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Player loses finger celebrating goal


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Player loses finger celebrating goal

Associated Press

GENEVA (AP) - A Portuguese soccer player who lost his finger while celebrating a goal for his Swiss club Servette wants to forget the grisly incident as soon as possible.

Paolo Diogo, 29, caught his wedding ring on perimeter fencing while celebrating a late goal in Sunday's match which put his struggling Geneva side 4-1 ahead against Schaffhausen. The ring ripped off the top of his finger.

"When I jumped down from the fence, I didn't feel anything at all," Diogo told the Swiss daily Blick on Wednesday. "The first time that I noticed that something was missing from my hand was when is started to hurt. And it hurt tremendously."

Before he noticed the injury, the unlucky player picked up a booking from referee Florian Etter for excessive celebration.

Although club officials found the missing finger, surgeons were unable to reattach it and recommended that the stump be amputated.

"First I talked to my wife and then with our club doctor," Diogo said. "Then finally I saw that amputation was for the best."

Diogo said he was philosophical.

"I'm not dead and life goes on. So I have to live with one less finger."
I'm sure some of you can use this story as an example to your wives on why you shouldn't wear your band when going out with the boys :D


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