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Premiership 2011/12

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
The word in question is NEGRITO

The only one who would likely use that word on MUFC is Chicarito, but he only played the last 15 minutes of the game, so I call bullshite on that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
This is also particularly interesting to me, taken from the beeb's publication of the official statement from LFC.
..."We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suarez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms. Luis, to his credit, actually told the FA he had not heard the insult."


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
johnnybluenose said:
If what people above is saying is true, then 8 games is outlandish.

Bollocks. If Suarez called Evra a 'Negrito' (for lack of a better term ;) ), then he deserves the punishment he gets. If the FA decide that it's 8 games, then so be it.

LFC trying to justify it by any means necessary is a piss take of the highest order. I'm a bit shocked & disappointed that a club with such a rich tradition would make feeble attempts to try and make an excuse for Suarez' comments. Personally, I think it's a disgrace. Full stop. Take the punishment on the chin and stop making yourselves look stupid.

The other thing that I'm not having is United players calling him a Negrito as in terms of mate, lad or whatever. This isn't a Jay-Z concert FFS.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Have any of you fcukwits looked into the term "negrito" and the connotations it holds?

The Negrito are a class of several ethnic groups who inhabit isolated parts of Southeast Asia.[1]

Their current populations include 12 Andamanese peoples of the Andaman Islands, six Semang peoples of Malaysia, the Mani of Thailand, and the Aeta, Agta, Ati, and 30 other peoples of the Philippines. Reports from British traders also speak of negrito people on Borneo (Sarawak). (Journal of the Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. XXIX, part 1, 1956)

Negritos share some common physical features with African pygmy populations, including short stature, natural afro-hair texture, and dark skin; however, their origin and the route of their migration to Asia is still a matter of great speculation. They are the most genetically distant human population from Africans at most loci studied thus far (except for MC1R, which codes for dark skin).

They have also been shown to have separated early from Asians, suggesting that they are either surviving descendants of settlers from an early migration out of Africa, commonly referred to as the Proto-Australoids, or that they are descendants of one of the founder populations of modern humans.[2]


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Negrito- translation " little black person." Which part is he offended by being called little or being called black. Honestly I think there is a big difference between this and being called a "nigger." Very very different insult. Sack up, no place for racism but chanting monkey sounds and throwing bananas are a long way from being called a little black person. He is little and black for that matter. 4 games for Suarez and 2 games for Evra for being a tattle tale.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm starting to think that knvb is going to pop out from behind the door and tell me that I've been punked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
So this is all good with everyone then? (as long as you support United or any other team in competition with LFC)

Racism and Bigotry are things like Sectarian Chanting, throwing banana's, hatred or belittling someone because of race, colour, religion, or creed, or in knvb's case: Hair colour

So it's okay for Evra to spout off (joking or not) Nigga... but it's not okay for Suarez, whether he's got the actual race right or not, to call someone a Negrito? That's akin to me playing against a person of japanese descent and calling him a korean? (for shame!)

How is it any different than someone calling someone a homo?(C-Ron) Or a fat fcuk?(Lampard) or a bald baby? (Rooney) because it carries a potentially racist connotation? Give me strength.

Rooney tries to break a guys leg and he gets 4 games and the FA is screaming blue bloody murder. Suarez is shite talking during the game (Gamesmanship and not racism) and he gets 8? A bit of the pot calling the kettle black no?

I know the real thing here at the end of the day is whose ox is being gored... And a bunch of old egotistical meglomaniac white guys sitting in a stuffy room drinking brandy are making decisions that are potentially branding people racists.

Suspending and Fining Suarez will do nothing to "eradicate racism" it only punishes LFC and Suarez for shite talk, trash talk. There is no TV evidence or anything that would influence young fans (what is really at the heart of the kicking racism out of football campaign, these guys are role models and should be acting as such) If there was TV Evidence or witness accounts of it, then the FA's hands would have been tied... but for them to essentially throw the book at Suarez for a bit of he said/he said has created more of a problem and issue than anything else. it's tarred and feathered Suarez to look like the racist he isn't and has further made Evra to look like the absolute cnut he really is.

Blatter would have told them to just shake hands and be done with it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
So this is all good with everyone then? (as long as you support United or any other team in competition with LFC)

Racism and Bigotry are things like Sectarian Chanting, throwing banana's, hatred or belittling someone because of race, colour, religion, or creed, or in knvb's case: Hair colour

So it's okay for Evra to spout off (joking or not) Nigga... but it's not okay for Suarez, whether he's got the actual race right or not, to call someone a Negrito? That's akin to me playing against a person of japanese descent and calling him a korean? (for shame!)

How is it any different than someone calling someone a homo?(C-Ron) Or a fat fcuk?(Lampard) or a bald baby? (Rooney) because it carries a potentially racist connotation? Give me strength.

Rooney tries to break a guys leg and he gets 4 games and the FA is screaming blue bloody murder. Suarez is shite talking during the game (Gamesmanship and not racism) and he gets 8? A bit of the pot calling the kettle black no?

I know the real thing here at the end of the day is whose ox is being gored... And a bunch of old egotistical meglomaniac white guys sitting in a stuffy room drinking brandy are making decisions that are potentially branding people racists.

Suspending and Fining Suarez will do nothing to "eradicate racism" it only punishes LFC and Suarez for shite talk, trash talk. There is no TV evidence or anything that would influence young fans (what is really at the heart of the kicking racism out of football campaign, these guys are role models and should be acting as such) If there was TV Evidence or witness accounts of it, then the FA's hands would have been tied... but for them to essentially throw the book at Suarez for a bit of he said/he said has created more of a problem and issue than anything else. it's tarred and feathered Suarez to look like the racist he isn't and has further made Evra to look like the absolute cnut he really is.

Blatter would have told them to just shake hands and be done with it. ;)
in layman's terms please.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I can't bother to reply but I do agree with you on this :D

jonnybluenose said:
Blatter would have told them to just shake hands and be done with it. ;)

On another note, the 20,000th Premiership goal has just been scored by Marc Albrighton of Aston Villa. Some crackers flying in today btw.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
I can't bother to reply but I do agree with you on this :D

On another note, the 20,000th Premiership goal has just been scored by Marc Albrighton of Aston Villa. Some crackers flying in today btw.

Gift of a goal too, Benayoun saved my frustration though late on :)
13 corners in the 2nd half for Arsenal, rvp booked for diving on one of the most clear cut penaltys you'd ever see.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree with JBN that the FA have cocked this up royally and made it worse. The appeal is forthcoming and will no doubt result in a reduction in games being missed by Suarez. Evra is cnut also, typical Frenchman ;) In other new, Newcastle blew it today at home, Paul Scharner can go fcuk right off with his late winner!?! Demba Ba proves again today that he is an absolute machine, shame it was in a losing cause. :( A small consolation is Liverpool drawing against power house Wigan, thanks for that Charlie Adam you gap toothed mug! :D
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