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Holdem at the Casino...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
After playing many time with friends and family, home versions/tournaments of Texas Holdem, i thought i would give it a try at the casino. I went with a buddy of mine who has played there plenty, so it was nice to get debriefed on how poker is played differently in the casino, that with friends. I bought into the $1/2 No Limit game. Max buy in is $200. I started off with $100 and after doing dumb things, like chase adn so forth i bought another 100 within the hour. Now this next 100, actually stayed with me most of the nite. After being totally jittery about playing others, and trying to figure out what to bet, and so forth, i got back on track and was up $50 total. After 4 hours of play i ended up losing $90. Unlike my buddy who walked out with $700. I did learn lots this time and will hopefully help in my next. But did time fly!!

Good Times at the Rock!! Gettin Ready for Vegas baby!!!

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