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Dude & Mini Dude's 2014 Ride-2-Survive


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs...though Amsterdam is magic, we found that shot on an adventure through IKEA.

Bottom floor, before kitchen wear.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow...that sucks. That happened really, really fast. Let me know when it happens, I'm sure the missus (and me, of course) would like to do something nice for Moe as condolences. He's a really good man...never missed a game.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK, for those of you whom have already donated, and for those contemplating, have a look...

We still need to raise about $2K, so we came up w/ a contest. For those of you that don’t know, Mrs. Dude is pregnant. If I ever get my hands on Ryan Kessler, there will be hell to pay....

BABY GUESSING GAME- Super Easy to Enter:

1.Make your guess on the date, weight, name of the baby. Official due date is Aug 16th. Follow this link:http://www.babyguessinggame.com/guess_form.php
Our Game ID is "Meade Baby 3"

2.Make a donation of $25 or more to the riders Ride2Survive 2014: Mike & Michael Meade. Follow this link:http://convio.cancer.ca/site/TR/IndependentFundraisingEvent/IFE_BC_odd_?px=5735705&pg=personal&fr_id=16043. Must donate to be eligible to win.

3.Near the end of August a winner will be chosen to stay for a weekend in Whistler. Criteria in order: Date, Gender, Time, Weight, Length. Tiebreakers will come down to the closest guess on weight & length.

4.IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DONATED: get your guess in, as you’ve already qualified!

What you win: a weekend here, in September, October, or November:http://www.whistlersuperior.com/accommodation/stoney-creek-sunpath-47-whistler-superior-properties/
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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
No Game ID so I will enter here:

Date: Aug 17th
Gender: Male
Time: 17:17:17
Weight: 17lbs
Length: 17inches
Name: Ryan


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Our Game ID is "Meade Baby 3".

Would you mind editing the above post to place that in the body?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money
Hi Dude, you don't know me..I am a member of the Bradner Redshirts. I hope you do great with your fund raising efforts.

I had a young lady that I coached in fastball for 17 years, from the time she was 13 until this year ( she had just had her 30th birthday ), she pass away just a few short weeks ago from very aggressive cancer ( liver, pancreas,stomach, etc, ).

She had asked that we do a fund raiser in her name for Canuck Place. We raised $1000.00 this tear and will do one every year in her name. I hope you reach your goals as well.

Good Luck this year!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Very cool...great facility....there is no end to chaitable need, just sorting through all the good ones vs. bogus ones can be deflating. Canuck Place was heading towards shutting it's doors in the Mike Keenan era, before Brian Burke came back to the team and made fundraising a priority. Vancouver needs more facilities like Canuck Place.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Boy I’m tired.

FYI, this is a bit of a cut & paste job from my FB post thanking sponsors…many of you whom are also on FB. That being said, TTP has always been my biggest supporter- both financially and otherwise. Guys, I can’t thank you enough for your lock-solid contribution over the years. I literally would never meet my fundraising goals if it weren’t for TTP contribution. I’m humbled. Also, I would also like to apologies to Walks, Bronco, and anyone else who’s dedication names I missed on my legs this year. Walks, your dad, Bronco, your Gran (I think it was your Gran?). Guys, one of the things I mean to do every year is make sure those names are riding along w/ me, and I take that very seriously. I made my list on a flight from Chicago to Kelowna, and was just so tired. I missed a whole bunch. Sorry. I’ll remember everyone I missed next year.

My last week really started on Wednesday with an early morning departure to Chicago. One of the companies we represent was holding their 125th year anniversary sales meeting. The meeting started Thursday, but because I wanted to be involved w/ R2S this year, that meant me leaving Friday morning and flying directly to Kelowna. The meeting went on through the weekend, but I was able to see everyone I needed, and shake some hands before flying out. When I woke up at 2:00 AM Saturday, I figured that over the past three days I’d had a combined 6 hours of sleep. And the crazy thing is, that is probably on the high side when compared to some of the R2S organizing team, to be honest. Now I know somewhat how they feel.

First of all, I want to thank all my sponsors, many of which are on Facebook. Year after year, you give to this ride. Thank-you. I can’t keep emphasizing enough: 100% of what you give goes to research funding in the fight against cancer. Not one penny is skimmed off the top from the R2S to cover overhead (we riders cover that in a separate cheque, and we have food and equipment sponsors, etc.), and not one penny gets skimmed off the top w/ CCS, either. R2S has made an agreement w/ CCS that all funds raised in the ride go 100% into research funding. Our funds DO NOT pass through their general revenues. It’s extremely important to remember this. As an organization, the R2S is truly 100% volunteer run, and 100% efficient in doing so.

Secondly, as most of you know, my son Michael asked to join me on the ride this year. I had him ask Kerry Kunzli himself, and Kerry, without taking a moment to ponder, said yes. That was an incredible show of faith in Michael, as a 14 year old rider, and in me. I truly can’t thank Kerry and Vikki enough for allowing Michael to ride, and I can’t express enough what this meant to him.

He kicked ass and took names on the ride. Attached is a photo of his bike. I rode alongside Michael for most of the day; frequently, we’d hear Vikki Kunzli on the megaphone yelling, “Remember WHY you do this!”, and I’d see Michael look down at that top tube, then get right back at work. He did all the tough sections that I thought would rip him apart…the rolling, tortuous and beat-up hills of Coldwater Road, the Larson Hill climb in the heat, the false flat between the top of Larson and Britton Creek- where the wind can rip the pack apart, and the 40 KM downhill (yes, 40 KM, yes, downhill) into Hope. This year, the descent featured a very strong head & cross-wind one-two punch. It was an all-out pedal effort into the wind to get through that. No braking required, just a lot of work and focus to beat the wind and stay in a draft. I’m close to 200 lbs, and the wind pushed me around. Michael is about 132 lbs. My theory is that he’s simply so skinny the wind misses him, but I know the truth…he had to fight it, more than most. What is frequently a section where riders can recoup and have a bit of fun was, in reality, one of the toughest parts of the day.

Michael is a hyper competitive kid. He hates losing more than he loves winning…and going into this, he had it in his mind that he was going to finish the whole thing. What I had to try and convey to him (along with the help of several other key people that are a part of R2S) is that NOT completing the whole ride is NOT failure. What is more important is the team, and the individual’s positive contribution to helping the team succeed. It’s about one’s positive transfer of energy, no matter what. The R2S, from the first training ride through till Saturday, was a positive transfer of that energy for him. On Saturday, I was a bit overcome w/ emotions at several spots during the ride when I would think about how proud of him his Nana (Shai’s dad), and my mum would be if they were alive today…and finally near the end I was able to compose myself enough to tell him that. I was extremely proud of him not just for his physical strength, but moreso his emotional strength during the ride. He exceeded my expectations, for sure (not that I ever doubt him, either…I’ll never doubt Michael’s determination when he sets his mind to achieving something…just the sheer task of all involved in the day is, hypothetically, and literally, a mountainous effort). I also think he left every bit of emotional strength on the bike. In his mind, going in to the ride, taking any bit off would have represented “losing”, so I’m very glad and thankful for the constant message that the ride is not about “you”, and if you have to take some time off for the betterment of the team strength, so be it. He took a couple of short pulls off to sleep and let his batteries recharge, and by my estimation missed only about 50 KM…which quite frankly blows my mind.

As I said to many before the ride, R2S has been great for my kid. Now, after, I can honestly say it’s been better than great, it is a life precedent for him, in a hugely positive way. I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. He’s learned so many positive things by being involved. He has a drive and desire to make a difference in the fight against Cancer. I plan to be right beside him every step of the way in this.

Beside all my sponsors, I’d also like to thank everyone who sent us positive vibes. Every note of good luck, every “like”, means something. I never have and never will expect everyone I know to donate. I understand as well as any, the need for charitable donations out there is huge. As big as the need is, the smokescreen that many charities has become is also huge. It’s hard to find your way through the smokescreen, and when you do, your funds are limited, and you will donate to wherever you feel the need is greatest, and where your heart is. I really, and truly, respect that process. Continuing to give is the key, and it doesn’t have to be to my cause.

More specifically, I need to thank a few people…

~Kerry Kunzli- for saying “yes” to Michael when he asked for permission to ride this year. That “yes” has made a massively positive footprint in my son’s life.
~Vikki Kunzli- for being the heart and soul behind R2S. You practice what you preach, are the Mother Hen of R2S, and always do and say what is best.
~Emilio Chiarizia- for being Michael’s guardian on training days where I couldn’t attend, and for being such a powerful influence to him on all rides, demonstrating to him what leadership is all about. Your self-appointed “Uncle Emilio” title is something very fitting.
~ My soccer community at www.takethepiss.com for being, easily, the single largest financial contributor to my fundraising efforts over the past 6 years. Gentlemen, I'm humbled...and I look forward to clipping each and every one of you in the ankles next season. :D
~All of my fellow Captains on the R2S team…thanks. I’ve said it before and will say it again: it takes a community to raise a child. You’ve all had a hand in helping my kid along in this journey.
~My nephew Shai Symmes, along with the help of his sister Kiara, uncle Scott, and my sister, Auntie Larissa. Shai collected $100.00 of recyclables and donated to R2S. Amazing effort, and the hardest earned donation I’ve ever received, for sure.
~Thanks to my sister Larissa, who’s family has been my (and now Michael’s) personal cheer team every year I’ve done this ride. Literally, they have, at one point or another, been by the side of the road cheering every year.
~Thanks to my brother-in-law Said, for bringing his family and Michael’s Nanni (grandma) out to hope to cheer us on, and to have lunch w/ us- Nanni made home cooking! When you are on this ride, seeing your loved ones cheering you on the side of the road is like an instant pain killer, and an instant reminder as to WHY we do this. It provides a much needed shot in the arm, and instant energy to our legs.
~My Lovely wife, Shaeesta- for trusting in me to take her firstborn into this endeavor, this world of cycling. Michael has several scars all over his body, thanks to an upbringing racing bikes. He has scars from his time in R2S as well. Cycling, and crashing, can be rough on the body. She has trusted in me to encourage him in the sport in general (from BMX, the DH mountain bike, now to road), and not given me too much crap when I bring him home a bit broken and bloodied. The phrase “what doesn’t kill you make you stronger” certainly applies here. Plus, riding bikes is awesome, full stop.

400 KM, 2 major mountain passes, 12,000’ of climbing, battling heat, cold, often times rain, sometimes snow, always wind, and always personal doubt- in one day- is hard. Fighting cancer is harder.

Thanks again. www.r2s.ca



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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Mike, you really are an inspiration for me personally and I thank you for the dedication year-in and year-out.

Now fcuk off, I'm busy sitting on my ass.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks Regs, I appreciate the compliment...but since you are suiting up for the BRM this fall, I will have to kick you. Move or not.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I guess your criptic post about a friend losing weight to play again is even more criptic. Hmmmmmmmmmm....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A few more good shots...


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