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[MWSL Premier] 2004 Results & Banter

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Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Coquitlam City FC - 8
Poco FC Premier - nil

Didn't make it out to catch this game today. Coquitlam missing five or more players to college/university, and played with only 12 for most of the match. However, they were able to start Allen, Hicks and Trotman. Which doesn explain the eight goals.

From reports, Poco weren't happy that Coquitlam left their top players on after the score hit the ridiculous point. But with one sub, what was Tony Mobes supposed to do? Poco should be better next time around. They're missing some college players too I would think. Scores from the first eight weeks aren't always accurate indicators of how the season will play out.

Norvan again makes me look like a cnut by drawing Richmond. Looks like another year of unrealized potential for Norvan. No worries, I'll pick them again in 2005.

Couple of big matches this weekend. SBAA makes it out to Coquitlam, who always have trouble with the Beavers. Friday night game at Blue Mountain perhaps? Hope so. Stay tunes. Then on Sunday it's the match of the week, when UBC hosts Surrey United. Good early season rematch of the BC final.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

Although the score was 8-0 it wasn't completely indicative of the game. Granted, Coq scored a few decent goals, and Ros, Phebe and Amber are always a handful to manage, many of their goals were one's that could have been stopped by probably anyone, including those whose arms were tied behind their back or who were blindfolded. Also, a few of the goals were a result of a major f*** up or extremely poor marking from a Poco player(s). Coquitlam literally scored 5 seconds into the game as a result of a massive screw up between 2 defenders, and then they scored another goal pretty much right after (due to the number of goals that were scored I can't remember if it was a good goal or not :eek: ). From about the 2 minute mark of the game until about 10+ minutes into the second half the game was decent and Poco did manage to generate some chances. However, at about the 10 minute mark in the second half an absolutely shockingly bad goal went in, and from that point on the game took a complete 180 and it seemed that regardless of the type of shot Coquitlam would get, it would find it's way into the goal.

Just to set the record straight, as for the Poco players being upset, at least from my point of view and the view of some of our other players, I see no reason why we should be upset, and I am not upset by how Coquitlam played out the game. Just because a team is playing particularly crappy on a given day, or at least because everything that is fired at the goal goes in, doesn't mean that another team should stop trying to play. I know I wouldn't if the situation was reversed. And I mean, it was not like a lot of Coquitlam's shots on goal were particularly effective and not like they were going all out anyway. It was just that given the situation it was easier for them to score than not to score. Plus, Coquitlam did not have many subs, so they couldn't take their forwards off anyway, nor should they have to. This is Premier and teams should expect to play 100% for the entire game. If not, go down and play div 1 or don't play at all. I just think that many of our players were very embarassed after the game due to how pathetic the game was, or at least were very frustrated due to the fact that a decent effort for much of the game was ruined by some horrible goals going in against us. As some of Coquitlam's players said to us, if we are able to address certain "key" weaknesses that are exploited game after game after game, we would be able to compete with the top 3 teams and then beat the other ones on a regular basis.

How did the other games go? I am betting that none of the others were as soap opera-like as ours.



New Member
May 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
As some of Coquitlam's players said to us, if we are able to address certain "key" weaknesses that are exploited game after game after game, we would be able to compete with the top 3 teams and then beat the other ones on a regular basis.

How did the other games go? I am betting that none of the others were as soap opera-like as ours.


I know what that is like from previous years, hopefully your team/coach can address this problem so your team can compete at this level.

Coquitlam City United 4 - Surdel Kaisen 0


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
The blueprint for succeeding in the MWSL Premier Division is simple, but not easy. If that makes sense. Too many people believe that restricting roster sizes and limiting subs (or capping national team players) will force good players to filter through the lower teams. This has proven time and again not to be the case. These players are more likely going to go play division one.

It's a paradox seemingly unique to the MWSL Premier group. Players would rather play an entire division down than play on a poor premier team.

While I think it says alot of the motivation of the athlete, the real reason is quite simply - team management. The top three teams in Premier A have stable and very competent management (Potis @ UBC, Foden et al @ Surrey, and the Mobilios at Coquitlam - and Pietramala before them in Burnaby).

Four steps (in order) for building a quality Premier program...

1. Get a manager (in the European football sense of the word) who can run a good program that players will find attractive. You won't have a winning record to stand on, but players need to see that potential. Veteran players will look for a name they are familiar with.

2. Bend over backwards to sign one top player. Find an elite player who might be willing to make a move if it improved their lot in life. More playing time? Closer to home? Better kit? Whatever it takes. A key position player would be best (center back, centre mid, striker or keeper).

3. Utilize the connections of that top player you just signed. Even if it means you have to wait a year. That player is your number one recruiting tool, both directly and indirectly.

4. Abandon the concept of 'this team has been a team forever and just wants to stay together' - it just doesn't work. If you want that, then get the hell out of Premier. The best graduating metro youth team is light years from competing with the best Premier teams on a weekly basis. Players get older, they grow into or away from the game, they develop or they don't. It's not easy making cuts, especially to players you may have coached since they were twelve. But this is the big league, baby. You want to coach premier, then you need to be a premier coach. Difficult decisions come with the turf - but the team will get better. That is the point, no?

I can tell you that this formula works. See Burnaby Canadians for reference.

It doesn't happen overnight. It takes work. It takes difficult decisions. And frankly, it means some people have to swallow their egos.

Just my $0.02. Hope all the teams do well in the future. As a fan of womens soccer, I want nothing else than to see the lower teams close the gap by improving - not by silly rules intended make the top teams weaker. I want parity - not mediocrity.

Good luck this weekend. PS... any word on Coquitlam - SBAA? Are we getting a Friday night game or what?

FBreadyforFridaynitewomenssoccer-withbeerinhand. :D


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
After the sermon from Fat Bastard on how to develop a top quality premier team(some of which I agree with and some of which I don't), I'll get back to the results stuff.

Surrey United 5 - Westside FC 0.

The game wasn't as lopsided as the score with SU leading only 1-0 at half (although the 4-5-1 employed by Westside definitely wasn't an attempt at a victory). If Surrey could hit the net and have better finish it may have been more but, to be fair, Westside had two chances in the first half that could have made it interesting. Second half is where fitness took over a bit (I wouldn't quite call our team fit yet but we did have the advantage - especially the way Kindel runs us in practice). Unfortunately with less than 10 to go some chick who was very hung over from her 30th birthday festivities decided to give it a go and wound up injuring her 30-year-old knee!! :D Just kidding Lea (sp?) and I hope that you are doing alright!!

Looking forward to next week with the provincial final rematch against UBC and even the week after against SBAA (although they wouldn't allow us to reschedule since it will be the day after Sara Maglio and Steve Kindel's wedding - surprise, surprise!!). Should be two good warm-up games before the nats.


New Member
May 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
Carebear, or anyone else,

Do you know of anybody??


What about looking at youth players. Some are more than capable at playing at this level, they will just lack experience. If you bring them in gradually on permits it could help you guys out if not now in the future.


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Friday Night Soccer Comes to the MWSL!!!

Finally, Friday night soccer is coming to MWSL. Mark this date on your calendar soccer fans...

Friday, September 24
Coquitlam City vs Richmond
8pm @ Blue Mountain Park

This is a great showcase for the league, and trust me, these games will be promoted through the youth ranks at Coquitlam City.

I am a big critic of the MWSL, but kudos for seeing the light and allowing this to happen. Friday night games have changed local mens soccer for the better, and now the women's premier should follow suit.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

Sure it is great that the MWSL is going to have some Friday night games, but I doubt a Richmond/Coquitlam game will be the cause for much excitement. If it was Coquitlam against another top team that would probably generate much more attention. I would be more inclined to go watch 2 of the top teams play, but maybe this will be the start of something good in terms of having Friday night games in the MWSL.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Hey WW, I agree. But beggars can't be choosers. Can only work with what the scheduling gods give us.

Predictions for this weekend in Premier A. Winning teams will be...

Coquitlam City
Surrey United


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
going with my gutt on this one...

Predictions for this weekend in Premier A. Winning teams will be...

Coquitlam City
Richmond Selects
Westside FC
Surrey U

+good luck to all :)


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Premier A

Westside 4 - 2 Norvan

Didn't see too much of this game as I was captivated by Indo pumbling Blaze into the grass, but I did witness the game opener -- a PK for Norvan.

Premier B

Westside Shooters 2 - 1 Westside Renegades

Renegades opened it up in the 1st, but the Shooters battled back hard to tie it with 20 left and then take it shortly thereafter. Good game to watch.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Poco 4 - Richmond - 0

I'll let Lionheart fill you on the details as i couldn't make the 10am game in Richmond.
Much more important things to do at home like watch my daughter..........and the Ryder Cup.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Lots of action today

Keeper, those are some fine looking unis in the background :p .

Well done Westside FC & Shooters. :wa:

Looks like I was completely wrong on these two predictions :rolleyes:
Richmond Selects 0 Poco 4 :eek:

UBC Alumni Sportstown 1 - Surrey U 0. :eek:
A lot of cards were thrown in this game...a few reds/yellows. (I'm not going to get into detail, considering I wasn't the one reffing :rolleyes: ). I also won't do a play by play b/c after watching 3 matches (and drinking since 11am), they were all the same to me. The weather was magic though. :D

I hope Nutmegs' 'piper down' injury was a 'charlie horse' and nothing more. Finish those scoring opportunities Surrey U, and you'll bring home the championship. Best of luck ladies!

~sidelinedSC :eek:

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

Yes, your predictions were a wee bit off. Mind you, after the shitkicking the weekend before I maybe would have picked Richmond to win as well. The game today was pretty one-sided and could have been far more than the 4-0 score. Honda Park is way too short as well which doesn't help.

What went on in the Surrey/UBC game?? I'm sure I could guess who got some of the cards.

How were all of the other games?



Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Actually WW the two red cards that were given out were to some young angry youth player who elbowed one of our quieter players and she responded with a kick to the shins. I didn't see the action but both shots seemed quite harmless and probably should've been yellows instead. The ref was a little questionable but God knows what we're going to get in PEI so we better learn to accept it.

Like SC said if we could finish on our scoring chances it would have been a different game. Andrea Neil scored on a great shot from a good 30 to 40 yards out and welcomed our young youth player to the game as she was just subbed on for a not 100% (yet) Wendy.

Of course this all happened about ten minutes after Andy took me out with a hard knee to the leg after I had skinned her and another teammate :rolleyes: .
Thanks for your concern SC - that Neil has some very bony knees and I am still in a lot of pain but should be okay by the time we leave.

Can't wait for next Sunday when our team will be without at least two to three players and our coach due to Sara and Steve's wedding. Plus the hangovers for those who have to show up. Thanks SBAA for even considering our request to postpone :rolleyes: .


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
nutmegs said:
Of course this all happened about ten minutes after Andy took me out with a hard knee to the leg after I had skinned her and another teammate :rolleyes: .
Thanks for your concern SC - that Neil has some very bony knees and I am still in a lot of pain but should be okay by the time we leave.

Can't wait for next Sunday when our team will be without at least two to three players and our coach due to Sara and Steve's wedding. Plus the hangovers for those who have to show up. Thanks SBAA for even considering our request to postpone :rolleyes: .

Nutmegs, I personally find bony knees attractive on a female soccer player and you also have bony knees. The opposite of bony knees would be...unbony knees?, :confused: or fat chubby knees? :confused: I don't know, but I'd rather see bony knees, that I know!

I assume that you will be one of those who has to show up for the game after this wedding ritual. Yes, the wedding ritual. I've heard of their plans. Twamley is handling the affairs. The wedding party has to karaoke down the aisle. I hope no one is out of synch or the whole audience will hear the Twamley shriek! Scary.

SBAA won't postpone the game? Bitches. :mad: :D
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