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Veteran Plates


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I started seeing these all over the place about six months ago. At the time I thought it was quite a nice gesture and our Vets deserved some recognition.

I have a problem with one thing though. Dude and I had this conversation on the way up Fromme last Rememberence Day. What is a Veteran?

To me, a Vet is someone who fought in the two World Wars. The neccesary ones. I have a problem recognizing someone who was in Kosovo or Afghanistan(sp) as a Vet, yet these people get the plates. I have a buddy in Kamloops who is 35. He has a Vet plate. I haven't seen him for awhile so I haven't had a chance to "discuss" it with him, so it should be pretty interesting when I do.

What is a Vet to you? Is it someone who has fought in any war? Neccesary or not. Or is it someone who has fought in either of the World Wars?

Should be some interesting comments.

Or not


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
What is a Vet to you? Is it someone who has fought in any war? Neccesary or not. Or is it someone who has fought in either of the World Wars?

Should be some interesting comments.

Or not

To me a vet is a veterinarian. As in, "I took my dog to the vet for a checkup yesterday". I don't think its necesary that he/she has fought in any wars to stick a thermometer up my dogs ass.

Is that an interesting comment?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Dapotayto said:
I don't think its necesary that he/she has fought in any wars to stick a thermometer up my dogs ass.
Well...you were not at the vets when he tried to stick the thermometer up my dogs ass! That was a war! And the dog won!


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
What is a Vet to you? Is it someone who has fought in any war? Neccesary or not.

My views (just wait putting on my flame retardant suit), a veteran is anyone who has served an extended time in the armed forces, who risked their life for the safety of our country and our freedoms. As far as, determining which wars would be considered in your eyes acceptable shouldn’t matter. They put their ass on the line, so we can enjoy the comfort of sitting on ours. They deserve our recognition, respect and appreciation.

Already aware my opinions are moot on here, so maybe Websters can help you out:

Main Entry: vet•er•an
Pronunciation: 've-t&-r&n, 've-tr&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin veteranus, from veteranus, adjective, old, of long experience, from veter-, vetus old -- more at WETHER
1 a : an old soldier of long service b : a former member of the armed forces
2 : a person of long experience in some occupation or skill (as politics or the arts)
- veteran adjective


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
who risked their life for the safety of our country
I'm not sure how many other "wars" we were involved in actually threatened our safety. That's the issue I have.


New Member
Jun 4, 2003
Dirty Money
Ummmmm, TheRob I have to state my opinion here.

You are the one that should be donning the flame retardant suit because this has to be the stupidest thing I have EVER heard you say.

Any person that has served actively in the armed forces is a veteran. I challenge you to leave your wife, 2 kids and dog, get on a plane and go fight for a cause that you yourself may not believe in, but do it because your country has asked you to fight. Any person that risks their life in the armed forces and serves time in combat is a veteran to me.

This whole idea of only being in a world war is crap....complete, utter, total crap! I know people that are in their mid 30's that have served their country proudly in Kosovo and Afghanistan that have lost friends in these conflicts. They died brother, died fighting on behalf of our country....Canada. If that is not a veteran then honestly I don't know what is.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes TheRob, what the...erm..thedude :rolleyes: said.

That, and you're gay for not lusting after Jessica Alba.

Even Lita makes sense. Not moot today, now post more porn please.


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Okay, granted Canada's safety has never really been an issue but let me try and understand you, you don’t feel that those who fought in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Desert Storm, etc., deserve your respect yet those who fought in World War I and II do because why? World War I began with the two large alliances of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy; and France, Russia, Great Britain. Canada entered in only because why? “When Britain is at war; Canada is at war.” World War II began when Germany invaded Poland, and Britain honoured their allegiance with Poland; therefore ~ “When Britain is at war; Canada is at war”. Kosovo, Afghanistan and Desert Storm (to name a few) did not affect Canada, true but it was an allegiance to the United States that brought our soldiers into battle. Thus they deserve less of your respect because why? It's the United States and not Britain?

Don’t mean to come across rude, but you hit a nerve with the lack of respect.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Can someone start a thread called Union Dues? 'Cause I don't think they really have a place in today's society. Same thing TR, no?



Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
I received a letter from Veterans Affairs about a year and a half ago regarding if I wanted Veteran plates. At the time I believed they were for WW 1, WW 2, Korean War, and Vietnam Vets. Yes Canada was both in the Vietnam and Korea wars. Do any of you think Canada was in danger of being invaded in any of these wars?

I served faithfully for my country for 6 years. I served in the Balkans. I lost a really good friend over there when we were disarming mines. Does he not deserve veteran status TheRob? Do his wife and kids not deserve Veteran Benefits. Do the soldiers in Afghanistan that were mistakenly bombed by Americans and were either injured or killed not deserve these benefits.

I was held captive and am in receipt of a Veterans pension as well as all entitlements to Veterans from Canada. I take offence from some of your comments TheRob, but will give you the benefit of the doubt because you never volunteered for or know what it is like to be shot at, or see and smell death.

You must understand a soldier. We do not strive for recognition nor talk of the glories of battle, believe me, anyone who says battle is glorious has never seen battle.

The only benefit of Veteran Plates is it is a one time fee and you don't have to pay yearly for plates. No, insurance is not cheaper. Everytime I go by a vehicle with Veteran plates I look over if I make eye contact I give them a nod and wonder where they have been or what they have done for their country.

No I still do not have Veteran Plates and my dad keeps giving me crap for that. I guess it is more important to him than me.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
For what it's worth, I am slightly turned on by Jessica Alba. Moreso by Evangiline Lilly.


I have a great deal of respect for anyone that serves their country. I actually don't ever recall saying I didn't. Anyhow.....

The definition Lita has posted above has the perfect description of War Vet in my opinion. The very fist one:
1 a : an old soldier of long service
In MY opinion, that is a War Vet. You and the others have a different view of what a Vet is and that's fine. That is the great thing about this country. We are free to think what we want, and I guess the Vets are to be thanked for that.

This thread wasn't meant to offend anyone. I wanted to know what others thought. That's all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
To me any distinction between the vets who saw action in any war like the last world war and those who serve in non-combat areas such as my dad who trained pilots for the RCAF, RAF and the Americans in Canada is a wrong way to look at that. The fact people signed up makes them a veteran. The reality that they didn't go overseas was not their choice in my dad's case and his papers were just being processed to transfer to the RAF when the second World War ended. I mentioned to him that he could sign on to a vets association of the RCAF in Canada and get their newsletter. His question to me was whether it applied to him as the vets were treated differently if they didn't see combat. As my dad pointed out to me, there were quite a few of his friends killed in Canada teaching others to fly. That doesn't compare to the 19 minute average of pilots surviving combat fighting over Europe of course. By the dictionary definition, you could hardly say they were vets but they did serve despite being sent on a suicide missions like the day time bombing runs into Europe.

Don't forget also the Korean War where Canada fought in the 1950s nor the peace keeping troops who have been all over the world on missions.

I think anyone who has served in the armed forces is entitled to call themselves a veteran. This to me doesn't lower the regard we have or should have for those who actually were engaged in combat or who are in dangerous places now around the world.

Besides, these licence plates are a way for the government to make money as you can see when you drive in the US and the many types of specialty plates. I think I saw a few in Arizona that had "Colonel" - the rank on them and lots in the US for alumnus of universities. Part of that money I think goes to a donation to the college. We could do that in BC and donate to a charity like that if government thought it wise.

I can see a $200 licence plate with King Willi, VMSL on it for example with some of the money headed to soccer.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Stop. Now. Vet in this sense means "former". Former soldier. Your point is moot, and I have to agree, getting a bit insulting- intentional or not.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Some opinions require walking a mile in a man's shoes, I believe.

BTW: if I'm overly opinionated (I am), does that mean I am, I mean, I have, a bigger asshole?

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