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Who is the most lethal/dangerous cheap-shot artist in the playoffs?

  • Derian Hatcher, Dallas

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Tie Domi, Toronto

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • Vaclav Varada, Ottawa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bryan Marchment, Colorado

    Votes: 9 56.3%
  • Darcy Tucker, Toronto

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Claude Lemieux, Dallas

    Votes: 2 12.5%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Who is the most lethal/potentially dangerous cheap-shot artist lining up for a playoff team this postseason? I mention this only because we saw one score a big goal yesterday (Domi), one nearly decapitate an unsuspecting Oiler (Hatcher), one completely destroy an old Ottawa nemesis (Neil) - and we haven't even seen Marchment step on the ice yet. Good start to the playoffs or dangerous precident?

My top six, in no particular order:

Derian Hatcher, Dallas - probably best remembered for his lethal hit on now-teammate Jason Arnott in the 2000 Stanley Cup finals, which failed to garner a penalty but brought to attention the notorious head-hunting Hatch is now known for.

Bryan Marchment, Colorado - most telling stat? March has been involved in hits which tore the MCLs of Joe Nieuwendyk, Greg Adams and Mike Modano. The knee-on-knee hits he so often goes for makes him one of the most reviled players in the league.

Claude Lemieux, Dallas - Two words. Kris Draper. Smashes Draper into the boards, mangles his face, sends him for 76 stitches and proceeds to laugh about it while still on the ice. Getting older, but as was evident late in the game last night, still very dangerous when players don't have their heads up.

Darcy Tucker, Toronto - Put himself in the centre of all media attention last season when his low (very low) hipcheck on Mike Peca tore the Islander captain's ACL and incited a near riot on Long Island. Also jumped into the Ottawa Senators bench earlier this year to instigate his own ass-kicking at the hands of Chris Neil and 20 of his Ottawa mates. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Tie Domi, Toronto - Think Scott Niedermayer, 2001 playoffs. "He said he was going to take a suspension on me," Niedermayer told the media. Sure enough, Domi came through with a wicked elbow with 20 seconds left in a 3-1 Leafs victory, earning him a 10-game suspension, and forcing Niedermayer out with a concussion.

Vaclav Varada, Ottawa - Same guy who ridiculed Wayne Gretzky in the Great One's final season, for "standing around in the neutral zone". Went knee-on-knee with Jose Theodore during the 2001 campaign. Sucker-punched Tampa Bay Goalie John Grahame and proceeded to fight him in a Feburary game earlier this year.

Other notables include: Tyson Nash, St. Louis. Steve Konowalchuk, Washington. Chris Chelios, Detroit. PJ Stock, Boston.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money

Which Wild player will have their knee ripped to shreds first? Hopefully when he does do it he'll get suspended for twelve games or so. Then maybe the Canucks won't need to worry about him.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Two misconducts will cost Hatcher Game 3 - Edmonton's Cory Cross avoided a suspension for pummeling Stephane Robidas in the closing minutes of Friday's loss, but will have to pay a $1,000 fine for his actions.

(AP) DALLAS -- Stars veteran Derian Hatcher has been suspended one game by the NHL for cumulative game misconducts, Sportsnet has learned.

Hatcher was assessed a misconduct in Game 1, a result of the elbowing major he received for flattening Oil defenceman Steve Satios. In Friday's Game 2, Hatcher was again shown the gate for being the third man in during a fight between Phillipe Boucher and Jason Smith.

Rule 28(e), Misconduct Penalties, assesses an automatic one-game suspension to any player who incurs a total of two game misconduct penalties during the playoffs. The automatic suspension would be increased by one game for any subsequent ejection.

The automatic suspension is accompanied by a $1,000 fine to the Stars. The money goes to the NHL Foundation.

Cory Cross, who was assessed a match penalty in Game 2 at Dallas, had his incident with Stephane Robidas reviewed by the league. Cross took exception to something Robidas said and proceeded to pummel and bloody the Stars' defenceman. The league chose to fine Cross $1,000.

The Stars evened up their series with the Oilers with a 6-1 win on Friday.

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