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Premier The FVSL Premier League (Second Half) 2002/2003.

Who will win the FVSL's Premier League?

  • Peace Arch United

    Votes: 29 37.7%
  • GN Sporting:eek:

    Votes: 15 19.5%
  • North Delta United

    Votes: 7 9.1%
  • Golden Ears United

    Votes: 10 13.0%
  • Poco City Dominion

    Votes: 12 15.6%
  • Chilliwack FC

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Langley United

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Surrey FC Pegasus:rolleyes:

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
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Red Dragon

New Member
Oct 23, 2002
Dirty Money
Luc Van Loser....

I really didn't think you were that bad a guy, taking the piss out of people a little and saying some pretty fcuked up stuff, but then doesn't everyone. But when you went on about fighting during a soccer game that was over the top. Go back to div 3 where you belong...Now I realize that the comments were made not because you were trying to be funny or take the piss out of people, but because you just weren't smart enough and didn't have the intelligence to comprehend anything of importance.

Anyone can take the piss out of people, but comments like you made about fighting, that's just stupid, and not in a funny way. You call people wimps and such, but we're not boxing, we're playing (or trying to) play soccer. That's a game you play with your feet and mind, not your fists.

Once you read this post you'll reflect and probably say,(if you have a brain) boy that's smart, the dragon is correct, and you'll try to play it off like you've tried with other posts, but the more you try play things off and put a spin on things, the more of a dumbass you sound like.

Seriuosly, go into your basement and find yourself in one way or another, because the comments you make on ttp are not warranted nor are they wanted.

:mad: :mad: :mad:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Jizz-take at J.O.

NDU 4 GN 1

At 80 when I left.......

Crafty Cokcney uses his experience with the London Fog to his advantange.
Thick as pea soup, I thought it might be cancelled.
Hmmmm....pea soup.
You know, like, with wee chunks of black forest ham and yellow and green peas with a big loaf of sourdough bread?


TR: You missed out on the Heineken and the Goldshlaeger (sp?) or whatever the fcuk that Cinnamon shite's called.

GN looked at bit off tonite although they had a good 1st half hour. They did not look as strong as the last 2 times I've seen them against GEU and PAU.
Jas (?), their best player when I've seen them was invisible in the second half.
No disrespect, but a lot goes through him and it showed.
Maybe he wasn't on in the second; with the fog I could be off actually.
Fcuking Goldshlaeger.

GN went up 1-0 after the first half hour.
NDU scored two very quick goals to go up 2-1 at half and never looked back.

Delta's back at the moment by the looks of things.
Makes me think what they'd be like with the Headcase Twins in the lineup this year. ;)

PS - Luc:
Keep hittin' those books baby, because Cainy just schooled you.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
If you had a brain you would of concluded that I said I would rather see a punch then a headbutt. I'm not encouraging it and I don't feel it contributes to the worldwide class that soccer carries. If two players hold so much anamocity for each other and feel they need to inflict pain on each other then maybe they should try another sport. I've never received a red card in my life, and have never cosidered fighting in a match(nor have I ever gotten into one of those gay shoving matches where everyone knows nothing is to come of it)...but some players, usually from surrey, use the pitch as grounds to release anger.
It goes without saying that the game is no place for fighting, but if it does take place, then it does give that specific game a hightened jolt of adrenalin.

You are speaking way out of turn, every single "fighting incident " I can recall in all the years I have played has had a surrey team involved. I can see why you're so ashamed and angry at me.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money

Take a look at your club before you shoot your mouth off!
Of course we don't condone anything like that and it will be dealt with.That little puke last year had alot coming to him,he's lucky he's not playing this year.Where the hell are you guys headed
next year?Our way,not bloody likely!

like i said,it will be dealt with.
and it was shocking!
good one balsa,real smooth!

The Grove

ND 4 GN 1

Originally posted by star #1
GN 1 Delta 4

Plain and simple our goalie "shite the bed" four times, enough said. On to Langley next week.

Say what you like about your goalie but none of the four goals were his fault. Sure he looked pretty weak on a lot of our shots, but what is plain and simple is we took it to you. Our forwards played extremely well and made your back line look pretty bad. It could have been 8-1 by the end of the second.

I have to give GN some credit as they played well for the first 25 minutes. After they scored their first goal we woke up and outplayed you. All in all it was a good Delta team effort despite the fact that there seemed to be a little too much kick and run going on. I don't think it was the best game of the year for either side but we did what it took to win.

GN, why do you sub on that mouthpiece that looks like Sadam Hussain on at the end of every game? That guy needs to shut his trap and go play over 50's where he belongs. He seems to have a lot to say for a guy who only plays 5 minutes a game.
Shut up please.....


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

These things only drag a good clubs name and rep into the toilet. ............... As I also said before there is too many guys with class in that club that don't want that rep carried with them

Coach what the hell is up your arse lately......I was defending you and the guys and saying that the other idiots in the system need to be dealt with. Did I say that Williams was a model of a player...NOT. You sound like your defending the actions of a few bad apples in your system. Why not just get rid of them and move on. Or do you think that violence is the way to solve things? I doubt that too.

You would think that you would have seen that I was trying to compliment your club in general. But I guess you have tunnell vision. I thought we were supposed to get wiser with age?



New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Me wise......my god I am far from wise pal, far from it.........:D I have only a opinion which in the real world is useless. :D

Back to the soccer talk. :wa:

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
What game were you watching?

Originally posted by star #1
GN 1 Delta 4

Plain and simple our goalie "shite the bed" four times, enough said. On to Langley next week.

You must obviously play in the back line for GN. How quick you are to blame your keeper. The same guy that earned you a point at home last week against PAU with a point blank save from six yards out. Your problem tonight was your back line, not your keeper. There were more holes in your defense than a second hand dart board.



New Member
Oct 28, 2001
Dirty Money

no kidding coach what's the hardon for balsa? The only time i see you post these days is to mouth of balsa why don't you relax is this what happens when you always win no wonder were pretty mellow.And wow what a comeback you can't play with us nex't year grow up man you guys are great lads but don't threaten us with that shite your not that good..

star #1

Active Member
Aug 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Well anyways, just wondering about the incident that happened during the GEU-Peg game, what did the referee have to say about it either after the game or during?

The Grove

Silky Smooth

Did somebody say that GN's goalie shits the bed?

Crafty, Who is the silkiest team in the FV Premier league?

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money

Right result on the night. Our lads worked very hard, stayed focused, disciplined and played with a lot intensity throughout. GN got the start they wanted against the run of play. Good goal taken well after some silky moves to create space. However, some tatical errors on their part by immediatley continuing to press for more, allowed two quick goals by Delta and it was 2 - 1 at half time.
Second half was a stalemate for the first twenty minutes as possession changed back and forth with no real clear cut chances. GN continued to press looking for the equalizer but started to leave some big holes at the back and it was only a matter of time before they paid the price. Two more goals in the last twenty five and it was game set and match Delta.

Well done lads

Cheers :D
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