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Post-concussion study and treatment

Sep 1, 2007
Dirty Money
Mild Head Injury/Concussion Study Information

If you have experienced a mild head injury or concussion you may be eligible to participate in a study being conducted through the Clinical Psychology Centre at Simon Fraser University. Even if your injury was a long time ago, or you have previously participated in concussion research at SFU, you still may be eligible to participate. You are eligible to participate whether or not you are still experiencing symptoms.

Participants will be paid $20.00
Participation involves filling out questionnaires and answering questions about yourself and your mild head injury/concussion.
If you are experiencing persistent symptoms you may be eligible to access

The study includes a randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of a non-pharmaceutical treatment protocol that has been designed to address persistent post-concussion symptoms. The treatment is free of charge to interested participants through the Clinical Psychology Centre at Simon Fraser University.

For more information contact the Simon Fraser University
Clinical Psychology Centre:

The University and those conducting this research study subscribe to the ethical conduct of research and to the protection at all times of the interests, comfort, and safety of participants. This research is being conducted under permission of the Simon Fraser Research Ethics Board. The chief concern of the Board is for the health, safety and psychological well-being of research participants.

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