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TV/Phone/Intraweb Services


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey all, Moving at the end of the month and trying to organize my services to be moved...

Do any of you currently use Telus for TV?

My sister likes it alot...I hated telus as a internet subscriber 4 years ago, and have had shaw since I bought my place, but the scumbags won't give me anything now that I have puchased an HDTV.

Long story short, albeit after signing a "two year committment" Telus TV gives you 2 (TWO!) Free HDTV Boxes on rent, they don't belong to you, but they are yours to use for free, which I think is good since you don't have to purchase something that will obsolete in a years time.

They do not have HD PVR Boxes yet as the PVR's are in "test mode" however they will be making those available at no added cost by the winter time (So I'm told) which is just an easy (so they say :rolleyes:) come drop off your two nex boxes and pick up the two old ones.

Bell will give me three months free programming and a free HDPVR unit if I switch to them, however I am screwed as the Townhome I just bought has a strata restriction against satellite dishes.

Shaw says I can "rent" one of theirs for free for 6 months and buy it for the low low reduced price of $385.00 plus tax if i like it at the end of the 6 months.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


I get a phone call tomorrow telling me whether or not Telus TV is available in my area...I think I am switching unless others can tell some horror stories that would change my mind, and or know someone at Shaw that I can gripe to.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not sure if Telus TV has HD yet. The last conversation i had with their telemarketing person who tried selling it to me gave me an answer of No to having HD and then i hung up..... As well i heard from a few that the TV isn't that great. Breaks up a lot.

I am with shaw, and have the HD Box with PVR. The only problems i have is tehre are not enough HD channels (i believe were up to 22, without the PPV). Otherwise all is good. The sound does cut in and out once in a while, but you get used to it.

Bell - Haven't really heard much from them, but i hear a satellite feed is better quality than shaws. Then again, haven't experienced there stuff.

I recommend Shaw with the PVR. I think it dropped to $650 now from the $750 it was when i bought it almost 2 years ago...... I think we have 22 HD channels. The PVR is worth the $$$....


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
We need someone to come out with all HD programming similar to what's going on in the states. Even if some channels only come in at 720P, still better than every non-HD channel we get. Most of the commercials you see are for 100+ HD Channels for like $25 to $35 per month. Beats the hell out of my bill I'll tell you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
We need someone to come out with all HD programming similar to what's going on in the states. Even if some channels only come in at 720P, still better than every non-HD channel we get. Most of the commercials you see are for 100+ HD Channels for like $25 to $35 per month. Beats the hell out of my bill I'll tell you.

Regs get working on it. Thanks! :D

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