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Premier FVSL- Mid Season Review

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Halfway through the season now (with the exception of some make-up games still to be played), so I thought I would survey the masses on what has transpired thus far, and your predictions of events to come. Here are the current standings:


For me, the biggest surprise so far is the fall of PAU from the top of the table. A couple of weeks ago, the “PAU Relegation Countdown” was just a piss-take, but now it looks like it could become a real possibility. A couple of things would need to happen: first, SUFC needs at least 4 points to get even, Aldergrove needs to pull ahead, and PAU has to lose the rest of their games. Do I see it? No fcuking way. Too much talent, too much experience, and too much pride. That said, being so dangerously close to the bottom has to make Cainy and company a bit nervous. I predict they’ll try to regroup, and treat the rest of the season as prep for the Pak. Perhaps even a couple of new signings or transfers- who knows. This team will try and get back to the Provincials, and the Pak is the only realistic route now.

The rest of the table doesn’t shock me…really about where I thought the teams would be sitting. Anyone involved w/ Langley at the start of August knew the club would field a much stronger Premier team. A Provincials birth is the goal.

GEU looks better than ever. I predict they’ll be at or near the top. Big, strong, fit team. Basic recipe for success.

Poco’s rise to the top is somewhat surprising. Even if they weren’t awarded a surprise gift of 3 points due to Aldergrove using an ineligible player, they’d still be sitting on top with 19 points. With 3 goals against, they’re defense seems impenetrable. I do, however, sense a disturbance in the force over there. Something isn’t kosher. Did anyone else notice the black rain cloud over Gateway Field on Sunday?

Anyhow, discuss…

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
good thread

I think the standings are not what I expected.....I did think that Lions, Aldergrove and SUFC would be bottom 3 (not in that order of course :D) and that is almost the case.....I had no idea that the PAU nation could be so low.....this is a team that went to the prov semi-finals and won the league last year. I don't see them getting relegated and I would be scared to play them soon. Gosh the similarities between the Raider nation and PAU nation this year are unbelieveable......Cainy = Callahan ?? Guinness = C. Woodson ???:D stir stir stir ;)

I am suprised by Poco being at the top...I expected GEU to be there but I saw Poco being in fourth. It does help when Aldergrove hands you a gift ;) .... Langley has also suprised a few and they are much improved from last year.

I think Crafty's boyz have been a little inconsistent and I expected to be in 3rd this year after a good pak run last year.......Chilli has done well of late and really turned it around after a slow start.

GN - well I expected them to make strides this year and they have dissappointed being .500......I saw them being much stronger and finishing top 5 and fighting with Poco for 4th.

Those are my thoughts.

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
The PAU unravelling is obviously a shocker, but whatever, thats the way it goes. They'll recover or get 'regulated' that has already been determined by the soccer gods.

The only other shocker for me is POCO in first place, and Deltas low standings, I saw these two teams in opposite positions. POCO has played well so far though, allowing as many goals as SUFC has scored ironically enough!

The LIONS piss poor first half of the season was expected as I figured us to be in about 6th or 7th at this point. We will grow stronger, not only by just getting our players back but from new ones as well, the second half will be better, i can assure you.

Mostly I am impressed with the general skill level of this league, I expected an increase in talent but not this major. I can say that I am a ten times better player here losing, than I was in any division we won in. Each player for player you can see the high skill level, even in the lower placed teams, like SUFC.

My predictions for the second half of the season...POCO in first won't last, mainly because GEU is to good this year and its a matter of time, Langley is having a relatively strong year and will not sit passivley watching, Delta has yet to turn it on, PAU are to good to not push a bit of a comeback and steal some points and also because the Lions are sick of losing... :cool:

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Mid Season Round Up

First real surprise of the season was the Lions coming out like world beaters and taking six points from their first two games. However, three points from twenty one in the balance of their games sees them in the bottom half as initially expected. The other two new teams have also struggled as expected, so no big surprises there. I'm a little surprised to see GN in the bottom half. With a couple of teams being stronger than last season and GN not quite hitting last seasons form, this may well explain why. Obviously the major surprise in the bottom half thus far is PAU. I'm sure the problem is culmanation of different things put together, including confidence.
The top half is a little surprising with the fact that PAU aren't there and also the major improvement of Langley. Chilliwack have steadly improved as well this season. Delta have under achieved with a stronger squad than last season and Poco and GEU will continue to be the teams to beat.

Dark horse this season will be Langley.



New Member
Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money
Half way through the season, what does it mean? Fcuk all.
There is plenty of time for some major turn arounds and that's exactly what I predict.
I don't see Poco lasting long at the top as both GEU and Langley seem solid to date.
The bottom feeders (PAU knows i'm talking about them) will take their game to the next level and pull off an alright season.
At the same time I expect the idle teams at the middle of the table (Chwk & GN) to really heat up in the home stretch and raise some eyebrows, not to mention a little hell...
All in all I forsee an eventful conclusion to the season full of suspense and surprise, don't count anyone out ( except maybe SUFC & NDL = sucks for you KR & BigT! :( )
Again though, good luck to all and let's have some spirited matchs to gripe about!!:D )


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I like how you are counting out the Lions. you obviously know shite.
We are in 7th place right now.

Why wouldn't you count out Aldergrove with there 1 win and 9 goals for in 8 games.
Unless you play for them?!

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
All in all I forsee an eventful conclusion to the season full of suspense and surprise, don't count anyone out ( except maybe SUFC & NDL = sucks for you KR & BigT! )

No Lion he plays for Chilli, remember the team we beat what 5-1, didnt you have two goals that game? I think Arrow head was your check...You guys win a few matches now you're gonna win the league? Wait don't tell me the Pak is as good as yours right? Please! Yeah to bad for us though! Keep talking dude but try to use your mouth instead of your ass.:rolleyes:

Hey Millhouse I'm happy you can do mathematics, now tell me the odds of your grandpa squad taking on THE MIGHTY LIONS?:eek:

HINT* you may have to use your toes for that one!*:cool:

Knight Rhider still laughing at Arrow head...what was that guy thinking?:p


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money

How about Highlanders - Lions in the Pak Cup? Ask RF, you don't want to play us...we only get up for a couple of games a year and that would likely be one. ;)

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: KR

Originally posted by Milhouse
How about Highlanders - Lions in the Pak Cup? Ask RF, you don't want to play us...we only get up for a couple of games a year and that would likely be one. ;)

I would love to meet you guys in the Pak what a fun game that would be, just keep that chirpy nick guy at home probably be doing both teams a favor. We wont have to hear him and he wont have to miss all your scoring opportunies! :cool:


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
It's simple

My predictions,
knight rhider realizes he is crap and sits on the bench- Lion adds starch to collar and the team starts winning.
PAU realizes they have too many red heads, cut the dead weight and make a cup run. (worked for the Rangers)
The rest, just as it seems. :D

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: It's simple

Originally posted by Stepchild
My predictions,
knight rhider realizes he is crap and sits on the bench- Lion adds starch to collar and the team starts winning.
PAU realizes they have too many red heads, cut the dead weight and make a cup run. (worked for the Rangers)
The rest, just as it seems. :D

So simple hey! It's a good thing we dont look to the lower leagues for any predictions! hey...go eat something skelator:p
Seems like the second half of the season will contain the favourite TTP game bash the rhider, gotta say it's pretty original, :rolleyes:

Stepchild, You remind me of the scare crow from the Wizard of Oz, a skinny straw boy jumping around not making sense, all fragile, singing "if i only had a brain!" :D

Rhider still thinks you look this guy:wa:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Or this one:


(A big fcuking cancerous tumour red-head)


No real surprises for me this year thus far except for the obvious.
I'm sorry.
PAU are simply not the whatever-place team they find themselves in at present.
I see them training hard week in, week out, and they are very much motivated and fit.
Who knows what the fcuk is happening on the weekend.

GEU - Makes total sense.
Delta - Possibly could be higher.
Langley - Doesn't surprise me a bit. (Except that Dude's in the mix)
PoCo - I'm surprised that some people are "surprised".
Great side who play great football - Last year was a blip.

Rangers to win the Pak.


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Knight Rhider
No Lion he plays for Chilli, remember the team we beat what 5-1, didnt you have two goals that game? I think Arrow head was your check...You guys win a few matches now you're gonna win the league? Wait don't tell me the Pak is as good as yours right? Please! Yeah to bad for us though! Keep talking dude but try to use your mouth instead of your ass.:rolleyes:

Hey Millhouse I'm happy you can do mathematics, now tell me the odds of your grandpa squad taking on THE MIGHTY LIONS?:eek:

HINT* you may have to use your toes for that one!*:cool:

Knight Rhider still laughing at Arrow head...what was that guy thinking?:p

hey knight rider your a tit .. you guys got a litte lucky .. you beat us when we had about 9 cat guys playing for us that night cheers for beeting are cat team .. it will be a little diff when you make that trip out to are park .. aldergrove ..bye 2


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by buhner
hey knight rider your a tit .. you guys got a litte lucky .. you beat us when we had about 9 cat guys playing for us that night cheers for beeting are cat team .. it will be a little diff when you make that trip out to are park .. aldergrove ..bye 2
1...2...3...4... i'd better stop...

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Originally posted by buhner
hey knight rider your a tit .. you guys got a litte lucky .. you beat us when we had about 9 cat guys playing for us that night cheers for beeting are cat team .. it will be a little diff when you make that trip out to are park .. aldergrove ..bye 2

Missing guys? What kind of team would use that as an excuse of why they got their ass spanked;)

Buhner I'm not saying you don't have a good side, obviously you have improved you're higher than us in the standings and have done well in the first half of the season congratulations...BUT BUT BUT when one of your players starts beakin about US not having a chance and we beat you guys you can't expect me to stay silent:eek: That would be like me saying that GEU isn't very good and they got lucky even though they killed us 6-1 we were missing players in that game about 5 starters, fact is they won, easily. You chili boys should conference before you post, cause like the matrix every cause has an effect.:cool:

If 5-0 is a LITTLE lucky then I want a little luck every game. Cry me a river Justin see you next week:p


New Member
Sep 10, 2003
Dirty Money
The beautiful thing about "take the piss" is that all of this banter is just that: talk. Sure LIONS, you beat the Wack the first time out...congratulations, on your less than stellar team play since then. ****HEY EVERYONE...LET'S GIVE THE LIONS A MEDAL, THEY BEAT CHILLIWACK IN THEIR FIRST GAME, AND THEN PLAYED SO WELL, THEY'RE BEHIND THE FARMERS IN THE STANDINGS!**** Beautiful work Lions. Must feel nice being super arrogant and being mid-pack in the standings. I can understand if you were GEU...but, sadly, you are not.

Mid season team movement means nothing...it's who's at the finish, and where they stand that counts, and by last estimation, that's another 9 weeks (barring field closures) away. We'll see you then.


**NOTE: Of course...you will reply with a steady stream of profanity and bluster...*hahaha* I'm laughing at you already!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Mid-season reviews

1. Poco City - 9 Wins 1 Tie 1 Loss

I expected them to be a top 3 club, and I still do. No real surprise here. Except in the GA column, what was the score of the Aldergrove game? That may have changed the GA but still awesome defending.

2. LUFC - 7 Wins 2 Losses

Rather than PREDICT where Langley would be at the half mark, I chose to just hope they'd turn it around over last season. After being part of the tryout process and seeing some of the faces (not just the really skilled ones, but the tremendously commited ones), I knew they would have a much better season than last, and figured on a top 4 spot. So far leading the league in Goals and with two players probably close to 1 and 2 in league scoring is excellent, the team defence is also a surprise and has gelled well with Carl leading the way.

3. GEU - 6 Wins 3 Ties 0 Losses

Have yet to see them play this season, but they have started extremely well and having yet to be beaten which says alot. I believe they will make a run at poco for top spot over final half. Only thing that could haunt them are the ties.......

4. DELTA METRO 5 Wins 1 Tie 3 Losses

Fit club, should get even stronger over the last half, which makes things really interesting in spots 2-6 in the standings since I don't see any cold teams.

5. CHILLIWACK 4 Wins 5 Losses

Started of poorly in that drubbing vs. Langley and a loss to ND but they seem to have their sh*t together now. I think they will stay in the top 5 as long as they stay healthy and stay out of card trouble.

6. ND Lions 4 Wins 6 Losses

Great start, Quick team but no reserves from the sounds of it and a rash of losses. As as their 1st Premier season they have done well to get where they are and stay off the bottom of the division. I don't think they will be in Danger of relegation and they may yet win a couple games vs. top half teams. Overall I don't see them above 6th by seasons end, unless they can get control of the goals against. (Still respectable noting they are an "expansion team).

7. GN SPORTING 3 Wins 2 ties 4 Losses

Poor guys, seems like a step back from last years level, or perhaps the league got better around them? Low scoring matches are common it seems, and they rarely get blown out. If they win some of their next few games they might get some confidence.

8. PAU 2 Wins Ties 5 Losses

WTF. Enough said already about this, hopefully for the premier divisions sake they will get hot now and steal some games back. For Langley's sake this weekend I hope they chunder.

9. ALDERGROVE 1 Win 1 Tie 7 Losses

"Expansion Team" They have shown well in the match I saw, hard working squad, 24 goals against is tough and they will probably stay where they are.

10. SUFC 1 Win 7 Losses

The team I saw was quick but they fizzled at the half and were shocking offensively, no finish. Not a good start for them obviously.

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Gunner's gettin upset......

Beautiful work Lions. Must feel nice being super arrogant and being mid-pack in the standings.

Mid season team movement means nothing...it's who's at the finish, and where they stand that counts, and by last estimation, that's another 9 weeks (barring field closures) away. We'll see you then.

:confused: uh...ok, dude so upset he's arguing with himself :p you make less sense than that knight rhider guy;)

Looks like we struck a nerve hey Lion? Like you said dude this is TTP, it stands for TAKE THE PISS! Apparently you haven't been on TTP for very long...6 posts:rolleyes: So take it and quit crying, your bro was wrong, your rant changes nothing, waah! Geez now i feel kinda bad i didn't mean to get Arrow heads kid brother all upset some one give that guy a hug! Now that you mention it...it does feel kinda nice being super arrogant. :wa:

Rhider waiting for his medal:cool:
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