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[FVSL] GNSUgate 2006


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Kokanee...no offence intended, but your club and most of the players are an embarrassment to the FVSL. There is a reason why everyone thinks you're soft, and uncommitted. Christ, every time that the cooler weather rolls in, you guys fold the tent. Don't tell me it is a cold weather thing either...no excuse, because most of you guys were born here. You don't care about league play? Then do us all a favor, and fcuk right off. Enjoy being a high caliber summer squad that plays for money, but not prestige. Honestly, you and the more committed 3 or 4 players in your club should consider moving on to any one of the other 9 teams in Premier THIS season, because after 6 years or whatever of you guys being in the Premier division, you've shown squat for a ton of potential. Now you're in the relegation battle after "strengthening" your club by joining w/ SFC. If your coach and manager doesn't care, and doesn't demand better out of your fair weather teammates, why WOULD the players? Leadership starts at the top...

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL] Pakenham Cup 2006

Dude said:
Kokanee...no offence intended, but your club and most of the players are an embarrassment to the FVSL. There is a reason why everyone thinks you're soft, and uncommitted. Christ, every time that the cooler weather rolls in, you guys fold the tent. Don't tell me it is a cold weather thing either...no excuse, because most of you guys were born here. You don't care about league play? Then do us all a favor, and fcuk right off. Enjoy being a high caliber summer squad that plays for money, but not prestige. Honestly, you and the more committed 3 or 4 players in your club should consider moving on to any one of the other 9 teams in Premier THIS season, because after 6 years or whatever of you guys being in the Premier division, you've shown squat for a ton of potential. Now you're in the relegation battle after "strengthening" your club by joining w/ SFC. If your coach and manager doesn't care, and doesn't demand better out of your fair weather teammates, why WOULD the players? Leadership starts at the top...

Dude - You could not be farther from the truth. There is no truth about us not wanting to play in cold weather, and it is a fact that we have a commitment problem from our 80 players signed throughout the whole year (not in cold weather). What a load of crap to say that the management doesn't care when in fact they do a lot for the club but will not get any respect due to bunch of players who can't find a park or show up when they said they would.......if they didn't care do you think that trying a merger with another rival club, book facilities and pay for turf time, and go out there week in an week out to support this team.

You don't know the half of it and being an outside observer everything looks like crap, but god damn we do care !!!

One frustrated manager. :mad:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [FVSL] Pakenham Cup 2006

I hear you T, and I can see you sitting over there at your keyboard, getting all pissed at me, wringing at your turban. It may not be management, per se, but you know as well as I do that I speak the truth here. Your community, for all it's skill, and cracking young players should dominate this league. But, somehow, something falls short on the "heart" level. I consistently see it being a coach now, too. The kids on my team that are "no shows" or late arrivers are consistently the two young east Indian kids. Now, they are 6, so I know they aren't to blame for the lateness or lack of communication. They are also the two most talented kids I have, and believe me, I didn't teach them. Same problem w/ the kids on my son's SFC spring league team (Ranger???)...the kids are all talented, but at that age can't be blamed for the lack of team commitment...these habits are learned and encouraged by their parents and coaches. Too much coddling, me thinks.

End of moan...you know I love you, T. Can I still date your sister? :cool:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK, so I got this moved...at least you need to put in the original post, where the GN player implies "they don't care about league play"...


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
OK, so I got this moved...at least you need to put in the original post, where the GN player implies "they don't care about league play"...

First off, I can only speak for our prem teams so fukc yourself dude :D I travel from Victoria every weekend to play, so dont come barking that we dont care about league play. Im 24 and the oldest guy on GN prem, Ive been the oldest guy on the team since we have come into prem. Most of the Prem teams have a 24year old as their youngest player. More than 3/4 of our players are in Uni. If the guys arent in their 4th year, they are in programs. So im sure even you can realize how time consuming that is,and guys obviously care more about school and getting somewhere in life rather than being trailer trash, no offence you village idiot. It obviously pisses us off, that we arent in the top of the tables, because we know we have the skill and pace to dominate. But until guys get their school done, its just not gonna happen. shite we dont even have any guys married on our team. Its hard enough living a single life, but school on top of that. :D

--> Its cold out, but thats not our problem, the problem is this is the time when projects, papers, exams are due. Guys are busy studying rather than even thinking or even sometimes coming out to soccer. After the new year, its a new semester not too much due at the begining of the semester then. Therefore, we start to concentrate on the Pak cup.

These are just a few of the guys that come to mind and where they are:
Raiguy-Medschool Caribeans
Painkiller-Dentisty Fort Lauderdale
Laddi-leaving in January to Tennnese for school
Mutts-Law school UBC
Scundy-just completed the PDP, started playing 2weeks ago
Kev-completing his PDP, not playing
Stick-completing RMT
Star-apparently 4th year SFU, but I dont believe it

There are many more of our guys in programs but I cant think, I need to go write an exam


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Holy fcuking shite Dude.
Nothing like creating a power fcuking keg debate on a Monday morning eh?

I will touch on it briefly as you mentioned me in your post.
It will be brief because you do not even fcuking want to get me started on how I feel about youth soccer and the Indo Canadian community.
I've seen absolute bullshit in three situations.
Coaching my oldest kid's team and the league he played in.
My youngest kid's team (With mini-Dude as you mentioned).
And being on the Executive of SYSA.
Fcuking tragic and inexplicable really.

Now, this is about men's soccer and I'm unsure if your comments regarding 'domination' are really fair Dude.
I don't give a fcuk who you are, there are too many talented players out there from various ethnic backgrounds to say one community should be dominating.
It's a global game and all backgrounds are good at it.
One year you could be tops, the next year you could be last.

The problem as I see it though in any ethnic side is politics and nepotism.
That's why I feel a lot of times it doesn't work.
On any regular side, the type of bullshit T talks about simply would not be tolerated.
Teams would rather be demoted and not get any silverware than to deal with politics, nepotism and prima donnas.
You don't make a match without showing respect and calling?
You are fcuking done.
Have a fcuking seat, sit your ass on the pine for two matches, and we might, might, consider getting you in on the third game.
You don't want to train and let down your 6 mates who fcuked their evening up and showed up for a useless tit practice?
Again, fcuk off, and you can now prove why we should even consider playing you this Sunday.

But, because your Dad happens to be President of the Croatian Cultural Centre, or your Uncle is the owner of the Greek restaurant that sponsors you, or because whatever, you still have your job for Friday night and the rest of the year.

It simply is not tolerated on non-ethnic teams.

I apologize for this actually not being brief :D and especially to the Indo lads here on TTP who I certainly don't want to pick on or alienate for that matter but yes, you need to get your house in order first.
And, as long as your priorities are winning your own community tounaments, where you do not invite other sides to compete, you are only going to measure up against yourselves which at the end of the day, again sorry to say, means fcuk all.

I hear you Kokanee about the school bit, but where are your 24-34 year olds then?
I don't get it.
It then goes back to Dude's arguement on poor management then on player selection.

My two bits,


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
kokanee said:
First off, happen. shite we dont even have any guys married on our team. Its hard enough living a single life, but school on top of that. :D

These are just a few of the guys that come to mind and where they are:
Raiguy-Medschool Caribeans
Painkiller-Dentisty Fort Lauderdale
Laddi-leaving in January to Tennnese for school
Mutts-Law school UBC
Scundy-just completed the PDP, started playing 2weeks ago
Kev-completing his PDP, not playing
Stick-completing RMT
Star-apparently 4th year SFU, but I dont believe it

There are many more of our guys in programs but I cant think, I need to go write an exam
What a moan, do you think your team is the 1st ever that has guys in school? GIVE me a break, welcome to life. If they cannot juggle their time between life, school and soccer then they are in trouble. We have players in school......head shaking.......laugh........anyways.
If this is your excuse then I guess we have to accept it. :rolleyes:
Anyone out there have a wife, kids, job (run their business perhaps),......should I continue.


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Stepchild said:
We have players in school.

I can understand that, but most teams dont have all their players in the same situation. Im sure teams that have players in school and not college because thats a joke, but the players in actual graduate programs miss the odd game or practice because they have something due. But what do you do when everyone on your team is in that situation?


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Find more players.
We have obviously recruited young players, but they obviously lack experience, and thats what our team needs. We need older players we have a ton of youth. Where do you find those players? Especially when our team has the same group of friends. We cant find any players in our community, goes back to what RF said about politics. If their are any players that are older and can still play prem we would take them in a heartbeat. But where do you get them?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Ranger...you're very welcome. Somebody had to get you to come out of your shell.


Excuses, excuses. I too played college, juggled an extremely busy school schedule, chassed around a hot brown bird (now Mrs. Dude), and still found time for my club side. Granted, I was in the lower mainland, but had I been going to school, oh I don't know, ANYWHERE OUTSIDE OF THE LOWER MAINLAND, I would have been replaced. You see, this is what a good club does, replace players that can't commit.

Ranger absolutely nailed it in his short, concise post. But, Ranger, I will say this...somehow, many of the other ethnic teams have players that tend to "grow out of" being young and spoiled. I guess because if you want to play at a high level in this sport- or go as high as your abilities will take you- you have to learn to battle with the trailer trash, non-ethnic kids. But then, Kokanee is right. I don't get it. I'll never understand the plight of the spoiled ethnic kid- not to paint a brush- that can't find the time to call his teammates when he can't make training or a game. I guess with two kids, coaching, the boy's hockey, and running a business I've just learned to dial. Crazy, I know.

In short, bitch, bitch, moan, moan...good luck to Whalley and DFC. Please put this horse out of its misery.

Team Canada

Mar 19, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Find more players.


And while I'm not saying that the arguments Big T and kokanee were presenting weren't valid, they just seem a little flimsy to me. What everyone else has been saying is true, every team has guys in school or with kids or with hectic work schedules, but they make it work. I find it very hard to believe that with the 80 players that are supposedly signed, you can't find 15 guys that can take 3 hours out of their week to show up for a game.

And it's not even just that, take our CAT game yesterday for example. Yes, you guys fielded a team just fine, but at least 5 or 6 of your players weren't even there until about 5 minutes after the game should have already started, when, had a more strict ref been there, you would have been playing the game a few men down for the first half. That being beside the point, but these were all guys that were well into their late 20's and 30's.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry Kokanee, I guess guys like you and T individually are doing your very best and I sincerley applaud you for it.

But, I remember talking merge with GN and North Delta like a decade or so ago.
Also, I remember playing for our Premeir team one night being called up, because that what veterans do, they help when they are asked even though they can't play like they used to, against GN, again like 6 years ago on a cold night on Bear Creek.
In fact, young man ;) I believe you were present when you thrashed us 2 or 3 nil.
Surely those guys are still around?

Now, guys on here have had a go at one guy on your team in the past who 'was old with grey hair' who I respect immensely.
Karnel (sp?), I think :( , is his name.
I still see him around, playing for the Indo O-38s at the Nations Cup and at NAP coaching.
He actually helped coach my high school team when I was at QE.
He's a couple of years older than me and he was cracking player when we were young and has a lot to offer.
Can you not find any other guys like him, possibly at tad younger, to help you out?

When we had only one Ranger team there a couple of years back, I truly felt we had a great mix of lads of different ages which is why we had (Stil do ;) ) a lot of fun man.
We would have been NOTHING without the young guys and, in turn, I think we helped the cause a little ourselves. :cool:

Anyway mate, best of luck in finding your form and depth and for what is now a long standing club in the FVSL, I hope you are still here for years to come.

Do you see what you've gone and done now Dude?



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Easy Ranger, you don't want to pull something.

Obviously, my posts were aside from respect I have individually for the players putting in...which is a lot. As Aves will tell me, I have a funny way of showing it. Besides, Big T can hook one up with many a Chenga Chenga actress, and as a lover of brown nuggets I wouldn't want to ruin that, should Mrs. Dude one day smarten up and divorse my trailer park ass.

I guess I didn't feel the need for the violin, you know?

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
I have some thoughts on this, but too busy at work right now. All I can say is that I don't make excuses, and I could not agree more with some comments by RF....too many people do not respect their teammates and clubs.

I'd love to play for a team where you don't have to babysit grown adults.

Now where is my gun :mad:

This is all your fault Dude, my doctor told me to keep my blood pressure in check....


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Rangerforever said:
I hear you Kokanee about the school bit, but where are your 24-34 year olds then?
I don't get it.
My two bits,
Have any of you lads seen Kokanee lately? I think he ate them :D too much ferry food :wa:


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Easy Ranger, you don't want to pull something.

Obviously, my posts were aside from respect I have individually for the players putting in...which is a lot. As Aves will tell me, I have a funny way of showing it.

No argument here...I'm just trying to imagine your "College "playing days. :D
..cause , you know, you've been there...juggling the demands of academia with the pressures and high expectations of playing in the college leagues. :rolleyes:

I know you've been schooled self made man. ;)
Further proof a college education is never wasted. :cool:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
..cause , you know, you've been there...juggling the demands of academia with the pressures and high expectations of playing in the college leagues.

Yeah, I went to BCIT...most of the school didn't even know there was a soccer team.:rolleyes: And, as you pointed out, not the longest of seasons (8 games plus training & training camp...if you're good enough, playoffs too). Ask Studsup, it sucked being a student athlete there. No school support, and impossible time demands. It was probably a good thing they folded the athletic programs. :(

But, the course loads there as a full-time student were beyond demanding. The have a 50% failure rate for 1st semester. First year: 8 courses a semester. 2nd year: 10 including work practicums & direct industry projects. Essentially, to succeed at that school, you need to change your address to the library, and embrace the art of "cramming and dumping". So, as you can guess, the time demands moan falls on pretty deaf ears. But, it can be done...

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