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Ferry Dispute

How do you feel about the Ferry strike?

  • Disgusted. Union's are crap.

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Doesn't effect me

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Legal action against the union needs to be taken

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • John should buck up $35 and do this himself.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Why is John on strike?

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Ballbaby is the all time greatest idiot.

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude
They have not been locked out, so now is not the time to walk out. Negotiate in good faith, then strike when the current deal runs out.

Can anyone tell me how it is fair (except for the fact that it is written in the current agreement) that a worker will be paid for a full hour of overtime even if they only work one minute of OT? How ludicrous is that?

Besides Balls: even if the impossible happened, and the corp. was able to negotiate in a pay reduction from $20.00 an hour cashier's wages to $12.50, who's to say that's not in line with reality? For fcuks sakes...they are cashiers! It isn't a job that should command $20.00 / hour, in any circumstance. It is because these people earn $20.00 per hour ringing in ice cream cones and newspapers that they don't better themselves with post secondary schooling or trades training to get work that actually validates being paid $20.00 / hour.

Rant #1 over.

Well I have a rant to do on this issue too, but I'll save it for the weekend. I don't have time yet.

Point # 1 - Dude you are out to lunch. But thats to be expected ;) :D

#2 - The CBA has expired between the two parties and the union is legally in a strike position. Essential service and crew usage was the issue and that was hammered out with the LRB before the idiots in Victoria decided to make it worse. LRB reached an agreement with both sides and then the gov steps in to inflame the union with a cooling off period. Yeah election is coming up, lets fire up the public against the labour movement.

#3 - Your wrong on OT...its if you work 1 min of OT then you are entitled to 1/2 hour OT pay....of course they have the media report that it is 1 hour but missing the point one hour straight time = 1/2 hour OT. OT is double time. A lot of union contracts are like that. So they are not the only ones.

#4) 20.00 bucks an hour for a cashier ?? Well did you see the PRIVATE sector cashier pay for lets say safeway ??? $20 bucks /hour Save-on $20 bucks/hour . it seems like the market is dictating the wage, so why should they be penalized ??? Simple economics my friend.

#5) Has anyone thought about getting rid of all the unions and making us work for minimum wage ?? Who does that benefit ?? Not you cuz the ONLY fcuking people paying TAXES in this FCUKING country are the labour workers. Yeah you heard me, the whole business community pays SHITE !! Go figure...lets take out the union and see who pays for your schools, roads and health care. There is no way in hell it will be a business owner, they ALL FCUKING scam the system. I know a lot of them, and thats what they tell me. :eek:

Honest working people will always have to bend over. :eek:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Point #1: I'm back from lunch, and I wrote it off. Business expense.;)

Point #2: Fair enough, but essential services were still put to an illegal full stop. I have no problem with the government cooling off period.

Point #3: So what you're saying is that if a $20.00 / hour worker works one extra minute, they are still paid $20.00 for the full hour? Still ludicrous.

Point #4: I didn't argue that the wages should be cut, but did agree that $12.50 / hour is more in line with realistic pay for the work. Be happy to be paid like a professional when all you do is work a till. Same goes for Safeway & Save-On.

Point #5: I haven't stated that we should get rid of unions. They have their place. I think that in some professions, they would be far better off without unions. In some industries they are a must. I have no objection to the Ferry union being in place, given how many workers there are. I just object to the tactics they've employed.

There is no way in hell it will be a business owner, they ALL FCUKING scam the system. I know a lot of them, and thats what they tell me.

Be careful about painting us all with the same brush (I know: "Hello? Pot?"). I watch my bank account shrink considerably every month just like everyone else when CCRA takes their withdrawals. Bashing small business people whom take the risks and employ people is quite unfair. Small business people do pay taxes as well, and quite often less than labor people because in some years they can't afford to pay themselves enough to get themselves into the higher tax bracket. You take the good with the bad...a tough lesson I've learned personally after the last two years, and the economic downturn all industries have taken since the late '90 and early millennium boom. Some may scam, but the majority of us are honest. Maybe the people you know tend to lean towards being dishonest...I don't know. Just like many labor people will take a job working under the table to be paid in cash. They give up the benefits, but also avoid taxes.

There are unscrupulous people on both sides of the fence, but I tend to believe there are more honest people on both sides that contribute to society. Even East Indian movie pimps. :D


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Big T
#4) 20.00 bucks an hour for a cashier ?? Well did you see the PRIVATE sector cashier pay for lets say safeway ??? $20 bucks /hour Save-on $20 bucks/hour . it seems like the market is dictating the wage, so why should they be penalized ??? Simple economics my friend.

If the market is dictating wages then they should all be paid $10.00/hr. When i worked at the Real Canadian Stupid store, the cashiers that were there for 8-10 years made high wages but I don't think they started there.
I think now they have wised up and start them i little over minimum wage.
Maybe the ferries should follow suit then?

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
You see I didn't know Pimps paid taxes

I take it all back now that dude says the pimps contribute to society too :D Even a star pimp, dude ? :eek:

I take my comments back on the business owners.....I like to rephrase that as all Business Owners that I know. :eek: Yep I know some dishonest cnuts that don't pay their fair share.

rebuttals to your points
#2 - the government should not have put in the cooling off period if things were progressing. No pain no gain.

#3 - Yup a worker is entitled to be paid extra for hours that are more than what is required. If you don't want to pay it then change the work schedule...like police or paramedics or nurses. Go to a 10 hour day and schedule 4 on 4 off. Other alternatives than sticking the OT thing in our face. I have never heard of a union guy charging for 1 min, seriously eventhough they are entitled to it. Why doesn't the company provide the avg number of minutes worked per OT hour ? then we'll see if they are entitled to it.

#4 - Try working a till for 10 years..... thats what I have been told by many people who left those jobs due to health and fatigue. Not as easy as it looks. Hey do you think some putz who worked 2 weeks as a health executive deserves hundreds of thousands of dollars in severence ?? Now thats waste.

Plus Dude you should know that point #5 had nothing to do with your rant...I was throwing out there to see if it would stick...but I forgot you are made of teflon ;) :D

Yoda, I believe that any worker starting out should make less. Yes they should make 12.50 to start and work there way up like the rest of us. So your point is well taken.

I am not a union supporter by any means. I can't stand being in a union. They serve a purpose on many levels and hold workers back in others. However in this case the union is getting a bad rap cuz of the media war that was clearly won by a Gov and its private pony corp. Clearly the public is not informed enough to make a sound judgement.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Teflon man with 2 goals in 2 games vs. SUFC this year.;)

I just don't want to get into all that...union vs. business people, and the contribution each make to our society. We could argue it on so many levels, ie: independant contractors, like sheet metal bashers, that are also required to be unionized in BC. Where do they fall? Are they simply good union boys who happen to be dishonest self employed cnuts who skirt the system? See where I'm going? It's a useless tangeant to this debate. Let's just agree everyone has their place. Even cashiers, especially if they're female and have nice tits.

Nice toss, though.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Dude
Teflon man with 2 goals in 2 games vs. SUFC this year.;)

Even cashiers, especially if they're female and have nice tits.

Nice toss, though.

Now we have a deal......see bargaining is not that hard. I can agree that all cashiers should have a nice rack and all unions should adopt that in their hiring practices. ;) :D

Don't bring up those goals, cuz as far as I rememer they were both scored on the power play. Try getting one even strength. :D


New Member
Jan 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Build a bridge

A four lane highway to the island is my christmas wish.
I travelled to the island for work three times this summer and was gutted with the whole process. The boats were late, the crew were barely conscious. highly skilled rescue team my ass.
And the timing for the strike, as the Guinness guys say, brilliant!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
well Steve I say build a bridge as well....but then you look at the downside and you'd have to pay a toll anyways so it's the same thing as paying to go by boat......also I heard on the radio that a projected cost for the bridge is $8 billion............now yes I do go to the island here and there for the hell of it but why should I along with many others have to pay taxes for a bridge that's not needed for me........if there was a toll sure I'd pay that to get across but is a bridge really an answer........Big T I agree with you OT method.......see if they earn it

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