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Div 1 [FVSL DIV 1] Results, Banter & Predictions December 2008

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
That by all accounts is a fukc up internally and is outright an illegal player. I guess we will see, would be sad to see bag's team lose points for such an event
The drama in FVSL this year is great! What next....

I am sure they will lose points if what you have said is correct. I heard similar, either way its a 3 point deduction or whatever the executive decides.

I hear that there might be a few more "deductions" coming down the pipeline as well...


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Disappointing game today for many reasons.

I have played this great/ridiculous game for 35 years. I have never seen anything like what happened today.

A Langley Player (23 I think) was chirping with me, he suggested that he was going to punch me out. My response was, I don't think so you are probably a chicken.

Chest puffed out looking for a fight. His response not long after was to spit in my face. the ref did see this and called him over to give him the Red Card he deserved. On his way off the field he decided he should make his way over to me and bravely kick me square in the nuts. Everyone on the park saw this.

I have had my share of 'rush of blood' moments and red cards for various indescretions but I have never done either. I'd have given him a level of respect had he had the balls (ha ha) to punch me out.

This is the most cowardly thing I have ever seen. A punch by him would likely have elicited a punch back and then we'd both be suspended but no, instead this "wanna be tough guy" takes the the cowards way out.

There was a gathering of course (I couldn't participate in it). After the gathering was over some Langley Players thought they should defend his actions. I received a yellow card for asking a Langley Player if he was actually going to defend those actions.

If that is done by someone that I play with I flat out refuse to play with him. Cut him loose. If anyone on the Langley team chooses to defend his actions I will be shocked. I played the rest of the game but lost total interest in it. If that player is not out of the league period I will be embarassed to be in this league. I personally would never play a game with him again if he was a teammate.


New Member
Sep 14, 2007
Dirty Money
Disappointing game today for many reasons.

I have played this great/ridiculous game for 35 years. I have never seen anything like what happened today.

A Langley Player (23 I think) was chirping with me, he suggested that he was going to punch me out. My response was, I don't think so you are probably a chicken.

Chest puffed out looking for a fight. His response not long after was to spit in my face. the ref did see this and called him over to give him the Red Card he deserved. On his way off the field he decided he should make his way over to me and bravely kick me square in the nuts. Everyone on the park saw this.

I have had my share of 'rush of blood' moments and red cards for various indescretions but I have never done either. I'd have given him a level of respect had he had the balls (ha ha) to punch me out.

This is the most cowardly thing I have ever seen. A punch by him would likely have elicited a punch back and then we'd both be suspended but no, instead this "wanna be tough guy" takes the the cowards way out.

There was a gathering of course (I couldn't participate in it). After the gathering was over some Langley Players thought they should defend his actions. I received a yellow card for asking a Langley Player if he was actually going to defend those actions.

If that is done by someone that I play with I flat out refuse to play with him. Cut him loose. If anyone on the Langley team chooses to defend his actions I will be shocked. I played the rest of the game but lost total interest in it. If that player is not out of the league period I will be embarassed to be in this league. I personally would never play a game with him again if he was a teammate.

ya ya ya whatever, what was the score??


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Seriously, that was an embarrasment to Langley soccer.......and reffing. 2 reds, 6-7 yellows. Phil was on his game tonight. :rolleyes:
23 even tried to grab the red right out of refs hand when he held it up. If he's not done for the season or more i'd be surprised. Worse than sloppy seconds if you ask me.

What's up Mr. Goldenboot? Hanging on our every word and result? ;)
Score was.........

really i can't remember, too many beer. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Disappointing game today for many reasons.

I have played this great/ridiculous game for 35 years. I have never seen anything like what happened today.

A Langley Player (23 I think) was chirping with me, he suggested that he was going to punch me out. My response was, I don't think so you are probably a chicken.

Chest puffed out looking for a fight. His response not long after was to spit in my face. the ref did see this and called him over to give him the Red Card he deserved. On his way off the field he decided he should make his way over to me and bravely kick me square in the nuts. Everyone on the park saw this.

I have had my share of 'rush of blood' moments and red cards for various indescretions but I have never done either. I'd have given him a level of respect had he had the balls (ha ha) to punch me out.

This is the most cowardly thing I have ever seen. A punch by him would likely have elicited a punch back and then we'd both be suspended but no, instead this "wanna be tough guy" takes the the cowards way out.

There was a gathering of course (I couldn't participate in it). After the gathering was over some Langley Players thought they should defend his actions. I received a yellow card for asking a Langley Player if he was actually going to defend those actions.

If that is done by someone that I play with I flat out refuse to play with him. Cut him loose. If anyone on the Langley team chooses to defend his actions I will be shocked. I played the rest of the game but lost total interest in it. If that player is not out of the league period I will be embarassed to be in this league. I personally would never play a game with him again if he was a teammate.

That is fckuin brutal, we had a guy spit on someone last year, never played a game with us again. That shite is not acceptable anywhere, FVSL or not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Strikers 3 - Sporting 2

We won! It's weird, I'm not used to the winning feeling, although we almost gave it back to them. We tried some guys in different positions today to see if we could get something going. Sporting took it to us the first 10-15 while we tried to figure it out. Then we did. Rest of the half spent in the Sporting half with the odd counter attack going the other way, we finish 1-0. Second half more of the same, we get a 2-0 lead with about 25 to go. Then we make some stupid subs. First goal for Sporting with about 15 to go, they have a free kick. They call for a sub, we're waiting for the guy to leave the field, they kick it and score since we were waiting for the guy to leave the park and ref blow the whislte. Shitty goal to give up, but whatever. Then the new subs let a guy walk by him and score, it's now 2-2 in with 10 to go. We continue forward and miss some glorious chances, only to have Sporting get us back for their shitty goal. The Accountant as I'll call him, decides that after we miss a good cross that he's going to stop our player in the chest. Ref runs straight up and gives him a red and us a PK. Stupid foul, but our player has some wicked stud marks to show for it. We slot the PK, play for another 3 min and we win. Thank friggin god. I'll review in the morning as I'm kinda drunk, and may be wrong. Going to get drunker. We may stay in D1 after all :D


New Member
Oct 5, 2008
Dirty Money
Strikers 3 - Sporting 2

We won!........We may stay in D1 after all :D

well done stallion, you get to stay in div 1 cause you can beat another crap team so you can get destroyed all of next year. maybe you should just accept the demotion. enjoy your one win against a full squad....


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
Disappointing game today for many reasons.

I have played this great/ridiculous game for 35 years. I have never seen anything like what happened today.

A Langley Player (23 I think) was chirping with me, he suggested that he was going to punch me out. My response was, I don't think so you are probably a chicken.

Chest puffed out looking for a fight. His response not long after was to spit in my face. the ref did see this and called him over to give him the Red Card he deserved. On his way off the field he decided he should make his way over to me and bravely kick me square in the nuts. Everyone on the park saw this.

I have had my share of 'rush of blood' moments and red cards for various indescretions but I have never done either. I'd have given him a level of respect had he had the balls (ha ha) to punch me out.

This is the most cowardly thing I have ever seen. A punch by him would likely have elicited a punch back and then we'd both be suspended but no, instead this "wanna be tough guy" takes the the cowards way out.

There was a gathering of course (I couldn't participate in it). After the gathering was over some Langley Players thought they should defend his actions. I received a yellow card for asking a Langley Player if he was actually going to defend those actions.

If that is done by someone that I play with I flat out refuse to play with him. Cut him loose. If anyone on the Langley team chooses to defend his actions I will be shocked. I played the rest of the game but lost total interest in it. If that player is not out of the league period I will be embarassed to be in this league. I personally would never play a game with him again if he was a teammate.
wow i can't believe that :eek:, what's worse than the spitting is the guys teammates defending him. sure he's a teammate and possibly a friend but when someones wrong they're wrong, i wonder the league will handle this....


Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
LUFC Dynamo 5 - Razorbacks 2.

Dynamo with 5 on the trot Game was 2-2 at one point, but the Dynamo looked comfortable throughout.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
hmm poco coach league president, probably run the hearing = end outcome no points lost for poco

Rules are Rules, and the president has the same number of votes as the rest of the executive.... so unless the rest agree its a moot point.

I am suggesting that you will see a deduction shortly.


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Waiting patiently for yours.....since we don't have Dude to paint us the true picture of events.

I have done my fair share of stupid things, no doubt.

There is no other version. There was nothing between him and I until that happened. There shouldn't be a Langley player that played in this game that has any other version. That ref through out cards like they were free tickets to the PNE and he hadn't even looked at me yet. Unless Utah is number 18 I am surprised anyone would even suggest otherwise.

Being a team mate does not mean you have a guys back for everything he does, ask the Dallas Stars.

It was cowardly, full stop.
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