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VMSL Masters Meeting 20090505


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Spent 5 minutes discussing the vapourware Over 40s division.

Spent the next 85 minutes "discussing" the Masters CAT :rolleyes:

Motion to create a CAT division contigent on enough teams to make it worthwhile. If not, no more CAT in Masters (except for with non-Masters division teams). To start, O40s teams would be placed in this division in order to work up to enough teams to form a strictly O40s division. IMHO, this won't work as the so-called over 40s teams will have 'younger' guys playing with them and you'll never get a division all on it's own.

There was a brief discussion concerning the quality of the referees. Basically the executive were of the opinion that we are "dispicable" in how we treat officials - by we, I mean VMSL master players as a collective group. Apparently, refs don't want to do our games so we are stuck with what we currently have. The solution was put forth by Mr. Azzi - get your referee ticket and help ref games. That's fine but he's talking to a room full of men who are trying to run teams properly in this league... not going to go over too well to suggest devoting even further time away from the family and such...

That was about it.

Afterwards, I asked about why teams in our league are allowed to turn down promotion. I asked as I heard recently that MetroFord/Firemen are staying up in Premier because other than Wickham, no other Div 1 teams want to move up. (This rumour was confirmed BTW)

The reasoning I got was that the league wants Premier to remain competitive and these new teams coming up would just get slaughtered. While that may be the case, I don't agree with giving teams the choice. If you want to play in the league, you play by the rules which includes promotion and relegation. If teams turn down promotion, I think there should be some sort of penalty such as docking points to start the next season and/or not allowing these teams to enter any cup competitions.

Anyways, that's about it though I did notice one other thing: a show of hands for teams interested in forming an over40s team resulted in 7-8 interested clubs. When asked how many of these were interested in forming a team in addition to their current masters team, the number dropped to 2 or 3... Westside didn't put their hand up. I found that a bit perplexing...

Good talking with Carlos and Trece!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Sounds like a clusterfuk.

0'40s should not allow anyone under 40 to play. Plain and simple. 40 to get in. Otherwise, go play 0'35s.

The ref thing? Sounds like a knee-jerk response. I don't think anyone does blind evaluations on these refs. But, I guess in the demand and supply of this world, we have to take what we get. But, I think there should be some feedback loop on bookings - some guys are notorious for over reacting on cards.

CAT - leave it alone for Masters 0'35. But, something needs to be done about promotion of CAT teams. Div 2 is now rediculous.

Not sure why WS didn't put up the hand or adding an additional team to 040s. We certainly will keep our 035 premiere team, and I think there is room for all 3 Div 2 teams :eek: Perhaps the thought was that we would collapse one of these teams to make up a new 0'40s team. We would either need to recruit a couple of guys if we added a team (or call-backs of retirees.

So Regs, at the end of this, what were the action steps to establish (or kill) the 040 league? Is there another meeting set?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Anyways, that's about it though I did notice one other thing: a show of hands for teams interested in forming an over40s team resulted in 7-8 interested clubs.

I am guessing we would also get a couple of teams from the valley that wanted to play in this league. I bet we could get 9-10 teams.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
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The new CAT division would have 3 Westside teams in it. Unless they decided to "un-CAT". So you could have a new CAT division with 2 over40s, 2 non-Westside teams, and 3 Westside teams.

People proposed that we stay status quo BUT players could only play up, not down. Azzi wouldn't have any of it as he said it couldn't be "policed". An extremely good rebuttal to this resulted in a heated exchange. Perhaps exchange is the wrong word. Let's go with tirade. I think Trece was even told to fcuk off somewhere in there as well :D

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Trece was even told to fcuk off somewhere in there as well :D
...as is also frequently the case wherever I am:rolleyes:

Actually I think his words were "We've [the Royal We] heard too much from you already." Always nice to be in a situation where the unwritten agenda is so transparent it's farcical. WA was bound and determined that he was going to get his CAT division before he came into the meeting, and it didn't matter to him that a room full of people might have had other opinions, or points at least as valid as his. Can anybody say "write the name of the team on the card?" Apparently you're not allowed to, unless your name is WA. Half an hour after the first of us suggested doing exactly this, His Most Excellentness decides that it's his idea and he's going to run with it.:rolleyes: The part of the meeting that amused me the most, aside from his extremely bent version of Roberts' Rules, was the effort to try to hook everybody in the room up in the CAT system - "we'll help you find a team to CAT with" he promised. If my eyes were rolled back any further in my head, I'd be able to see behind me.

Freddy: the idea supposedly is to have both the over 40s teams and the officially CAT'ed teams play in CAT limbo until such a time as there's the critical mass required to have a stand-alone over 40s division. Like I told Regs after the meeting (nice to finally meet you, BTW), "critical mass" the last time I tried to put this together (pre-merger) would have been 16 teams, split geographically between the Valley and "In Town;" I ended up with 11 and it just didn't have quite enough to make it go. The reason why: Vancouver-based teams wouldn't travel. Nobody was willing to go from Comfy Point Grey to Mission for a 10am Sunday morning kick-off, and that's the same issue that will have to be overcome again this time.

Despicably yours and fcuking off again,



Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Or even this heathen's earth?

I can't see any Westside teams wanting to play in the "CAT" division. But I guess we'll see.

Regs, I wasn't able to make the meeting but I think the reason no Westside hand went up for the "O-40 and keep a Premier team" vote was because he didn't see the point...or he just snoozed because we certainly have the numbers and the grey and/or no hair to pull it off. Our B team had no one under 40...four O-50 for that matter...


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
are the half's 20 minutes in over 40's?

can u dinasours get the motion moving on this . i want it in place by the time i join the league..........(10 years from now)

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Have you seen an over 40s game? It takes most of the players 20 minutes just to get from one end of the field to the other. Of course they play the full 45 each half.

Or at least that's what the wives get told....:D


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Your guys' wives probably wish you had doubleheaders...in Mission...with 60 minute halves!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
That's true. We also play on pitches 150 yards wide and 400 yards long.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Love to see the tape measure in your house Regs. She probably thinks 4 inches is really 8 inches.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Have you seen an over 40s game? It takes most of the players 20 minutes just to get from one end of the field to the other. Of course they play the full 45 each half.

Or at least that's what the wives get told....:D

Are you talking to me? I hereby request- in order to avoid confusion w/ the proper name "Dude" (me) and other "dudes" that require a capital at the beginning of sentences- you refer to these random folks as "Bro", "Man", "Skippy", or "Chief".

Thanks in advance.

Also, I shall respectfully decline an opportunity to make a joke about the first time Mrs. Utah saw another man's 8 inches, when she exclaimed "Are you sure that's not really 24, because according to Rob..."

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Who's stalking who? The comment was directed at Young Polski Ogorki. You'll find out what Masters is like soon enough; you're old too.

Besides, I already refer to you as "Dood."

Now fcuk off; you're supposed to be busy.

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