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HPL <-> MSL movement

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New Member
May 5, 2011
Dirty Money
Okay, the mini-season is over and HPL clubs are free to try and pillage each other and customers are free to look at other options. This is just grand for those staying within the HPL system, but it can be a real cluster for MSL movement.

BCSA, using advanced logic, has decided that only HPL players can stand the strain of an extended season, yet must be sheltered from the harsh Canadian winters. As a result the HPL season aligns with exactly SFA. So, just as the MSL teams are settling in and preparing for cup play, it’s time for HPL to start bringing players out for trials and picking players to help with the start of a new season. For clubs that have closely aligned (e.g. in-house) MSL programs this should cause minimal pain for both teams and any players involved. In other situations it can be a right mess. There are stories of MSL TDs and coaches actively obstructing player HPL trials and communication. Shockingly, not everyone is toeing the line. I don’t expect everyone to like HPL, we all know it (along with every other youth league in BC) has issues, but actually preventing player contact is way out of line. Like it or not, this is HPL’s period for recruiting players.

One scenario that I’m curious about is what if a player decides to stick with a MSL team (for any number of reasons) or the player develops over the next 4-6 months? I guess that’s it for him or her. No spring SYL teams to try out for (can try for academy teams though); another round of MSL and hope your name get’s called. I imagine if a HPL team has a roster spot open then, movement would be possible, but will teams be keeping spots open? If a player does get picked up after the MSL season, can he/she play in the premier cup?

I don’t think movement down to MSL will be all the smooth in some cases either. Players may find themselves in an out of district MSL club and hopefully the OOD rule doesn’t come into play.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Dirty Money
Great post, MSL coaches should premote kids to try out if they wish too, it is about the kids right? I'm curious when kids released join the msl teams, next week? next month? Jan? I have heard at least 3 msl teams stating if players drop down they will be at the bottom of the rostor, minimal minutes and going with the team they had. It could get very ugly over the next month.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
I would imagine any player playing for District X BCPL team that moves down to MSL but is from District Y would simply return to their regular District Y MSL team wouldn't they? I suppose some District X BCPL players might simply move down to District X MSL team and then be an out of district player for the District X MSL team....assuming the player is still "committed to the cause" and wants to prove the BCPL coaches wrong and have an outstanding MSL season and then move back to BCPL the following year.

What I would think might be logical/possible is a BCPL movement window in the summer....yes, you'd have to collect fee's up front or on whatever regular payment schedule, but if a player is going to be moved or a new kid brought in there would have to be some flexibility.

For example, one year I had my team picked after whatever tryout. The team was nearly full - had 16 players so certainly had enough. Then in September a kid moved here from Brazil. The kid was outstanding and he slotted right into the team. I would imagine even if a BCPL team had 20 players and such a situation occurred where a lad or lady moved from out of town or province and was good enough they'd make room.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Great post, MSL coaches should premote kids to try out if they wish too, it is about the kids right? I'm curious when kids released join the msl teams, next week? next month? Jan? I have heard at least 3 msl teams stating if players drop down they will be at the bottom of the rostor, minimal minutes and going with the team they had. It could get very ugly over the next month.

That would be about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Punish the kid for challenging himself to play BCPL. I sure hope that isn't true....

I could understand putting the kid at end of the bench for the first game or two as they settle in to training and the team....


Jan 11, 2011
Dirty Money
That would be about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Punish the kid for challenging himself to play BCPL. I sure hope that isn't true....

I could understand putting the kid at end of the bench for the first game or two as they settle in to training and the team....

I don't know about other clubs but at ours, I think I can say with confidence that our TD wouldn't allow that to happen. IE; a metro coach restricting upward movement, or punishing players for up and down movement.

If the MSL coaches are taking this approach then the club has the wrong person in the coaching position.


New Member
Apr 7, 2011
Dirty Money
I don't know about other clubs but at ours, I think I can say with confidence that our TD wouldn't allow that to happen. IE; a metro coach restricting upward movement, or punishing players for up and down movement.

If the MSL coaches are taking this approach then the club has the wrong person in the coaching position.

Agree completely, again isn't this about the kids


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Soccerdad - I think your statement re: your TD not allowing it is true of all the TD's. I've met quite a few and they are all reasonable, intelligent, and smart people. There might be some idiot coaches but surely none who would punish a kid for going to BCPL.....especially not when the kid wants to then come back down and play for ya - and they'd likely be a game changer.....

I wonder if this earlier statement that a coach would throw a kid on the end of the bench was an exaggeration or assumption of some kid or another.

Any kid that joined my team a few months into the season would be on the end of the bench for a week or two but after that they'd be treated just as everyone else is....


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Are HPL Players allowed to play on permit with Senior teams during the "winter break"?


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
A South Fraser boys team also got shellacked. Not sure at what age though. Can't be bothered to look it up. It happens in every league. Just because teams lose by these kind of scores doesn't mean they will pack it in. Can't judge team dedication based on results - only if you are a part of the team. Some will leave though, I'd assume.

One thing I wonder if it should happen is creating sort of a "B" division in u13 and u14. However that looks. Those age groups will get the largest numbers and provide more opportunity for program strength in the future - at least in regards to numbers. Player retention becomes an increasing issue with age as we all know, so if you have larger numbers at younger age groups families and kids may have more loyalty. Whereas if you have one team per age and kids playing metro the kids may feel loyal to their metro team that "gave them a chance" when they were younger....

The logistics of adding a "B" division would be a challenge no doubt. But what you might also see then is BCPL "B" teams then entering the u15+ metro divisions with more regularity and thus more opportunity for these windows to be seemless.....The "B" division might be a crap shoot re: franchises having the ability (coaches available/sufficient quality, player numbers at tryouts etc, quality at tryouts) to field teams - and even field space. Just a thought.


New Member
Dec 14, 2010
Dirty Money
Are all players now allowed tryout for other franchises if that is their wish? I understood that this group of players paid up front(or in installments) for the mini-season as well as the first season. Are there out clauses for the kids to not pursue HPL and recieve their money back, pro-rated of course? Is this an individual franchise decision or is there a league policy that covers this stuff? I have no affiliation with HPL and find it interesting that very little information is available to the public.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I believe the "rule" right now is that players wishing to go from one HPL franchise to another, must request an evaluation from the TD of the franchise they wish to go to. That TD needs to then contact the other TD and coach before doing anything.

I believe this in place up until December 15th.

As to refunding of fees and whatnot, probably each franchise has a different procedure in place.

Colin Elmes

Active Member
Aug 10, 2011
Dirty Money
I believe the "rule" right now is that players wishing to go from one HPL franchise to another, must request an evaluation from the TD of the franchise they wish to go to. That TD needs to then contact the other TD and coach before doing anything.

I believe this in place up until December 15th.

As to refunding of fees and whatnot, probably each franchise has a different procedure in place.

I cant believe the player doesnt need permission from the Queen as well.....


New Member
May 5, 2011
Dirty Money
I like what South Fraser did to allow players/parents direct access to the club. They've put up a web form, which allows players to express interest in playing for the club. A more comfortable process (for some) than having to phone the SFFC TD and/or potentially bypass any obstruction they're getting at their existing club.

South Fraser FC interested player form


New Member
Mar 16, 2011
Dirty Money

As a parent of a HPL player, I can tell that the South Fraser interested player forms with Confidentially promised.
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