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Russia Invades Ukraine


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
The psychiatrists would disagree with you, they would say they are trying to improve DSM 5.
The profession is vastly improved compared to 20, 50, 100 years ago. They have journals and papers are subject to peer review and prior to covid they held frequent in person conferences.
Yes, I know what the "I don't want to be cancelled" crew says. I also know what some of them say privately, because I've had those conversations on a professional basis...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah I'm not for a second suggesting it's something we should stigmatize people for. And yes, some of the most brilliant people on the planet are autistic or have other challenges. Whether it's a "mental illness" or not is debatable; the challenge in this day and age is that the debate has been hijacked by those with ulterior motives...
Didn't take any offense at all. I'm learning a lot as we go through the process ourselves now that we have a diagnosis. There were some things that just weren't right, and as she gets older, those things become more pronounced, thus, leading us in the direction of asking pointed questions, then advocating to get her the right audience.

But, it goes to your point, even if it was somewhat done tripping over your dick :D , that for me, knowing now what we know, one of the biggest issues is social awareness, and being able to think and reason in the grey areas. I'm constantly amazed at how quickly my daughter picks up instructions, or analytical information. Especially if she's interested in it. Just as confounding, when other kids are bantering about, and you can tell she's on the outside looking in because she can't pick up on social queues, that's really tough. I see my job as pretty clear cut: help her become an absolute beast on the playing field so that when she meets other kids on the playing field, she's looked up to. In this town that means being a good skier and mountain biker, and she slays in those two sports, doesn't matter if she's skiing / riding w/ boys or girls, she leads the pack. The social part will come, but with therapy.

That's why, for me, seeing Gretta now after having this knowledge of what to look for, it's so painfully obvious to me she must be on the spectrum, and likely high functioning like my daughter. That does not mean she's not genius level....likely she is. Likely she truly is passionate about these issues, because it's her interest- kinda like my kid with skiing, and orcas. fcuking whales, it's all whales all the time, at least I like skiing But I digress. When I see her, I see a child that is being unfairly manipulated by her own parents, and as you said, conveniently forget the whole part about "walking the walk" when it comes to their big splash about the boat, LOL. I didn't even know that, but not shocked.

Really, I feel sorry for her. At 16, I'm mostly going to be concerned about the predators of the world, and a child that has difficulty understanding social nuances, and here are parents with a daughter in a very similar situation as mine, and they are throwing her to the wolves. It's sick. But I have no ill will towards Gretta.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Really, I feel sorry for her. At 16, I'm mostly going to be concerned about the predators of the world, and a child that has difficulty understanding social nuances, and here are parents with a daughter in a very similar situation as mine, and they are throwing her to the wolves. It's sick. But I have no ill will towards Gretta.
I have no ill-will towards her for the same reasons. The people using her for their own, radical purposes deserve to fry in hell; frankly it's child abuse. As for her being a genius, I'm not convinced. The question in the clip I posted was "what is your message". Maybe there's a way that she's genius level smart yet couldn't deal with that beach ball, but I'm skeptical...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I have no ill-will towards her for the same reasons. The people using her for their own, radical purposes deserve to fry in hell; frankly it's child abuse. As for her being a genius, I'm not convinced. The question in the clip I posted was "what is your message". Maybe there's a way that she's genius level smart yet couldn't deal with that beach ball, but I'm skeptical...
This is my point. That “what is your message” is not a linear question. Unless she was extremely well coached- and likely not even then- that’s a question that requires critical thinking that many kids on the spectrum at that young an age are quite prepared for yet.

I see it all the time at home. An open ended question like that will get me a closed ended answer. Or something entirely unrelated. Weekly tutoring helps but….my suspicion is that she’s simply not equipped to handle that question or that moment. The maturing process takes time.

But hey….truth is we are both speculating.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Путин — негодяй

Not sure. Let's say yes. And look at that photo, this isn't opinion, he actually looks like a dickhead.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
So the UN held a vote denouncing the Russian invasion.

The final count was 141-5.

You know you've fcuked up when your only friends are Syria, North Korea, Cuba , Belarus and a new guy named Eritrea.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2006
Dirty Money
What Russia is doing and starting a war is wrong. They are aggresors and will cause
many deaths. However, Western countries just like Russia, have been doing same for the last 20 years all over the world. Causing damage and destruction of lives. It is sad to see how media is able to potray and call out Russia but not Western nations when they do the same. We as a society have to speak out against any aggression no matter which country is involved. Those are the facts. We shouldnt pick and choose. During WWII, Japanese Canadians were locked up In concentration camps even though some of them were born in Canada. Doing same to Russians who call Canada(US) their home is wrong. What we do need is to be fair and to stand up to all the countries who are aggresors. Like we forget that Great Britain along with others Western nations colonized many parts of the world and done much damage all over the world. Always standing up to aggresors and any wars is a must in 21 century.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
What Russia is doing and starting a war is wrong. They are aggresors and will cause
many deaths. However, Western countries just like Russia, have been doing same for the last 20 years all over the world. Causing damage and destruction of lives. It is sad to see how media is able to potray and call out Russia but not Western nations when they do the same. We as a society have to speak out against any aggression no matter which country is involved. Those are the facts. We shouldnt pick and choose. During WWII, Japanese Canadians were locked up In concentration camps even though some of them were born in Canada. Doing same to Russians who call Canada(US) their home is wrong. What we do need is to be fair and to stand up to all the countries who are aggresors. Like we forget that Great Britain along with others Western nations colonized many parts of the world and done much damage all over the world. Always standing up to aggresors and any wars is a must in 21 century.

Uh... internment camps, not concentration camps. I'm not aware of any gas chambers on Renfrew.

What I am aware of is the perspective of my now deceased grandfather, who lived through that period. To be sure, he regretted what society did to the Japanese. However, the point he made was that "we didn't know where people's loyalties lay" - which forced the powers that be of the day into a challenging decision.

Let's not equate that - or general complaints about "colonialism" - with what Putin is doing right now, please and thanks...


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
It pains me to write this but as half Ukranian (dad side) and half Russian (mom side) I feel that there are alot of misleading information in the media. I grew up on both sides of the border through my teen years and early adult life so I'm very aware of the situation that has been happening there for years.

For starters Ukraines president Zalensky is way over his head he was tricked by NATO on Feb.19 to sign an appeasement policy to ensure safety to Ukraine. An appeasement policy was signed for an exchnage of giving up third largest nuclear arsenal, it was a step into joining NATO and President Biden went on record saying that the US will defend every inch of NATO including Ukraine. On Feb. 24th Russia attacked key military locations and NATO nor US anywhere to be found except implement few sanctions on Russia and no military support. Putin, has thought of every possible sanction before they attacked Ukraine. The sanctions are a joke when 60% of the world is depended on Russias oil.

The media is saying that Russia is attacking civilians and bombing civilian buildings and that is completely not true. The media will twist everything, for one residential buildings are evacuated days in advance and military has been arming civilians with weapons to attack any Russian soldiers . The civilian buildings that have been bombed were used by civilian soldiers. Also, what's fcuked up is that Ukraines armed forces are Azov fighters, are extreme neo nazis and again nothing in the media

What piss me off the most is that US is trying make themselves look good but in reality how many nations have they attacked? The most recent one is Iran when they cooked up a story that Iran has mass destruction weapons and planning to use them against US but in reality US just wanted their oil. When US soldiers kill a women and a child during their invasion its no big deal they were doing their duty.

When Russia set up military bases in Cuba, US didn't like it and it was one click away from a nuclear war. It's the same thing with Ukraine and Russia. Russia does not want any missels pointing at them from Ukraines border, its a threat to them.

I am not defending Russia at all and as a matter of fact I feel closer to Ukraine then I am to Russia. Our Ukranian president got fcuked over by the US and NATO and now he has no idea what to do. No ukranian person nor Russian person want this war but unfortunately when you have 2 egotistical presidents then you are bound to have a fcuking disaster.

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