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Only in... England :rolleyes:


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
We all like to poke fun at the Yanks and such but maybe it's time to move on... I mean, really, how fcuking stupid can you get?

BBC tells workers how to go through door, boil water

London - Staff at the British Broadcasting Corp. have been given instructions on how to walk through a door.

The Sun, Britain's biggest selling daily newspaper, reports that workers at the global broadcaster's offices in Birmingham, central England, have been issued a memo advising them on how to get through a revolving door.

An e-mail, sent to 800 staff - complete with stick-man diagrams for ease of understanding - comes after one worker trapped her foot in the new doors at the BBC's offices in Britain's second city, cracking a toenail, The Sun said.

"Follow these simple steps each time you use the doors," says the memo entitled Revolving Security Door User Instructions.

"To enter the secure space move directly into the revolving door compartment.

"The door will start automatically. One person per compartment. Keep hands, feet and bags away from the edges of the door."

A BBC spokesman told The Sun: "We are keeping in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act."

Employees at BBC Radio Sheffield in the north of England had previously been instructed on how to get through the often confusing and peril-laden task of boiling a kettle.

The Sun quoted the edict as saying: "Remove lid from kettle and fill kettle with water."

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