arrogant.
He's celebrating, probably :rolleyes: , because he's just scored against someone he respects and it's worthy of joy.
If it's 5 - nil at the time, well, maybe he shouldn't.
Again, if a guy scoes a mediocre goal and it doesn't affect the ultimate outcome, I agree, the guy's an idiot if he's doing an airplane down the touch line.
But even if it's that 5 - Bagel score line and the guy buries a bike, he's just chuffed.
He's not rubbing your nose in it.
9 times out of 10 I guarantee.

'An expression of personality' is the best way to describe it.

Just my opinion too,



Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Division 2] Results & Banter - September 04'

A overzealous celebration could come from someone who scores once every 3 years.....why would u care if someone celebrated? u r an idiot, bringing up your juvee hall soccer days. whos impressed?
no goal is meaningless.

u r retarded, and going by your last post probably gay. so score your div 2 leading amount of goals and after each one, show no emotion, no smile, no celebration, that would be classless.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Division 2] Results & Banter - September 04'

Rangerforever said:
'An expression of personality' is the best way to describe it.


Couldn't have put it better myself. ---^

I do respect yours, well as the others opinions. You have some reasons for doing so that are for the pure joy of a great goal. This'll sound stoopud to most, but I've always thought the game was above the celebration...it's for the enjoyment of knocking the ball around on a weekend, and hoisting a few mmmbeer. If the ball goes in the net, pull it out and get on with it. The most important part of the game is the "post pop" anyway. We've made it a team fine for celebrating in that fashion. (Team round). Anyhow, to each his own.

Anywho, I didn't mean it to become an issue like this, just trying to put it in perspective. We're a bunch of nobodies playing in Div. 2, first game of the season, and acting like it's the world cup!!


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL Division 2] Results & Banter - September 04'

LucVanLierde said:
A overzealous celebration could come from someone who scores once every 3 years.....why would u care if someone celebrated? u r an idiot, bringing up your juvee hall soccer days. whos impressed?
no goal is meaningless.

u r retarded, and going by your last post probably gay. so score your div 2 leading amount of goals and after each one, show no emotion, no smile, no celebration, that would be classless.

Lucky Luc; Yer priceless. you missed the whole point, no reason to continue bashing my head against yer rock of a skull....celebrate in any fashion you want. Take a look at the way Nedved acts after a goal, and compare it to Orr, then tell me who's got the class. Ooops, judging by your last post you picked Nedved...and claim Orr is classless ....enough said...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I just moved this last bit to its own thread guys. Nothing wrong with what’s being said I just thought it would make for its own conversation. Not to mention not everyone reads all the FVSL threads like me. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: A thread worthy of mention rather than deletion.

Guru said:
Couldn't have put it better myself.

Actually it was Lucy who made that comment, not me.
Far be it from me to steal material from that guy or I'd be the brunt of far too many jokes on here. :D

Guru said:
This'll sound stoopud to most, but I've always thought the game was above the celebration...it's for the enjoyment of knocking the ball around on a weekend, and hoisting a few mmmbeer. !!

You'd be surprised.
I've played too many years and watched too many matches to say you would not be in some kind of minority.
Lots of lads never celebrate no matter how huge the goal.
I never said you were outright wrong, just that the lad who celebrated may have not meant to offend.
I do highly agree with your second sentence. :cool:

Guru said:
We're a bunch of nobodies playing in Div. 2, first game of the season, and acting like it's the world cup!!

Well...um..yes...you are a bunch of nobodies. ;)

Good chatting with you,


Fcuk off KNVB.
When you can score a bike without dislocating your arse out there, you may comment. :D
(Inside TTP joke)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I did a face first dive after homering off Joey Duprey in Little League, once. Ah yes, I remember it well...

Joey was always the keeper for Belair soccer club, too, and every time we (Cape Horn, stellar Maroon jerseys) played them, I'd put one or two by him, then rub it in his face during Mr. Thompsen's grade 6 gym class the next day.

So, to make a long story longer...

Joey was the starting pitcher that fine Spring day in the much heated and anticipated Coquitlam vs. Port Moody little league game. Scene: Makin Park. You see, Joey weighed about 180 lbs as a 6th grader, so he was a real flame-thrower. That said, I always had his number.

The score was tied 4-4, bottom of the 5th. We have two men on 1st & 2nd, with two out. I'd already went double, single, and was thrown out once trying to stretch a double into a triple. I was also a defensive wonder, running down a fly ball to center (I had come over from left, because the little shite starting in center was a useless tit, and besides, I craved the spotlight) and making a diving catch off Mike Bottom's deep knock to the warning track.

Yes ladies and gents, I was having a career day.

Up to the plate I step, and the first pitch Joey throws is at my head. He's trying to brush me off the plate. I hit the dirt. Getting up, I starred down Joey, and he stares back. I considered rushing the mound, but it was at an important junction in the game. Besides, at 190 lbs, Joey was one big fella.

Second pitch is low in the dirt, and I bite. Count is 1-1. Third pitch is outside, and I watch it go by. 2-1. Forth pitch was low again, and again I bite. This time I got a piece of it, sending it over the backstop. With the count now 2-2, Joey had the upper hand. Little did Joey know, I was reading him like a book. He delivers his best fast ball, all 200 lbs of him behind his left arm, down and in tight. I shift my weight back a little, and this time, catch the ball right on the sweet spot. Up and over the right field fence the ball sails, and as I round third base, the guys start pouring out of the dugout to meet me. I must have dove from the 3rd bag.

We won that game going away that day. The celebration was a night to remember...pizza and ice cream at Me N' Ed's. Ah yes...good times, good times...


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
jordan sutherland scored a nice goal back in teh day then proceeded to job back, only to stop short on the way back to his side of half to fart on the ref. Red card. I never really understood that celebration.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Ungentleymen (sp?) flatulence

I'd love to read the ref's report on that one... Unless of course it was scratch and sniff.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Is a goal celebration ever over the top? I know last year in the Kamloops we managed to be given 4 yellows during one. I thought it was quite good. Goal scorer comes running to the sideline, one guy interviewing him, me filmin the interview and one guy looking for an autograph. The ref hated it, the linesman lioved it however and the chicks watching our game loved it as well.

I know i've been scored upon almost as much as HOS has and can only think of 3 or 4 times i thought a celebration was out of hand. 2 of those were lipping me off after the goal which pissed me off, one was the dirty bird ( Falcons running back Jamaal Anderson's claim to fame) in the goalmouth and the other one i can think of had a guyj umping into the net and hanging on. The celebrations don't bother me so go ahead and do what you like. Just don't get pissed off when i go runnign around like an idiot when i stop you on a PK.

Scoop Dawg

Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
those who celebrate like the goal just won the world cup in extra time
are usually players that don't score very often.
true goal scorers just put their head down and run back to the half line.

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