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Preliminary Announcement


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's that time again for TTPer's to prove to the masses that they know their VMSL.

I'm still putting together the pool pages and the prize packages, which hopefully should be done this week... In the meantime, I'll give everyone a general rundown of how the pools will work this year.

First of all, we've split the pools up such that you can enter individual pools w/o needing to enter what is now called, the Super Pool - this was done in response to some feedback that people did not know anything about higher/lower divisions and thus didn't enter. Hopefully TTPers will like this development [though the better prize packages will definitely be for the Super Pool ]

Secondly, the entry forms will now be done online... no downloading, filling in, and mailing entries this time. You just need to get your payment in by the deadline either by mail or dropping it off possibly at locations to be announced - it is YOUR responsibility to ensure your payment is received on time

Thirdly... entry fees.

Individual Pool Entry:
$15 Non-Premium Members
$10 Premium Members

Super Pool Entry:
$25 Non-Premium Members
$20 Premium Members

That's about it for now... use this thread to ask any questions before the forms and prize packages are put into place as well as to indicate your interest



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