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VMSL Rule Changes/Misc. Topics


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
It seems that there will be a rule change for CAT teams during league play. Unlimited Substitutions at the half for CAT teams. During game play 5 subs only.

- I think as do many others that this is a step in the right direction for the CAT system.

As well since the Division 1 teams defeated teh motion of relegation/promotion for next year, they will now form a committee and try to figure out what is best way to deal with dropping teams down in the premier division to atleast get to 12 teams!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
As well since the Division 1 teams defeated teh motion of relegation/promotion for next year, they will now form a committee and try to figure out what is best way to deal with dropping teams down in the premier division to atleast get to 12 teams!
Can't Azzi use some sort of VETO power as George Bush does?

Would Div 1 teams vote affirmative if the change was to happen in 2 years?

Why not just drop the bottom 4 Premier teams and bottom 4 Div 1 teams at the end of the year?

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

WAzzi does have a veto. It's called "if you guys vote that in, I'll quit!"

Seems to have worked for him every other year....:D



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
trece verde said:

WAzzi does have a veto. It's called "if you guys vote that in, I'll quit!"

Seems to have worked for him every other year....:D


That has me laughing my guts out!!!

If this is true, that their VMSL CAT teams will be allowed to make 5 subs during play stoppage and unlimited at the half (assumedly from an 18 man roster), it is a good move for CAT teams and their Premier sides as this allows both players coming off injury to get a brief 15-20 minute run on a Saturday to test out an injury for the next day's Premier game and still lets the CAT team play their guys which has not been the case.

This also makes the VMSL - if just in CAT - consistent with Province and National Cup play (in CAT anyway). I have yet to hear a VMSL team go to the Nationals under this rule and complain that the game is ruined. Quite frankly, VMSL teams at the Nationals are at a huge disadvantage as their opponents play this rule all the time and have experience in using their bench and the subs at the half. No team wants to make tons of changes at the half and sub themselves out of contention by destroying the flow of the game. VMSL teams will still be at a disadvantage.

By the way, when I used to coach I heard Azzi say that he'd quit if this sub rule change happened when it was brought up at each AGM. I guess he has had his head half out of his arse with this halfway move or has he half quit? ..lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Amazingly Azzi was "supportive" of the sub rule when it came up at the Premier meeting. A good step in the right direction. When Reccos was coaching the Sapp team, the 5-sub rule drove him nuts. I remember throwing guys out there at half hoping the ref wouldn't notice. Once Sapp got a $25 fine 1 month later for too many subs. But this is very positive.

Now what to do about the Prem????

I say for 1 year only blow it all up. Throw ALL the VMSL teams into, say, 8 groups of 10 (equal as possible existing Prem, Div 1, Div 2 in all groups). Play everyone once. After christmas, top 4 of each group play round robin (just like Champs League) to determine top 12 for Prem, 20 for Div 1. Continue a playoff to determine the Imperial Cup winner.


Mar 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Now what to do about the Prem????

I say for 1 year only blow it all up. Throw ALL the VMSL teams into, say, 8 groups of 10 (equal as possible existing Prem, Div 1, Div 2 in all groups). Play everyone once. After christmas, top 4 of each group play round robin (just like Champs League) to determine top 12 for Prem, 20 for Div 1. Continue a playoff to determine the Imperial Cup winner.

Jeezuz!! How did you manage to type that post with the rig still sticking out of your arm?? Have another hit, brother!! Not a good idea for all of the obvious reasons. Half a season of 12-0 shitkickings would be a treat to be a part of.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well nobody wants to give up anything they "earned" so this would be the best way to solidify your team and be put in your rightful place. This is definitly earning a team's spot in what ever division they rightfully belong. Hey, Premier teams have the most to lose but they still want to see the Prem down to 10 or 12 teams, but they don't want to lose 4 spots. Div 1 teams don't want to give up anything because they "earned" promotion. All is self serving. So throw everyone in the mix and may the best team win.

If a team doesn't want this challenge, they could just go to the league and say, "I'm happy to start in the lowest division". I'm sure their will be enough teams to make a grouping or 2.

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