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Senior BC Championship pushed back a month?

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Anyone know exactly why the BCs are held when they are? Is there any reason why they can't be pushed back a month or so?

If it could be done, this would solve quite a few of the scheduling problems that all leagues face, allowing things to definitely shut down for all of January.

This would also allow for better competition as weather and field conditions would be less of a factor.

Or for VMSL Premier purposes, keep the option open for still playing in January and putting all teams into the same division, creating a 26 game schedule as it should be. This split schedule we have now is farce as far as I'm concerned and really needs to be reviewed (does the league even review these things?).

Of course, all of this would be moot if somehow we went to a summer schedule :rolleyes:


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Why Week-Off

There is a break of one weekend between the quarter's and semi's of the B.C.'s, with no games on the May 4 and 5 weekend.

Does anyone know why this is taking place, and can anyone play an exhibition game against the Caps, we have to be ready to play the weekend after?



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money

I think it has to do with the intense need for lots and lots of softball fields. :rolleyes:


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Split Sked Farce

I still don't understand why the premier league is split into two sides. I fail to see the logic or benefit of playing teams on your side twice, yet teams on the other side once.

Unless the VMSL has a crack staff working around the clock before the season starts, they really have no idea how balanced the "sides" are at the beginning of the year. From what I recall, the VMSL constitution has some inane clause in the writing that says "the third and fouth place teams finishing the year from side A will move to side B at the beginning of next season" or something to that effect. So its basically a re-shuffling at the end of every season.

The VMSL has seemingly has no control over the balance of sides. So why divide the division into sides in the first place? Is it really that crucial to have a 19-game regular season schedule rather than a 26-game one? If they want to have a 19 game premier schedule, they should bloody well make it a 10 team league (yeah, so that's only 18 games. Shoot me.)

Essentially, its a crapshoot based on how a team finished the year before, combined with a crapshoot on how good the teams coming up from division 1 are.

Serbia have been a wash since day one and as a result, there's no real battle for relegation on that side. Croatia (or any team near second-from-bottom) could tank the remainder of their games and still be a good 8-to-10 points clear of going back to div.1. Not that any team would contemplate such and idea, but if your sole purpose for this season is to stay up, you've basically achieved that goal by being grouped with the Serbs. Win two, and you're through. Great end of the year battle, this.

All I'm saying is that its hard to justify why two teams stuck on 12 and 15 points (Indo and Sporting) are in a tight battle to see who goes back to div.1, while another team on 12 points (Croatia) are all but guaranteed another year in the top flight and can concentrate on Imperial Cup to gain a berth in Provincials.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Good idea

Both are good ideas: either a 26 game sched, or contrast to a 10 team league. Since the burning need for softball fields will prevent summer soccer from happenning anytime soon, I'd say the 10 team league makes sense.

With this, the league simply needs to re-organize the divisions, and perhaps add a 4th division. If would make the VMSL Premier even more competitive than it is now.
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