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TTPers Who Just Don't Get It.

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New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Rather than continuing to go off topic trying to explain a very simple piss-taking concept to keeper I've decided to start this thread.

Most people know what I'm talking about. I've tried to explain to him why his sending me a PM to avoid a potential piss taking was a gutless act but several times now he has told me that he doesn't understand and of course includes an eye rolling emoticon, the purpose of which is vague.

I don't want anyone to think that I'm beating a dead horse here because it wasn't me who brought it back up, weeks after the fact, it was him.

Since I am obviously not articulate enough to explain this very simple concept to the thickest German in the world, I would like to invite other TTPers to use this thread to set the man straight. This way, interesting threads like the recent one dedicated to the American Election won't get side tracked and "killed" by this alleged moderator.

Aunt Jinky has helped a great many of you in the past, now he's asking for you to give a little something back.

Please feel free to post your explanation here, Sensei? KNVB? HOS? Dial-911? Ballbaby? Article Bot? Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Jinky: If this horse ain't dead it's on life support.

Long live the Cornwall Times!!!

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Jinks...Even before I read your post, how did I know that Keeper would be the topic of this thread? I think the Captain might come out of retirement for the opportunity to post here.

"When did I supposedly do that?"

This was the PM which started it all.

There are three ways to interpret Keeper's intentions behind that PM. It all depends on whether or not Keeper truly did or did not remember posting his website on TTP during Euro 2004.

If he truly did forget, then he sent you a PM because

a) it was a sign of courtesy/respect to you. He could have called you on it in public, but he thought you deserved better.

b) he was avoiding a possible pisstaking fight with a junk yard dog. Some might call this cowardly; others might call it a wise decision.

If he did remember posting, but tried to appear that he forgot, he sent you that PM because

a) he was avoiding a possible pisstaking fight with a junk yard dog. Some might call this cowardly; others might call it a wise decision.

I think that Keeper truly forgot mentioning his website. Even if he sent you a PM because of option (b), I, and most others who are not masochistic, would probably have done likewise. Actually, I don't think even the masochists are into that much self punishment.

I think Keeper has already taken enough lumps. There are people on this site far more deserving of abuse than he. I remember he once offered an olive branch to you, so maybe it would be best if he never mentioned the word PM and Jinky in the same post. Oh yeah, and no vague eye rolling emoticons either. Or dancing smilies...but that's just for my own sanity.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Fair enough Dial but I think you are being too kind to the Teutonic muppet.

If he forgot that he posted a link, all he had to do was utilize the Search facility.

In his pm he intimated that I was lying. That was hardly courteous or respectful of him.

He is also stating that the surest way to see something posted on TTP is to send it to me via a pm. My inbox is currently overflowing with private messages but his was the only one I chose to divulge because it was a sneaky cowardly tactic on his part.

I think Keeper has already taken enough lumps.

So do I. That is why I started this thread, so that someone would explain this pm bullshit to him which should allow him to move on.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
He is also stating that the surest way to see something posted on TTP is to send it to me via a pm.

I agree. If he requested an end to the dispute, then he shouldn't be reopening the issue. Ever. It's kind of like when I wrestle with my nephew and put him in the figure-four-leg-lock. He cries "Uncle!! No more! Please, Uncle Dial! No more! You're the best uncle ever! And you are so smart and articulate! I'll never, ever pick a fight with you again!" But then the moment I let go, he's trying to kick me in the shin.

Keeper...no more shin kicking. Translation: never mention the word PM and Jinky in the same post. And no vague eye rolling emoticons either.

Of course, no dancing smilies...but again...that's just for my own sanity.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Hmmm. How to best "kill" this one?

I guess I'll have to resort to my tackle box of thread-disection instrumentation.

Sorry to have to explain the vague rolleyes emoticon, but it seems fairly obvious that you can't seem to take the slightest bit of teasing about the whole thing. Christ Almighty, you blame me for mentioning (read: poking fun at)this whole issue while quitters such as the Captain bring up some dead hockey pool money from years ago and you say nothing.

The fact of the matter is -- and if you bothered to check with me you'd know already -- that I did indeed forget completely about it and, honestly? I didn't believe you. I suppose it was too much at the time to assume that you'd (a) reply in a PM to me directly, and then (b) post away and take the piss out of me. Now doesn't that sound reasonable?

And of course I sent you a pointed message, I thought you were full of it. Why then should be overly gracious back?

And now, weeks later, when it's all dead and buried (so I thought; I guess it's still a sore point for you), you can't even take a quick one liner. I allude to it in a sentence to tease you; you moan for a paragraph and start a new thread dedicated to it.

Jinky, I guess in the end I really just think you've got to learn to actually take what you give once in a while. Perhaps I may not be God's gift to taking the piss -- hell, I'm only German so what do I know? But I'm tryin', man, I really am. When it's just a tease (indicated by the rolleyes: namely, I'm rolling my eyes because I know a PM will never come), just learn to live with it and move on.

As such, move on. Or continue this thread . . . anybody.

Or PM me about it. :rolleyes:

(You got that last one? Atta boy.)


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry, one other thing I forgot to mention.

The most depressing (i.e. pathetic) point about this whole issue is that I don't even know you. It was the same with the Captain, but at least I've seen him on the field. You, I don't think I've ever met. It makes my girlfriend's mocking description of my "internet buddies" even more sad and true. There's something awfully ridiculous about having an argument with someone who doesn't exist beyond the gamma rays of my monitor. The other faceless people on TTP at least play the game -- you, I'm not so sure. But feel free to correct me if I'm wrong -- I'm sure you will.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper: Was all this about the "Internet buddies" in a back issue of the Cornwall Times?
If it was, could you send me that copy.

As a regular subscriber I think a back issue or two is not too much to ask for.

If someone doesn't know you, you should have a "getting to know me" segment in the next issue.

Never forget the old newspaper adage- if it's not true, it will be when it hits the front page of our paper!


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh oh, keeper's completely lost the plot now.

What a selective memory you have. First you don't remember posting a link to your depressing (i.e. pathetic) website and now you don't remember introducing yourself to me. Which btw you did on more than one occasion. I even bought you a beer after a game which you rudely chose not to accept because "you didn't drink that shite". Very classy. I'm ever so sorry but Canadian was all that was left in the cooler.

Do I play? I used to play but that was a couple of herniated discs ago. Perhaps you could tell us what difference it makes.

There's something awfully ridiculous about having an argument with someone who doesn't exist beyond the gamma rays of my monitor.

I agree, if I don't exist, then who the fcuk are you talking to?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

How did you see that Lita's panties were all in a "bunch"? Were you on some sort of Surrey United pantry raid?

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
I'm posting this trying to be as unbiased as possible, because that's me. Unbiased. I've got no beefs with Keeper and I've got no beefs with Jinky. In fact, I think they both have a lot to offer TTP.

Anyhow, I see that in the mean time, while I've been working on this post, KNVB has posted something a tad more serious which will suck the life and humour out of this thread. Thanks for killing this thread KNVB. Who do you think you are...Yoda? But seriously...that's some creepy stuff. Hopefully Aunt Jinky has some answers.

Ok...and now back to our regular programming...

Keeper said:
Hmmm. How to best "kill" this one?

If it were me: "Hey, let's put an end to this. I won't mention PMing you and you won't mention the Cornwall Times. Deal?" End of message.

Keeper said:
Hmmm...Sorry to have to explain the vague rolleyes emoticon, but it seems fairly obvious that you can't seem to take the slightest bit of teasing about the whole thing. Christ Almighty, you blame me for mentioning (read: poking fun at)this whole issue while quitters such as the Captain bring up some dead hockey pool money from years ago and you say nothing.

See we're off to a bad start already. I thought you guys agreed (at Keeper's request) that there would be no more teasing/mention of this event. Why then would you mention (read: poke fun at) the whole issue again?

Keeper said:
The fact of the matter is -- and if you bothered to check with me you'd know already -- that I did indeed forget completely about it and, honestly? I didn't believe you. I suppose it was too much at the time to assume that you'd (a) reply in a PM to me directly, and then (b) post away and take the piss out of me. Now doesn't that sound reasonable?

Actually, no. Why would you expect a PM and then a pisstake? Why wouldn't you just pisstake him in the first place and tell him: "Ahem, Mr. Jinkwad. When did I supposedly do this?"

If you're going to PM, it's telling me that you don't want to discuss/debate this in the open. Now, that sounds reasonable. But that's just me. And I always agree with me.

Keeper said:
And of course I sent you a pointed message, I thought you were full of it. Why then should be overly gracious back?[/size]

Keeps, if I remember correctly, you argued vehemently that your PM and your use of supposedly was not pointed and that Jinky was wrong for taking exception to it. But now you're saying it was pointed. I'm confused. And hurt. Ok, I'm not hurt, and the confusion is an exaggeration, but hopefully you get my point.

Keeper said:
And now, weeks later, when it's all dead and buried (so I thought; I guess it's still a sore point for you), you can't even take a quick one liner. I allude to it in a sentence to tease you; you moan for a paragraph and start a new thread dedicated to it.

See, I thought you requested that this dispute be ended. I could be wrong, and it would be the first time, but I don't recall Jinky mentioning the Cornwall Times since you requested that the dispute be ended. He seemed to be holding his end of the bargain.

Keeper said:
Jinky, I guess in the end I really just think you've got to learn to actually take what you give once in a while. Perhaps I may not be God's gift to taking the piss -- hell, I'm only German so what do I know? But I'm tryin', man, I really am. When it's just a tease (indicated by the rolleyes: namely, I'm rolling my eyes because I know a PM will never come), just learn to live with it and move on.[/size]

See...one could interpret that :rolleyes: as a "Whatever!" (sarcasm)
If you're poking fun, I suggest :p or :) maybe even ;).
I definitely would not use a dancing smilie and recommend that you nor anybody else does either.

I think that Jinky can take a pisstake, but it leaves a sour taste in one's mouth when that pisstaking takes place during a "truce." It's like a kick in the shins.

Keeper said:
Or PM me about it. :rolleyes:

Shin kicking.

Keeper said:
(You got that last one? Atta boy.)

More shin kicking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper: You don't recall when someone's trying to buy/offer you a beer? And you are German? Not much of a self-respecting German not to guzzle any kind of beer.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1, reasonable interpretation, but to be honest, I could care less anymore about anyone mentioning said website. It's been brought up time and again by various TTPers (in some clever ways, some not so clever), so I've resigned that that cat is firmly out of the bag.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper said:
I guess you're just not that memorable. Sorry, don't recall.

Perhaps you're right keeper.

Could you possibly suggest a way to make myself more memorable to the general public?

I wonder what I could do? Let me think. Oh wait I know!

Why don't I create a web page dedicated to my every thought and deed?
I could post my vacation pictures and tell everyone what I think of various films as if they cared. I could let everyone know when my dog is sick and post the date when I'm going to officially ruin some poor girl's life.

Yeah, that's what I'll do, then no one will ever forget me.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I saw my name posted. I feel obliged to respond. I also feel bad for Dave, and the virtual tears he just shed in the fear of getting his snot box caved in by a girl.

This whole website/culture is to gently thrash on people, places and things. It used to be a bit easier because it was a smaller community, people had thicker skin, nobody took too much time to analyze the stuff posted, and it was pretty damn funny.

That sort of changed. Certain VMSL clubs are asking their players specifically not to post on TTP about their respective teams. Like someone is going around, cutting and pasting all the nasty stuff posted on TTP, and making big motivational collages for pregame pep rallys. How seriously are we taking ourselves?

You also have people coming on here who aren't necessarily funny or have a vested interest in sports, soccer in particular. This puzzles me. Generally speaking, if I'm in a venue where the majority of the people don't think like me, and most of the banter is incoherent droning about topics I either don't enjoy or have no knowledge of, I'll leave. But some people just keep showing up, apparently to draw the ire of people who actually have a good time, or just to remind people about all the stuff we go on TTP to ignore. Thanks, you people.

You also have people who think this is the place to "open up" and share a boatload of shite about their lives. I have news for you. TTP is not a cheap, electronic filler for companionship. If I have never met you, and the only way we've ever conversed is indirectly in the NCAA thread, I do not want to know how much you plan to spend on a wedding ring, how many times a girl has to reject you before you go home to the SPICE channel or what you think an acceptable age difference in a relationship is. Hang out at a coffee shop, place a personal ad, whatever.

These are the thresholds crossed, generally, when TTP becomes a headache instead of fun. You have to expect that, if you make the mistake of 'opening up' to a band of complete strangers - on a website called Take The Piss - someone might actually make fun of you.

Now this whole Cornwall Times fiasco is a good example of this. Although apparently intentional or accidental, Keeper's link to his webpage of banality opened up a can of worms. It was 'out there' so to speak, not just in the www sense, but in the TTP sense. And believe me, the TTP sense is far more dangerous - because there aren't many rules, not much is sacred, and once it's public, it aint private anymore. As far as I'm concerned, nothing discussed so far can be described as "Private". Having an online newspaper isn't private, posting on TTP isn't private, and Private fcuking TTP Messages aren't private.

Anyways. Everything is fair game. I don't know who drew up the code of ethics for internet slagging. Public domain. If you want to open yourself up to the masses, don't get upset as to what they have to say in return.

That's all. Have a nice day.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, everything is fair game. Especially bad haircuts and club foots. Club feet. Whatever.

What's on the SPICE channel tonight? You doing some baking? I'm baking something but it ain't no food.


New Member
Nov 7, 2001
Dirty Money
You guys are all pathetic who have posted in this thread. Get a life and stop taking this shite so seriously.This is why Im glad I post in the FVSL fourms. People are alot more layed back over there.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks for tracking cow shite all over this nice clean thread.

If you're so "layed" back over in the FVSL threads then why did you bother your arse to come all the way over here to admonish us?

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Sheep, I just finishing reading a page or two of posts from the FVSL Div.2 threads. I now understand why people are so "laid back" over there. I think I'm just about ready for bed now myself, and I don't think I'll have to count sheep. Yes, pun intended. A PBS telethon is more entertaining.

Robbie...After reading some of Sheep's posts, you're my new Fasty.
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