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Premier VMSL Under-rated players and teams!


New Member
Aug 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Under-rated players and teams!

Well....why are some of the best players and teams not getting the credit they deserve. I'll elaborate on one of each. Sporting Club is one of the best pure soccer playing teams in the premier and they are not getting any credit. All the talk is of the ICSF's and the Khalsa's. Well Sporting is quietly making their way to being the league champions. They play great soccer and deserve the results they are getting. When they come to playing ICSF I wouldn't be at all surprised if they knock them off! Player....one of the best center midfielders is Brian Gebbie from Sporting. His vision is great and he does his fair share of goal-scoring too. He plays simple and doesn't care about the lime-light. A great role model for the younger players to follow! He silently helps Sporting keep their solid from and nobody ever talks about him. All I ever hear is news about the big names....Benji, the Craviero's etc (all great players I should say). However, what about those unsung players that constantly battle and play great soccer but never get a mention. Brian Gebbie is as skilled, if not more, than any player in the division and watch out for Sporting!
Thanks for your time and I hope you learnt something!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2001
Dirty Money
He`s solid

I couldn't have said it any better. Gebbs played in the Italian League this year for Ambruzzo and was just as solid as he has been for Sporting this season. As you said, he`s a player that rarely gets the recognition he deserves. He also has great hops. Just ask Besty. Gebbs is only 5`8 and he rarely loses a header.

Anyway, I`m glad to see that someone actually noticed his brilliant play so far this year.

:bronco: :wa: :knvb:

Gebbs definitely deserves some dancing fruit!


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ambruzzo FC

Gebbie was easily the best player on Ambruzzo:rolleyes: .

Cannot understand why he is staying with SpArting.

I enjoyed playing with Gebbie(when I could keep up) in the summer, and can vouch he is a player in every sense of the word.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I thought Gebbie was a great player until he stitched us for Ambruzzo and those flamboyantly gay cycling warmup tops. Now I'm convinced he's a pile. No, I'm never going to let that go.

Seriously though, it's agreed that Gebs is a quality midfielder and a very solid player in all aspects. For a wee man he does extremely well in the air, and despite having obvious offensive abilities he relishes opportunities to get stuck in and do the dirty work in the middle of the park.

Now if Sporting could just find themselves a half decent sweeper, they'd be in business.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Soccer Camps

Originally posted by Zaurrini
I enjoyed playing with Gebbie(when I could keep up) in the summer, and can vouch he is a player in every sense of the word.

I worked with Gebbie on some Soccer Camps over the past couple of years, and I have to say that he never lost a tackle or a head ball with anyone of those 6 and even 7 year-old kids, Gebbie was on fire, he could dripple around those kids like no tommorow.
I rate him as #1 for soccer camps with any kids under 8.

As for Sporting having a great season, look at who they are playing on that side of Premier, all the teams are shiit.
Wait till the cross-over's take place, and the Pegs, Sportings, and Capitals have to play some real teams.

You wonder why Croatia does so well after X-mas, they get to play all the teams on the other side that are garbage.
It would be great to play the Argies, Sapps, or ACM twice in a year and take 6 points from all 3 teams, hey thats a nice 18 points, and we are so great.



New Member
Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
I'll jump on the gebbie bandwagon.

I had the privelege of coaching him on Abruzzo in the summer. I wish all players were as hardworking, committed, and disciplined as gebbie. He is one of those guys that does so much and never gets enough credit. He got alot of credit from me, he would be my first pick all the time.

I think his biggest credit is that he is consistently GOOD.

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