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Premiership 2004 -2005

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New Member
Jan 31, 2003
Dirty Money
terry said:
That small town in Fulham keeps winning. ****ing rich twats. You'd think Josie would be able to afford more than one coat.

Are you acting thick on purpose? He's probable got a few of the same style. Just like Santa.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
BlazeArmy said:
Give yourself some credit. You'd have only been 45 yards out. :D

Wow, that is hillarious. How do you come up with them? Please explain the process to the rest of us. No wait, let me guess.

Step 1. Blaze Army reads a post.

Step 2. Blaze Army types the very first thought that comes into his head no matter how obvious or unfunny it is.

Step 3. Blaze Army clicks 'Submit Reply'.

Step 4. Blaze Army has another drink.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
From the articles I've read online (notably on sporting-life.com) there are rumblings that the FA is working w/Adidas to create a ball which holds a micro chip and will either beep or buzz once the ball has fully crossed the goal line. This, in turn, will be relayed to an accompanying beeper/buzzer held by the 4th official, who can then inform the head/assistant referee of the legitimacy of the goal in question.

I think it's a good approach. The biggest complaint with introducing any sort of technology into soccer is that it would slow down, or break the process, of a game which has no stop time. At least with the buzzer/beeper scenario, you could have an instant decision made on questionable calls, as opposed to stopping the match to look at a replay (a la the NFL).

If the FA are going to look at meshing technological advances into officiating practices, they have to look at something which will aid in the interpretation of offsides calls. There is nothing more bizarre than having two guys in the booth looking at the same disallowed-offside-goal replay, and not being able to derive a conclusive response to the "was he on or off?" question. Tennis took most of the judgment out of those 'too close for the naked eye' calls by bringing in that electronic line judge, which can figure out if those 120mph serves are in by a millimeter or not. The FA should look into something similar. I can't see them sitting idly by while the rest of the major leagues in the world (especially North American ones) are improving their respective games by making solid efforts to ensure proper calls are called.


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
Dirty Money
sensei_hanson said:
The FA should look into something similar. I can't see them sitting idly by while the rest of the major leagues in the world (especially North American ones) are improving their respective games by making solid efforts to ensure proper calls are called.

You're having a larf! North American football leagues. Major.

With the Malaysian love of betting and corruption, any chav with a jammer could bugger up the new adidas ball and the ref would have no option but to signal a goal despite the ball actually being out for a throw-in in the sides' own half. Paddy Power would be tits up in a fortnight.

All the sausage-lickers down White Hart Lane would be nicking all the new balls anyway to sell down their stalls in Hatton Gardens. ****s.

And it doesn't bear to think about what would happen if Al-Quaida got hold of the technology. You'd never get through to the phone-in on Five Live.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
terry said:
With the Malaysian love of betting and corruption, any chav with a jammer could bugger up the new adidas ball and the ref would have no option but to signal a goal despite the ball actually being out for a throw-in in the sides' own half

True, true. But the real danger to the game is this new invention I saw a t.v. show about the other day. If anyone evil gets ahold of this 'flubber' stuff it will be chaos.

Sensei the Autobot said:
There is nothing more bizarre than having two guys in the booth looking at the same disallowed-offside-goal replay, and not being able to derive a conclusive response to the "was he on or off?" question

Nothing more bizarre? Are you sure? How about when those clowns stuff twenty of themselves in a little car? How about people who think Scotch tastes good? And what about Boro actually contending for a Champions League spot? You know, ever since your epic battle with the Article Bot you seem a little jaded.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
sensei_hanson said:
there are rumblings that the FA is working w/Adidas to create a ball which holds a micro chip and will either beep or buzz once the ball has fully crossed the goal line.

Thats all I need Sensei, I wake up now in the middle of the night with a fukcing killer sun burn, but now they want to add beeping or buzzing to my nightmares.

Someone answer that fukcing phone.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

I think you misinterpreted my statement. By major North American leagues, I didn't mean MLS, or the USL, or whatever other 2nd-tier backwood soccer circuit they run in the states. I was talking about professional sports leagues (NHL, NFL, NBA) all making the switch to implement replay technology to improve the level of officiating.

One of the major issues the FA has at the moment (besides latent drug abuse amongst footballers, billionaire owners pricing players out of normal market range, Manchester United and so on...) is that every Monday opens with the droning of a blatant missed penalty call, botched offside judgment amd "the ball was in by three feet" complaints all regarding various week-end games.

Maybe the FA doesn't go to the adidas technology...regardless, they seemingly have to make some sort of effort to keep from making their officating crews look more and more inept every week.

And, for the record, I like clowns, scotch, and Boro's chances of being in Europe this fall. But I hate hearing Andy Gray and Richard Keys have distincty different interpretations of the same goddamn replay.

We wuz robbed,


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
Dirty Money
Mr. Hanson,

Is this you? If so, you're one of the better guys ive heard in the last month or so...a nice beat with a smooth sounding voice.

You're right, I did misinterpret your statement. Now I know what you're on about I have to vigorously disagree. :mad: I've already had one stroke this week and anything vigorous is a danger to my health. The leagues you quote and correct me if I'm wrong are for American football, ice hockey and basketball. This may come as a shock but none has any relevance in the UK and don't even register on the radar. The RAF has a very complicated radar system at Heathrow and despite the massive overspending by the Ministry of Defence, you can only get the NBA on obscure Sky channels late at night. And that's only because Rupert Murdoch is an Aussie tosser and the NBA must be cheap as chips to broadcast. :confused: I don't know much about any of your leagues apart from them being shite but what I do know is that none of them has the romance of the FA and it's because of that cooler heads must prevail to stop the league turning into the kind of shitty circus yanks have to put up with under the banner of sport. When Monday "opens with the droning of a blatant missed penalty call" etc. it's only because people are interested and passionate about the game and that very moaning keeps many people employed and happy at the same time. What **** doesn't like a good old moan? would it be better if the FA was outsourced to the Gestapo or the Swiss Railway so things ran to exact and military precision? If it meant Spurs being buggered then I'm all for it but the overall effect would be to take the romance, the humanity and much of the drama out of the league. :) How far then to having the clock stop everytiome Joe Cole humped a "shot" on net and it ended up in the garden at Henry J. BEan's on the King's Road hitting some poncey pink jumpered up fanny in the mush? :confused: Why not get shot of refs and there assistants full stop and have a independent tribunal officiate from a kiosk in a television studio? It all started to go wrong when they stopped calling the ****s linesmen and started letting women play. I seen that Bend it like Beckham on Channel 4 last weekend and it was a pile of shite. :)

All this knee-jerk shite is so reactionary and some people seem to believe refs have only just become incompetent. They've always been shite. The FA should do FA about video replays, why change what really isn't that broekn? :confused: How could that lino have caught up from halfway to see Carroll drop that clanger? He'd of have to been faster than Sally Gunnell on rollerskates. He missed it, the Mancs got a point, the dirty cheating arabs went home ****ed off. not a bad days work. :)

Dickie Keys is Coventry and Andy Gray is an Irn-Bru wog. They both have enough to worry about without you having a pop and all.

What happened to old Dazza anyway? Hopefully he saw sense and topped himself. :bronco: :knvb:


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Manchester United put on a stunning display today in a behind-closed-doors rematch ordered by the FA after Tuesdays debacle at Old Trafford. The Super Reds went ahead just before the kick-off when Giggs was sent away down the left wing.

His cross was handled on the half way line by a Spurs defender and a penalty was awarded for this cynical foul. Paul Scholes stepped up to slot the ball home for United's 33rd penalty of the season. It was no more than United deserved.

The 15th minute saw the Super-Smashing Reds go two up after Michael Carrick was penalised for coughing just outside the area. Christiano Ronaldo's resultant free kick was slightly miss-hit, but even if the keeper was not being pinned to the floor by Roy Keane, he would not have saved it. 2-0. It was no more than United deserved.

The 21st minute saw more trouble for Spurs when Erik Edman was sent-off for enquiring about the referee's Man United shirt. However two minutes after the interval Spurs struck back after an amazing piece of good fortune. The referee's assistant could only parry Pedro Mendes' shot and Robbie Keane thumped the ball home. Confusion reigned for 10 minutes as the entire Manchester United squad surrounded the referee, arguing that the referee's assistant had been fouled 15 minutes earlier. The referee grudgingly had to give the goal even though he racked his brain for a reason to disallow it.

Alex Ferguson was furious and rushed down from his seat in the stand to the dugout, knocking over a number of blind, disabled, pensioners in wheel-chairs on the way down. Fortunately, things settled down again as Paul Scholes took a long-range shot, which deflected off the corner flag but had clearly crossed the line, 3-1. It was no more than United deserved.

Just after the restart, un-sportsmanlike Nourredine Naybet was dismissed for making ridiculous claims for a penalty after Roy Keane had nearly decapitated Robbie Keane. The referee and his assistant missed the incident as they were both asking Ryan Giggs for his autograph, but replays showed that Keane's flying kung-fu kick, followed by a forearm smash was clearly unintentional.

Ten minutes later Ferguson took off Giggs and replaced him with Alan Smith, Eric Djemba Djemba and the suspended Wayne Rooney. Wonderful, wonderful Man United's 4th came shortly after. Robbie Keane was caught offside just outside the Spurs penalty area and Rooneys free-kick thundered in after deflecting off the underside of the flood lights. It was no more than United deserved.

The super, marvel, wonder Reds kept the pressure on until the bitter end. In the 98th minute Ledley King conceded a free kick just outside his own area for blatantly glancing at the referee. Ronaldo stepped up and proceeded to chip the ball right into the referee's path and he made no mistake from 10 yards. Goal number 5 and it was no more than United deserved.

Scholes slotted home number 6 from the penalty spot after Gardner went down with a broken leg. Fortunately Roy Keane was nearby when it happened and, after running 50 yards, he was able to bring the incident to the referee's attention. Unfazed by Gardner's cynical tactics, protruding bone and spraying blood, the referee sent him off for diving (and time wasting) and awarded United the penalty. Scholes cheekily chipped the ball over the keeper and the crossbar, but the referee decided that it was a goal, because based on past records, Scholes rarely missed.

When the final whistle went after 33 minutes of injury time, Spurs traipsed off with their heads low, having been taught a footballing lesson by what is by far the greatest team the World has ever seen. As the losers hit the showers, a superb flowing movement by United culminated with a fine diving header by Alex Ferguson and it was 7-1. However the referee decided that it was such a good goal, it should count double.

8-1 then - and it was no more than United deserved.


New Member
Nov 12, 2003
Dirty Money
any chance of someone sending me an e-mail when this countdown clown Steve writes something funny?

Have you anything interesting to say or are you just trying to get more club card points at Boots? You bore me to tears.



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Is Boots the equivalent to Zellers with the club cards and all? Man, it's like a parallel universe with England and Canada. Have you seen my parallel universe counterpart? He must be awfully good-looking.

I have to agree with "Terry" on the instant replay debate (even if Boro, er, Chelsea are shite). It's far more interesting to moan about certain refs ****ing things up than it is to whine about the length of time it took to make a video-assisted refereeing decision.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Boots

I can't stand that place... Whenever I take a trip back to the UK my ma is always getting me to go to that fcuking place for some useless shite...
"Here's 10 quid son, get me a couple of those and three of these"!!!

Nice vacation destination I must admit. :rolleyes:

Definately no zeddy in sight!!!


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

Passion, romance, humanity and drama? I'm not talking about TiVo ruining your appreciation for Emmerdale and Hollyoaks.

Look, these little "we like the game, however flawed, the way it is" vignettes really do tug at the heartstrings. But it's complete shite. Monday mornings should be reserved to criticize players, managers and tactical decisions...not for tribunals about how gawd awful the man in the center circle was. My guess is that, given your penchant to piss all over anything and everything, an improvement in the overall efficiency of referees wouldn't sap you of killer piss and moan material for water cooler football banter. I'll extend that philosophy to the rest of the barneys you alluded to in your "crap referees: good for the economy" theory.

Knee-jerk reactionary shite? Good fcuking grief. I didn't invent instant replay my man. You can't simply ignore technology when it's slapped all over the place. Old Trafford has a big fcuking screen at one end of the park, and it's not there to show snippets of Coronation Street. The guys in the booth screamed "goal" upon seeing it cross the line; shite, the AP photogs had digital stills of the ball a full meter behind the chalk the moment after Carrol dropped it....it's a goddamn piss-take when 67,000 people know a goal is scored, but is goes for naught the two match officials are simply out of position (yeah, I know, Lewis was with the last defender, as he should be). I don't know why anybody would encourage hanging referees and linesmen out to dry, when a few minor shifts could easily help their cause.

Length of time, length of time...you can sit in a pub for six hours prior to a match, pine for 90 minutes of goalless action (plus the halftime intermission) - yet one or two extra minutes of video replay assessment is going to drive you bonkers. Give me a fcuking break. Since incidents like the Carrol blunder are so far and few between, I'd venture to say that you wouldn't get the clock stopped routinely. All you want is for the right calls to be called the right way. Unless the Americans have a monopoly on doing things correctly (and the latest election results would indicate that they don't), you can rest easy at night knowing your sport isn't being poisioned by the Yankee way.

Techonolgy is for everybody Terry.

Even you.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sensei is speaking sense, Terry. I recently opened my heart and mind to technology and things have been looking up ever since. To get in on the fun, simply send a money order for CDN$19.95 to Regs. Subsequently, you'll receive the attached in a brown package via Her Majesty's Postal Service.

Do it, Terry. Your miserable, moaning existence will never be the same.




Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm begininng to like the Sassanach thread.

Especially on Mondays. ;)

terry said:
Andy Gray is an Irn-Bru wog.

Not bad. :D

Dapotayto said:

And so is that. :D

I quite like going to Boots the Chemist.
Have you been to the Superstore on Argyle Street?
Great deals on Irn Bru...

How was your weekend?
Probably as good as mine. ;)
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