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U21 [FVSL U21] Results and Predictions 2009/10

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
RBKS what is the problem with DFC U21. No control or do they have one or two guys
playing to hurt?


rbks, good to hear. I'm a few years out of U21, It would be nice to see the league get better though, and use U21 as a developmental/transition league into mens as the gunners do.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Some U21 players take it the wrong way and get lots of cards. Some go as far as fights to prove the point. They should use U21 for better development. There is no need of fights and faul mouth. Good soccer game speaks out. Every so aften you can see a grate game in U21. I did see the top team play last weekend. They do have a good side. I can see why they beat VMSL U21. They are mutch biger and faster side. Good air soccer and also good ground ball, D is solid, keeping is equal to div one. Only one thing that does not sit well with me. Faul mouth is way to high. Young kids come to watch the games. Parents take them home just because there is lots of foul mouth.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
RBKS you are right it is mens soccer to some degree. Most youth act like little bithches when they get fauled. They stop playing. But our reffing is not on the same page. Lots of them only come for money and forget that there is two sides on the pitch. If you think U21 is bad just come and play Div three. God help you lad. Madness in a big form sance. They do not call the fauls. Or they call it against one side onley. Next game or two I will tape and send it to Canadian Soccer Association and guys above to watch just to see why we pay to play. There is tuns of good players,tuns of good teams.You can not play if you get hurt because of a guy that does not care about the game. The guy is off side five six yards,goals are scored from it.
Yellow cards must be given and reported. Game control has to inprove in order for better level of soccer. Premier reffing is fine Div one reffing is fine. Div two reffing is fine. Div three and U21 is not. We need more younger guys to call the game. They can use the money and will call the game as per rule book.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
RBKS you are right it is mens soccer to some degree. Most youth act like little bithches when they get fauled. They stop playing. But our reffing is not on the same page. Lots of them only come for money and forget that there is two sides on the pitch. If you think U21 is bad just come and play Div three. God help you lad. Madness in a big form sance. They do not call the fauls. Or they call it against one side onley. Next game or two I will tape and send it to Canadian Soccer Association and guys above to watch just to see why we pay to play. There is tuns of good players,tuns of good teams.You can not play if you get hurt because of a guy that does not care about the game. The guy is off side five six yards,goals are scored from it.
Yellow cards must be given and reported. Game control has to inprove in order for better level of soccer. Premier reffing is fine Div one reffing is fine. Div two reffing is fine. Div three and U21 is not. We need more younger guys to call the game. They can use the money and will call the game as per rule book.

Your posts always cheer me up........:D:p

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
There is hope for you guys yet. Mr Fanseca took our U20 Canadian side to play in Lebenon in a some kind of cup games. Juts to let you know we lost to Rwanda lads three to two, we lost to Maraco three to one. Again and again we get kicked in the but. But we won two to zero against Camaroon. No medals for us.
Boys will be home this week. Garps when the heck will soccer gods come our way.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
There is hope for you guys yet. Mr Fanseca took our U20 Canadian side to play in Lebenon in a some kind of cup games. Juts to let you know we lost to Rwanda lads three to two, we lost to Maraco three to one. Again and again we get kicked in the but. But we won two to zero against Camaroon. No medals for us.
Boys will be home this week. Garps when the heck will soccer gods come our way.


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Thanks Mission I head a hard time finding it on the map. I heard that Morocco has a good program. I am glad Rwanda has a better program than us. Cameroon always playes well. We got them this time. Just the same. This will bring us down to 99 and on the worlds list. It just does not work till we install a Western and Eastern Canadian Pro league and draw players from that. It does not matter who they install as a coach of that program. UBS, SFU and two Universities from the east would field a better side than Tony did. Two guys that I new on that team, they for sure do not have world pace to play in that type of level. That is why I said U21 from Vally and U21 from VMSL should go under same umbrela. And still be part of their Leagues. Just to bring the best players to serface. Many young guys get overloked because their parents can not pay five six thousand dollars each year for Provincial program and pay the select coaches.
I need a striker for young div three side. Please let me know if there is some one from Port Moody area good. I need a big go to guy with ball controll that can hit the ball.


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
Dirty Money
Just 5 games into my first season with the U21, and the teams that we played were good quality teams. But i really think that my prediction is...

Port Moody Gunners. Quality team. Back line solid.

Just need an opinion from someone, might be stupid.
What's a higher level soccer Premier or U21?

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Wao young man no need to reply on your question. Just go to any premier side practice once or twice and it will all clear up for you. Port Moody Gunners always have a good side. The club holds alot of pride. Rarlf Luango and the people on that club do good job in the youth program.


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
Dirty Money
Just making a point to a team mate, that lured me into this league. That currently regretting very much. I'm home sick for the Premier league.

Langley United FC as newcomers into this league are taking a rough start, can see them making it back up there feet.

Peace Arch were a tough side, very decent also. Offensively, were really fast.

But i think this league is very unpredictable. Anything can happen between a top team and a bottom team.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Just 5 games into my first season with the U21, and the teams that we played were good quality teams. But i really think that my prediction is...

Port Moody Gunners. Quality team. Back line solid.

Just need an opinion from someone, might be stupid.
What's a higher level soccer Premier or U21?

all but maybe 3 teams are not even good enough to play div3. premier is much better than u21.much much much better

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
U21 you must have 18 guys commited and training hard to be in top five in your U21.
Some guys want to play but hate to train and few do bit of funny smak and things go waste side fast. You must be very serious guy to even sit on premier league banch.
In orther for you to stick it you must sit out a year and learn how to defand how to move ball first time under deffenders claw and how to hold shape under crosses from other clubs. Good luck. I say go to div three and play seventy minutes a game you will learn way more than sitting on premier side. You need playing time in orther to develop you energy systems and team play.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Div 3 could in no way prepare you for prem. As someone said earlier if your not goo enough by age 18 you probs won't be. But sitting on the bench in prem and practicng with those guys will learn youmuch more than div 3 were you dot hve to be fit at all too be good.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Missionlues10 I disagree with you. Some young guys are late developers. By playing in div three they will develop their foot skill and game read. To practice with premier side and be their shyte kick bag is no need. Premier side needs a player to step in and do the job if need be. That is why ACBC is on top of the League. Only top premier players or nothig. Lower caliber players bring the practice down. With that said also bring you down the scale.
This is where it all goes wrong. Kids are given spots with out working for it. He has got lots of time to play premier. Twenty three is just the right age. Phisicaly the guy is mature and mentaly developed.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Some guys are late bloomers, but they will NOT get the development in D3. There is no developing of anything, 99% of the teams play kick and run. I guess you do learn to read a game if you know the basic principle of get ball, kick it downfield.


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
Dirty Money
In 2008,
I played for Chilliwack Rapids Division 1 squad. When they had a division 1 team. Have to mention that their Division 1 side, was pretty decent. Alot of quality players. The player coach brought me up to train with Premier side and i trained with them for about a month in ahalf until i made an appearance against the North Delta Lions Premier team. Scored my first game. Beautiful.

Training with the Rapids Premier side gave me a real fast boost. I developed to play for a better level, and it made the Division 1 league very easy to play in.

I don't think there are such thing as a late bloomers just not good training, and not highly intensed playing environment. Anyone from Division 3 could be able, with the right training, play with the Premier league in a reasonable timing.
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