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Div 2 [VMSL Div 2] Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

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Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
Bulljive or bullshite.....whatever your name is

You obviously posted to try and stir the pot. Please use something better than "FVSL is better than VMSL!"
It's quite apparent you're a hick and your parents let the cattle raise you. I guess they were too busy "minding" the sheep? BTW, how's that mullet working out for your.

Had you not posted after your first 2, your IQ level would have sustained itself at 80. After, (bad news here) it dropped to 10. Mooooooooooo!

Lucerne or Dairyland? (regardless, you like Homo)


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
It's funny though because thats all it took to piss off everybody on here. A mullet? I don't live in tsawassan. what would you imagine the average IQ of people who keep responding to my post. or more importantly who have teams named the soceroos or elephant walk. I will enjoy reading your responses because I know you can't resist :knvb: :wa: :bronco:


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Good game on a crap field today. Hey Bandcamp did you play? I think 3-0 isn't what the game should have ended but if you can't finish that's what you get. We had a clear break from 30 yards and our striker barely made contact with the ball which ended up going straight to the keeper and we also hit a post when it was 2-0. Your first and third goals were great strikes and I have no idea how the second went in but those are the breaks. Good game and who knows maybe we'll get a third game against you boys in the cup.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Correct - bad field but what do you expect when you get moved to the dreaded Moberly. Going to have to disagree on the score line comment. We dominated the first half (2-0 at break) and really seemed to lose interest in the second after making a few subs. Never really felt the game was in doubt - if we did I'm sure our intensity would have picked up as we can be a very determined team when we need to be, regardless of our skill level. Neither of our keepers showed up today and our guy who played in net was never really tested. Regardles, LOTS of rust after the long lay-off from both sides.

I did play btw.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Give me a break bandcamp, the only reason the first half looked so one sided was because of the mud. Our defenders had trouble in it as a lot of balls would stop and/or take weird bounces kind of like your second goal. Second half I saw you guys had trouble as well and at one point you guys were under pressure from us. Let me guess that had to do with the subs? Subs no subs the scoreline looks good and as I said the game should have been closer. I'll give you guys credit as you did beat us to alot of balls and you guys won the game and that's what matters. But to say you lost interest is B.S. you guys still created a couple chances and your third was a nice play and the final nail in the coffin. I never said you guys didn't deserve the win. I'm just saying we should have had a goal for sure and maybe another. Like I said good game and congrats on the win. What number were you?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
JimBeam 1 Royals 1

With the whole Jim Beam squad focused on a Sat Night out, 2 guys showing up with 5 minutes to kickoff and with no goal keeper, we lined up against a younger, quick Royal U side that came out strong and hard. The undefeated Royals played with more intensity and a slow starting JimBeam found themselves opened up a few times for scoring opportunities before an out of the box rising shot from a Royal Midfielder found the corner of our net. The early goal did not deflate the Beam even though we were on our heels, missing passes and not making the needed runs. The 1-0 goal lead carried to halftime and the start of the second saw more even play as the Beam finally woke up. It helped too I guess that the younger Royal team ran themselves a bit ragged in the first as they began to slow down. Unfortunately for us we had only one sub which was used at half to replace a broken down Therapist. 2 other players soon became hobbled but they sucked it up and played out the game. Bonefish was sent into goal at halftime, partly to bring a replacment defender out of net and partly because he was stinking it up at forward. We started getting some opportunities and putting some passes together on the super slick Mercer Field turf and were rewarded with a goal of a Junior throwin that skipped to the opposite side of the 18 where it was met by a wicked 1time shot from Mark P. that leveled the score at 1. Royal at this point picked up their socks and started mounting pressure as there promotion hopes are on the line. They were helped by yours truly who was having a difficult time kicking the crap ball that even in the first half, felt like a rock. I even gave them a late free kick at the side of the box after sliding out of the box while collecting a ball. A 3point goal was not to be however as the final whistle went off. A disappointed Royals side(Not sure who the guy was who said some bulljive that "we should not even be on the same pitch as these guys") overall had more of the play and JimBeam were happy to get the tie after a very bad first half.
Royals have a good squad and moved the ball and should be one of the contenders for the Cup.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Champlain - the muddy pitch leant itself to ugly football all day BUT the way those games get won is by being first to the ball and winning tackles, which we did all day. You are correct that you could have had a goal or two but that debate rages every weekend in every game. You missed a couple, we missed a couple - in the end I thought 3-0 was about right. Here's hoping for a better pitch next time out.

"Rza" Ruddock

New Member
Sep 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Westside C-Men 2 Yaletown FC 4
Made good of what was a pretty miserable afternoon. The conditions certainly didn't promote any quality skilled football. Each team had good chances in the first half but we finished our opportunities well to go into the halftime break 4-1 up. Fair credit to Westside who bounced back in the second half in ever deteriorating pitch conditions to pull a goal back. The end result was a fair reflection on what was a pretty scrappy but exciting 6 goal game with each team making both good chances and defensive errors.


New Member
Oct 31, 2004
Dirty Money
[QUOTE="Rza" Ruddock]Westside C-Men 2 Yaletown FC 4

The southwest end of McBride park is either the worst pitch or best mud wrestling arena in Vancouver. I'm mystified as to how all four of our goals came from that side. Perhaps it was because the knee-deep water made it impossible for the defense to decisively clear it out of that mess. All in all, we had a great first half, but I was getting a little concerned when Westside pulled a second one back. They kept up the intensity well until the very last, which is not easy to do when you hit the "dressing room" down by three goals at the half.


Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
RFC-Signmaster PPD
Much to our dismay ;) our game vs Signmaster was cancelled by the ref, who realized that the field was closed and obviously unplayable :D
I wasn't there at the time, but from what I was told, we urged the ref to play the game, to no avail. We were ready to knock Signmaster off the top of the table, with a full squad of talented players just itching to get a game in. But unfortunately, the ref would have none of it, and the game was called off. Apparently Signmaster played an intersquad game afterwards, proving that the field was indeed playable. Dammit. We were so ready to play.
Someone else told me that we only had 9 guys at the scheduled kickoff time, with a few key players missing, and were supportive of the cancellation decision.
Still not sure who to believe :D .
When we do play them, we'll do our best to steal some points. Since we can't go up this year, I hope the JBs find a way to make it up. Gonna need some help though.....



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Since you weren't there, I won't include you with the rest of your idiotic team. Why the hell would your team even think about playing on a closed field, let alone trying to convince the ref to give his stamp of approval? Moreover, Signmaster seem to be bigger duffusesuses . . . er . . knobs than RFC for playing anyway. Good way to lose a field permit.

I hope you're kidding.
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