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Is the USSDA starting to pay dividends for the US


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
If beating England 5-1 at the U17 NIKE Friendlies for 1998 born players down in Florida earlier this past week was a good example of how the US Soccer Developmental Academy is helping develop the next generation of US players than the 4-1 annihilation of Brazil must certainly be a good indication that this generation of players must be taken seriously.

The USSDA has close to 80 clubs that play teams in both the U15/16 and U17/18 divisions with only 2 teams coming from outside the US (Vancouver Whitecaps and Montreal Impact).

Only two of the US players on this team are being developed outside of the US. One at Fulham and one at Monterrey in Mexico. One other player was unattached and not playing in the USSDA.

The Canadian 1998's is also a very good, thick age group as well. Just figures that the US would one up us and come up with an ultimate team to match us. I'm sure Mexico is also pretty good!


In my opinion, if Canada wants to build the future, they need to start with a similar nationwide league with divisions in each province/inter-provincial (like BCSPL or OPDL but under one umbrella) that has a with the same standards and expectations as the USSDA.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
DJ - I haven't done the research and although beating ENG and Brazil by those scores is impressive....I wonder what type of teams they sent. Were they first choice teams? Were they also born in 1998?

Yes, Canada getting much much better at youth ages, scoring goals, winning games against regional opp, draws in world cup games etc.

Jason DeVos has reported a nationwide standards-based league for youth and senior is coming in 2014. I'll believe it when I see it but if DeVos is reporting it.....I suspect the youth one will start with BCSPL, OPDL, and a QC league all going under same umbrella and lining up their standards, then adding other provinces down the line. OPDL starting with just u13 so I am not sure how that might work to link with BCSPL.
Sep 29, 2013
Dirty Money
I think both of you make very good points here. So when are we going to get a well known coach to run our Canadian national team. Bora Milutinovic was available but our big wigs just let him go by.
Our youth teams have done very well last couple of years.Our men's team not so good.need I say more.
I know a coach who has his U.E.F.A. ticket .he went to try to get a coaching position with the provincial team. He was told sorry you have too much experience....and u wonder why and what is wrong with our system.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
DJ - I haven't done the research and although beating ENG and Brazil by those scores is impressive....I wonder what type of teams they sent. Were they first choice teams? Were they also born in 1998?

I can talk for Brazil, yes it was Brazil under 15 team (born 1998 and after).
Not to be taken as an excuse but nobody in Brazil gives a rats ass about the U-15 team (or the U-17 for that matter). In fact most world caliber players only care to make the team at U-20 and after (check in Wikipedia Neymar, Kaka, Oscar, Ramires, Thiago Silva, whoever).


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
Tough to say as U15 players are not really in the limelight in Brazil unless they are Neymar or the original Ronaldo who were playing in the seniors with full professional contracts at 15. I saw a few references to a couple players but just as good prospects playing in the youth divisions which in Brazil means most likely not to be prime guys. Based on my experience true A level players are playing for their clubs U20's or already showing up in Senior teams at that age. I saw no reference of that being the case with these guys.
Having said that they were tge official Brazil U15 team selected by CBF and who had represented Brazil before in the South American tournament. BTW they were horrible there tooand the Brazilian media have been crucifying coach and team over their bad play.
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Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
You petty much conirmed my suspicion. Prob fairly easy to figue out if the US team was any good.....but that'd takeo research a u15 game.....prob not worth it! :)

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