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Politically Incorrect


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
If anyone were to have arived to planet earth in the past few days and turned on the ol cnn, they would assume that this planet was in a state of utopia up until dec 25-6. I am almost discusted now to how this shite is glorified, how people tune into cnn and watch the death toll as if it was a stock point, how americans have turned white tourist into heroes, how all focus has turned to this tsunami. The amount of deaths they figure this will escalate to after desease sinks will hit 250,000. This is the amount of people who die from aids in africa every 18 days, 1600 KIDS die of malaria in africa every day. The Istanbul earthquake that killed 20000 people(all turkish) never recieved a spec of teh attention this tsunami that killed tourist from all over is recieving. We are simply following the steps of the states so we dont have eyes staring down on us. The states can move in set up ARMY bases in and around the mid east and decoy it as if they have a guinine concern for teh restructuring of teh thai and sri economy and trade regime. Fukc all this shite......we are numb to the images of our starving brothers and sisters in africa. This is all a business and is seriously sick beyond the web cams of a giant wave.
Could it be the giving time of yr, could it be that we need a national conection to fully empathize, or is it that we need to see a familiar race on tv to relate and care, whatever the fukc it is, the masses are doing it and if u dont u must not care.

All I know is that I dont think any of us have ever been hungry, ever.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
now you speak, after i handed out my dough?.......
thanks luc.
half hour too late.
i could've filled up my gastank with that money and helped out the terrorists in need, you know.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
or is it that we need to see a familiar race on tv to relate and care, whatever the fukc it is, the masses are doing it and if u dont u must not care.

I love how you try to play the race card on this one. Explain to me how the faces of East Asia are any more "familiar", or "unfamiliar" to us than the faces in Africa?

OK Luc, I'll call you out...how much did you give, financially, to your brothers and sisters in Africa? How much did YOU give for Turkish victims? A dollar even? Honestly, your rant smells of somebody trying to not only stir it, but of somebody who heard a different slant on this tragedy, thought it was "cool", and decided to put your own special spin on it. So you're not happy about people giving to this cause? Fine, give to your own special cause and shut it. But, in my opinion, if you haven't given of yourself or your wallet, you really have no right to an opinion. Fell free my man...correct me if I'm off base, but my guess is that you've taken this stance because you don't want to open your chequebook for this or any other cause, and it is just a convenient excuse.

There are times when the media can serve as a positive force, and I argue that this is one of those times. Self serving, yes, but at least coverage has helped galvanize people into giving. BTW, the first news outlet I saw coverage on was CBC, not CNN, and I don't give because of the "tourists", because they don't need it. For me, it is 100% out of sadness for the people who can't and won't be flying home to escape the mess. Hey, if the images on CBC and other media outlets influenced me to write a cheque to UNICEF, I don't see that as a bad thing.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Dude said:
my guess is that you've taken this stance because you don't want to open your chequebook for this or any other cause, and it is just a convenient excuse.
is this true luc?
are you using your checkbook only to donate to the beer foundation?

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
knvb said:
I heard on a US radio station this is the largest disaster next to 911. Now that is politically incorrect.

Definitely a "Politically Incorrect" topic possibilty!

Seriously, now...was 9/11 really that big a deal in the grand scheme of catastrophes? Two buildings lost. 4 planes shot down. 3500 or so people killed. Sounds like the first hour of the Iraq War to me!

Media, politicians, marketers...they all know one thing: the vast majority of the general public will flock like sheep to whatever is the buzz....or bleet.

I'm a hypocrite on this matter because I donated $50 to the cause. I've also been donating monthly to World Vision since 1985 when everyone got on the Band-Aid/help those in Ethiopia bandwagon.

Regardless, I think it's imperative that when this much money is being donated by the general public, as well as our goverment (I guess that means we're all giving $$ and therefore are entitled to an opinion on the matter ;) )
then we should be able to know where exactly this money is going and how exactly is it going to be spent?


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
i heard that the tsunami never happened!
its all a big conspiracy and we're all donating to make that area of the world rich.
everyone out there is chilling by the beach laughing at us.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
I love how you try to play the race card on this one. Explain to me how the faces of East Asia are any more "familiar", or "unfamiliar" to us than the faces in Africa?

OK Luc, I'll call you out...how much did you give, financially, to your brothers and sisters in Africa? How much did YOU give for Turkish victims? A dollar even? Honestly, your rant smells of somebody trying to not only stir it, but of somebody who heard a different slant on this tragedy, thought it was "cool", and decided to put your own special spin on it. So you're not happy about people giving to this cause? Fine, give to your own special cause and shut it. But, in my opinion, if you haven't given of yourself or your wallet, you really have no right to an opinion. Fell free my man...correct me if I'm off base, but my guess is that you've taken this stance because you don't want to open your chequebook for this or any other cause, and it is just a convenient excuse.

There are times when the media can serve as a positive force, and I argue that this is one of those times. Self serving, yes, but at least coverage has helped galvanize people into giving. BTW, the first news outlet I saw coverage on was CBC, not CNN, and I don't give because of the "tourists", because they don't need it. For me, it is 100% out of sadness for the people who can't and won't be flying home to escape the mess. Hey, if the images on CBC and other media outlets influenced me to write a cheque to UNICEF, I don't see that as a bad thing.

I think you should reread my post, actually research what is goin on, and please present to everyone the scaled chart that maps out and connects the relitivity of ones opinion to the amount one donates to the tsunami relief.

Your bizarre level of interest in who much i contributed is exactly what I'm talking about. Up until this last post of yours I almost had respect for what you say, but I think the "dude" may have hit the reefer a little too hard today.

Open your eyes dude.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
suckit said:
i heard that the tsunami never happened!
its all a big conspiracy and we're all donating to make that area of the world rich.
everyone out there is chilling by the beach laughing at us.

im probably already dead for making such a comment.
the assigned authorities will be knocking on my door shortly to take me away.
have a good life ttp'rs.
knights rock.


New Member
Jan 31, 2003
Dirty Money
I was going to post a scintilating reply, but as I have not donated anything recently I am not allowed an opinion. Carry on.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You criticize others for giving because it isn't to a cause you support. Sorry, but you've completely lost me. Besides, I didn't intone "how" much, but more, anything at all to anything. In other words, you're all talk.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
But Dude, you haven't answered the question.

Why does one have to contribute to a cause in order to possess an opinion on it?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
But Dude, you haven't answered the question.
Joe Mannion,

You're supposed to answer the questions, not ask the fricken things.

Know your role,

Robin Regnier.



Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
You criticize others for giving because it isn't to a cause you support. Sorry, but you've completely lost me. Besides, I didn't intone "how" much, but more, anything at all to anything. In other words, you're all talk.

Your handle choice of " Dude where's my car" is more pertanent then ever today. You are right about one thing, I did lose you, completely. I can see how you are thinking and I hope one day you find your way out of the box. I hope your donations reach the shore you set out for it to beach, but dude u are but a smeared fingerprint on a window in a skyscraper. Good on you for contributing your 20 bucks, i hope it helps, i really do.
Answer me this; I have been to thailand 4 times, overall bringing with me 17 000 canadian dollars and returning with zero. Inadvertantly i have been feeding sporatic thai citizens for months to yrs. Does my opinion count? If so does it mean more then yours? Opinions like people are all equal.

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