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Div 2 MOTW: FVSL Div 2 Week One

MOTW Div 2 Week One

  • LUFC vs ND Titans

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • NCoq. United vs Tsawwassen Royals

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • GN vs Abby SC

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NDNBU vs Coq. Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NCoq. Hades vs DMU

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Its MOTW time again lads, brought to you this week by the fine TTP stylings of Shaven and his band of merry (motley? :confused: ) me...er, anyways... :eek: ...

2A- LUFC vs ND Titans: Last season's cup winners versus what should be a strong Langley squad. The question is, which Titans team will show up for this one, or more to the point will the Titans show up at all? Committment historically has been a problem for them, but if they show up ready to play this should be a cracker. Predictions?

2A- North Coq. United (frmr. Eagleridge) vs Tsawwassen Royals: I think this is an interesting candidate for MOTW as NCoq. finished the season strongly last campaign, and the Royals...well, frankly did not finish well at all. Keeping that in mind then, if the Royals are ready to play as they did in the first half of last season, and NCoq. are again on-form, this match has potential. Predictions?

2B- GN Sikh United vs Abby SC: The first annual Div. 2 'Curry Bowl' (poor cousin of the Div 1 'Chutney Bowl') looks interesting as GN will be looking, I would think, to establish themselves as Div. 2 material and get off the hop with 3 valuable points, while Abby looks to have a more consistent season than last. Should be a good match, with good flow. Predictions?

2C- NDNBU vs Coq. Arsenal: MOTW material only because ND is newly promoted this season, and will be looking to establish themselves early on. Arsenal was mid-pack last season, but they are quick and not a bad side. Predictions?

2C- NCoq. Hades vs Delta Metro United:
Hades was solid most of the season last, but faded badly down the stretch. DMU was one of the highest scoring squads last campaign, and have improved their ranks quite a bit for this coming season. If Hades has kept their squad mostly intact, and are hungry for the win, this will be a great match. Predictions?


Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
shaven said:
Its MOTW time again lads, brought to you this week by the fine TTP stylings of Shaven and his band of merry (motley? :confused: ) me...er, anyways... :eek: ...

2B- GN Sikh United vs Abby SC: The first annual Div. 2 'Curry Bowl' (poor cousin of the Div 1 'Chutney Bowl') looks interesting as GN will be looking, I would think, to re-establish themselves as Div. 1 material and get off the hop with 3 valuable points, while Abby looks to have a more consistent season than last. Should be a good match, with good flow. Predictions?


:confused: Bit confused on the write up.....we already have a Div 1 side...no need to re-establish that.....this is a first year team, so we'll see how we stack up against some very good squads (DFC, Clones, Abby, Poco, Columbia....) in the division.

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
North Coquitlam and Tsawwassen is my pick for Match of the week Royals played great this summer in the Night League so they will or should be ready right from the get go, well ran team very orginized so I think T-town should get the three points 3-2 with #8 getting a pair he's a top player

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
shaven said:
2A- North Coq. United (frmr. Eagleridge) vs Tsawwassen Royals:

2C- NDNBU vs Coq. Arsenal:

2C- NCoq. Hades vs Delta Metro United:

well, i think our match should be a good starter for the season. i believe we played this team the first match of the 04-05 season and won 3-1 in our first match in div.2. won't be as easy this time. north coq. has a strong young team, great goaltending, and two fast strikers. i expect a close match, but i'm not so sure with the bloody hours drive out there.

NDNBU vs Arsenal should be pretty lopsided. NBU isn't that great of a team from what they showed in the summer. their transition to div 2 won't be easy. I think Arsenal should take it with ease.

Hades is a strong team, DMU is garbage. they lost a few players since last winter. i expect hades to come out strong and put any DMU dreams of success this season to rest pretty quickly :eek:


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Apologies T, as apparently I was a little off the mark. Duly noted, and correction has been made.

Good luck this season.



Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
Hades is a strong team, DMU is garbage. they lost a few players since last winter. i expect hades to come out strong and put any DMU dreams of success this season to rest pretty quickly :eek:

...and the South Delta trash talk begins. :D

Speaking of players DMU has lost from last season, how is the dusty one doing these days? Have you managed to pull him out of the Rosie for the odd training session?


Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
shaven said:
...and the South Delta trash talk begins. :D

Speaking of players DMU has lost from last season, how is the dusty one doing these days? Have you managed to pull him out of the Rosie for the odd training session?


we did manage to pull dusty over to the royals. he's a very solid and aggressive player who is going to help us a lot this season. we also stole a mid fielder and a defenseman from DMU, all additions that have made our team better as it showed during our summer season.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Mom, which mid and defender did you pull over from DMU? Are they all fit for opening weekend?

If you can keep the dusty one's temper in check, he will be a solid and productive addition for you. Its a big if, but ultimately it is, and always has been, up to him how good a player he wants to be. I predict he scores at least one this weekend.



Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
As for the match of the week predictions? I am going to venture over the river the catch the Poco City Premier, I mean DFC Celtic play the Dynamo of Langley! Should be a very high scoring affair!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Wholly crap, what rock did you crawl out from under?
I think you need to change your name to Civic now.



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I could not vote for my own game as it was not an option. Good choices otherwise for MOTW.

2A- LUFC vs ND Titans:

Should be a great match, LUFC will have some adjusting to do but at least they will not be playing some plonkers. I predict Langley by 2 if they get their "A" lineup out.

2C- NDNBU vs Coq. Arsenal:

This one is also interesting, new team from D3 will certainly notice a difference vs the Arsenal. Arsenal doesn't quit and they utilize their speed well though perhaps lack a little in experience (If I remember correctly they are quite young). I am interested in finding out how this new team rates.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Soccer Mom said:
NDNBU vs Arsenal should be pretty lopsided. NBU isn't that great of a team from what they showed in the summer. their transition to div 2 won't be easy. I think Arsenal should take it with ease.

alright mommy you've now got my attention you curt cobain lookin' little twat, so before you anialate your girlish hair folicles with the 12 gauge known as a soccer mom piss take again lets take a closer look at what you know of my team and what i know of yours!!!! ......and to think i was gonna vote you guys as MOTW??

a little break-down as to what you saw of our "team" in the summer......first things first.....that was a summer team NOT our normal team........second, first match of that so called season, when your entire team was at our pitch warming up before i'd realized i forgot to wash my soccer socks agian, and my guys sauntered in about 20mins to kick off we handed your asses to you with only two subs!!!!!......and third, before you even bother biting back on that with the fact you beat us good in our second match, i'll remind you of your assanine start time and pitch i wouldn't even let my dog shite on, and the fact that we had no subs, started short one man, had two guys injured almost the entire second half, and were up one goal at the end of the first before getting totaly gassed and collapsing(i believe LSD and dopeashell can vouch for this)!!!! fourth.....fcuk i'm not even gonna get into the fact that you guys never actually won your division to earn promotion...........oops! guess i just did ;) !!!

on a note related more closely to this thread...i think the hades/dmu game will be the one to see.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
that being said we are not taking anyone lightly in this div as we've only played a couple of the div 2 teams before. mid pack or higher would be nice for our first year.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
walls said:
alright mommy you've now got my attention you curt cobain lookin' little twat, so before you anialate your girlish hair folicles with the 12 gauge known as a soccer mom piss take again lets take a closer look at what you know of my team and what i know of yours!!!! ......and to think i was gonna vote you guys as MOTW??

Doesn't take much to set you off, does it wallsie? We could do without the name calling though, a bit over the top don't you think? Easy big fella... ;)



Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Argyle said:
As for the match of the week predictions? I am going to venture over the river the catch the Poco City Premier, I mean DFC Celtic play the Dynamo of Langley! Should be a very high scoring affair!

I think this one will be a good one as well.... I think Langley was the best in the division last year... god knows why they were so low in the standings..... heaven help them against us though.... we beat them twice last year, but they were our best games.... this year I'll take DFC 5 - 1..... I only give them 1 because the Guru has to play in the pipes for the first half.... I can't control what happens in the second. :rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
shaven said:
Doesn't take much to set you off, does it wallsie? We could do without the name calling though, a bit over the top don't you think? Easy big fella... ;)


What the fcuk do you mean we could do without the name calling? It's called "TAKE THE PISS"!!! :rolleyes:

Over the top would be Bored's shot.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
walls said:
a little break-down as to what you saw of our "team" in the summer......first things first.....that was a summer team NOT our normal team........second, first match of that so called season, when your entire team was at our pitch warming up before i'd realized i forgot to wash my soccer socks agian, and my guys sauntered in about 20mins to kick off we handed your asses to you with only two subs!!!!!......and third, before you even bother biting back on that with the fact you beat us good in our second match, i'll remind you of your assanine start time and pitch i wouldn't even let my dog shite on, and the fact that we had no subs, started short one man, had two guys injured almost the entire second half, and were up one goal at the end of the first before getting totaly gassed and collapsing(i believe LSD and dopeashell can vouch for this)!!!! fourth.....fcuk i'm not even gonna get into the fact that you guys never actually won your division to earn promotion...........oops! guess i just did ;) !!!

actually the locks have been chopped for a more classy and elegant look,...

lets open your mind to a more broader frame here. i realized it was summer when we played each other, and figuring you'd have some brain cells left to figure the same, you'd realize the t. royals weren't out there with their full squad either. next, you did not hand our asses to us, you won 3-2 i believe, two of those goals were off of correct, but unfortunate penalty kick calls. sure you won the game, but with 2 PK's being the difference, i wouldn't say you handed our asses to us...

2nd match, ummm lets see here, 7pm is pretty common in the knight league for a kickoff time,... i don't give a shite who many players you had or we had, that's your problem and/or my teams problem, what was the score? 6-1? 7-1? ya, that's sounds about right. the pitch is garbage, what the fukc are you gonna do about it? both teams were playing on the same field, shut up already.

how we got promoted is irrelevant, we did more than hold our own in our first season in div 2. we were in 1st place for a good chunk of the season. with any lucky breaks, like ohhh, maybe 2 or 3 shitty PK calls for your team a game, you might do just as well.


oh ya, best of luck to you and your 'boys' :eek: this season.
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