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Div 1 [FVSL Div 1] Pre Season & Sept '08 Results and Banter

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New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
PAU Selects 3 Sihk United 3

Game was ours to give away and we almost did. Went up 1-0 in the first half and carried most of the play, though to give SU credit, their new players have some skill and the team as a whole has pace. Start of second half we go up 2-0 on a brilliant play, switching the ball from left side of the field to Maximus sprinting up the right wing who hit a hard low shot past their keeper. After that, we started to drift a bit as we thought we didn't have to keep working for the next 40 minutes to keep the win. After a fluky long ball beats our keep we started really scrambling. 2 minutes later, SU is in our 18-yd box and our defense let up the hard play and they tie it up. So 2-2 now. We manage to get our heads back in the game and get a third goal with 1 minute left to end of the second half. However, we decided to sit back again and SU continued to press. An offside call (wrong of course) to me, they continue the pressure, one of their flankers gets an area of about 15 yards to himself and shanks the cross to put it over the keeps head (who was playing the cross) into the top corner to tie it up yet again. whistle calls game 4 seconds after kickoff. Tying goal comes about 2 minutes into stoppage. sigh... we need to make sure we play 90 minutes of soccer and keep our heads in the game the entire time... Stuff to work on in practice. Tough to lose the win, but at least we got 1 point (better than 0). As for SU, very annoying to play as every bit of physical play they like to fall down and ask for a card from the ref. With them crashing into us with abandon and even trying to injure one of our guys - SU player got a yellow but it should have been a red...

On to next weeks game... Hopefully, we learn from this.

And what you get for a long reply is your teammate beating you to it...:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
SFC Strikers 0 - Aldergrove Utd 0

Game of goalies at NAP today. Game could have been 8-6 if it wasn't for probably the best goalie dual I've seen in a very long time. We started out alright but had some guys playing in the wrong spots but we worked that out. The wedding the night before didn't help either. Aldergrove couldn't create anything on their own, every single great chance they had (about 6) was because of a brutal defensive turnover. We had a ton of chances as well but their keeper was fantastic and always up to the task. Or we'd blow the easy chance. Second half we finally got our line-up right and we spent the entire half in their end, save for a couple chances from turnovers again. We should have put it away many times but we suck at finishing. Ref was good, though he blew to hand balls in the box for them. I understand when you say it was shot at him, but when someone hits a rocket and it hits the guy 10 yards in front of him in the arm, and then rolls to the goalie, is a handball irregardless of whether it was shot at him or not. Either way we had our chances and couldn't finish, on to a card filled game with Sikh Temple if they really are as whiny as PAU says they are.


Nov 4, 2007
Dirty Money
1-1 game
Ref was terrible, why does the league put a ref back to back. And why does a ref carry on like he did, mysterious.
Pred., I asked your keeper at end of game about last goal and how many pk's we should have had....he laughed and said you guys should have had at least 3...laughed again and said he really didnt like you guys and then stated that he was in no posistion to make the offside call at the end but the keeper said it was offside. Either way, the call in mention should have been yellow ranger, PAU red and your free kick, instead it was our free kick and no cards lol. League has to take a look at putting a ref back to back as this time he did cost us huge. Smookies were good.

uhhh wtf? I did say you should've had 2 or 3 penalty shots, I also remember an attrocious dive your player tried to pull off in the 18 near the end of the game. Where the **** do yo get off making up bullshit about me not liking my team? Why the **** would I be playing for them for the last 3 years if I disliked them so much??? And why would I be staying after the game to have beers with my team if I disliked them so much??? And you're right, I wasn't in a position to make the call on the offside, my attention was focussed on the ball coming at me, however my whole team and like half of your team agreed that he was like 3 yards offside. However you forget that the ref ****ed up the call in the first place by giving you guys the free kick which lead to the called back goal in the first place. Your player even admitted that he went into the tackle late and deserved to be carded. Our player retalliated and deserved a red, and we should've gotten the free kick.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done stepchild. You pissed someone off enough to sign up and make their first post!

On a sidenote, sorry i missed your call matkinson, but yeah we do have some room on our team for you. See ya at the next practice. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
How many times are you going to use that excuse? Besides, you're from Whalley, so getting drunk and passing out in an alley on a Saturday night would happen regardless.

Wasn't an excuse, nor are we from Whalley, just played there. We have more from good ol' White Rock than you guys probably do. And it may actually help, as this was the first hung over weekend and we finally got a point :eek:


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
I think we will win the league ... I don't like the idea of playing teams that are just going to roll over for us... Ya cant win with that attitude! Lets here some trash talk, some confidence!... haha give us a reason to spank you guys this friday night!

Sooo, Malfunction, How is that confidence working for you now?.

I suspect we won't hear much from you for a while, perhaps not until your next victory but I will ask anyway. What happened against Mission? My guess is you started to believe your own press. Your bulliten board at home must be plastered with TTP comments that mom has printed and put up for all to see.
"I love you mom."
"I love you too Superstar Son."
"Don't have too much Grape Crush after training tonight, you know you don't sleep well with all that sugar in you. Remember, You have a big day at school tomorrow, IT IS SPORTS DAY!"
"OK mommy. Can I have some warm milk when I get home?"
"Sure Superstar Son, I will have it in a thermos when I pick you up."


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Off topic…

But, when people write “hahahah”, are they actually thinking in their head the words “haha”? Or, are they actually saying “haha” out loud?

I think when I laugh, I don’t actually say “hahah”. I do laugh, but it is more like a guffaw “HA HA!”, followed by several “hehehe”s. Sometimes muffled a bit, you know, if we’re giggling like school girls behind out wives back. Sort of a snicker, but we don’t actually say, “snickersnickersnicker”.

Just curious, because every time I read someone’s writing “hahaha”, a Japanese animae style cartoon character pops into my head, and they aren’t really laughing, but more like making a statement, that the subject person will never relive them of their Pokémon cards.

Anyhow, I am ****ing busy over here, so please don’t reply.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
uhhh wtf? I did say you should've had 2 or 3 penalty shots, I also remember an attrocious dive your player tried to pull off in the 18 near the end of the game. Where the **** do yo get off making up bullshit about me not liking my team? Why the **** would I be playing for them for the last 3 years if I disliked them so much??? And why would I be staying after the game to have beers with my team if I disliked them so much??? And you're right, I wasn't in a position to make the call on the offside, my attention was focussed on the ball coming at me, however my whole team and like half of your team agreed that he was like 3 yards offside. However you forget that the ref ****ed up the call in the first place by giving you guys the free kick which lead to the called back goal in the first place. Your player even admitted that he went into the tackle late and deserved to be carded. Our player retalliated and deserved a red, and we should've gotten the free kick.

you said the ref didnt like US much.... that is what i intended. and you did mention when asked about 3 pk's when you were buying beer and dogs from us. relax and welcome to TTP.


New Member
Sep 12, 2007
Dirty Money
Langley (shite the bed)Athletics 1 GEU 1
GEU came out hard after there thrashing last week and played a physical,motivated game.We didnt respond until the second half when we evened the score.We had our chances but could not get the winner.Hopefully GEU plays like thay did saturday the rest of the season and takes points from some other teams


Oct 6, 2005
Dirty Money
haha Sorry about the late response Bored. Mummy grounded me for a week... No internet, no nintendo64, and no sleepovers.

The game ended 0-0 there wasn't much action to report. I thought the Mission guys described it pretty accurately though.

You've quoted me from a div 2 thread I posted like 3 weeks ago man! And its true, I still feel that way. We can chirp the rams before we play them no? Anyhow, I will not take part in this internet battle with you... haha tempting though. But you are just too dam witty for me. Please don't burn me about my relationship with my mother anymore. I love my momma.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I don't know about last year as I didn't care about the standings in D1, but was there this much parity last year? I know it's only 3 games in (2 for some), but there's only 1 team left with a 100% record. Last year in D2, there were a ton of teams that had 100% records till Christmas. Thoughts on that?
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