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Hockey Brawl Tournament


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Controversial hockey brawl tourney to go ahead
CTV.ca News Staff

Organizers of the first Battle of the Hockey Enforcers, which will put 12 players on the ice simply to slug it out, say they will move the event to Prince George, B.C. after legal
wrangling halted plans in Winnipeg.

Promoter Darryl Wolski told reporters Wednesday that the unique hockey-fighting battle will now take place in Prince George, B.C., on Aug. 27, despite warnings that the event may be illegal.

"We honestly believe this is the beginning of a new spectacle," Wolski said during a Toronto news conference.

The event will see 16 former NHL, semi-pro, university and junior hockey "tough guys" suit up and then pair off at centre ice for a series of short brawls.

Judges will award points based on such things as number of punches thrown and landed, showmanship and crowd response.

Winners will be awarded cash, though the amounts haven't been revealed.

"It'll be hockey fights without a hockey game," explained Wolski. "And our guys won't have to sit in a penalty box for five minutes.

"The puck drops and away they go for 60 seconds."

Organizers had hoped to host the tournament at the Winnipeg Arena on Aug. 20-21 under the name "Hockey Gladiators." But those plans were nixed when Winnipeg police exerted "a great deal of pressure" on Winnipeg Enterprises Corp., which oversees the Winnipeg Arena.

There were concerns that the event violates the Criminal Code under Section 83, which prohibits unsanctioned prize fighting. The section also bans the promotion of such events.

Other cities in the U.S. also balked at the idea.

But Wolski says the tournament has been fully cleared by the Prince George Athletic Commission and by the city of Prince George.

So now, a year and a half after Wolski began plans for the events, tickets will finally go on sale June 18 with Ticketmaster.

The event will also be available by pay-per-view on a number of cable services.

The event will see 16 former NHL, semi-pro, university and junior hockey "tough guys" suit up and then pair off at centre ice for a series of short brawls?
You mean it will see 16 former tough guys that can't make it in the league, are broke, and need some extra cash.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money

The city fathers but a close to it!!!!

It was pretty funny listening to ex-player John Craighead stating thta hockey fights are like WWE wrestling!!! :rolleyes:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's a huge mess... I thought there was supposed to be another emergency city council meeting to vote again? I "heard" through KNVB's sources ( :rolleyes: ) that the mayor of PG says they weren't voted in to be morality police and that the whole issue of cancelling the event was due to a single council member grand-standing... the plethora of emails complaining that was talked about in the media amounted to about 30. Then again, the mayor said the city already had 2 million dollars invested in the event :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
It's kinda like Philidelphia circa '74 -- with more advertising.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brh6KRvQHBc"]YouTube - Live action Simpsons[/ame]

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