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Don't FCUK with Mario Balotelli


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
LONDON — Italy striker Mario Balotelli said he would "kill" anyone who threw a banana at him in the street during the European Championship in Poland and Ukraine next month.

The volatile Manchester City player experienced racism during his time in Serie A and there are fears that black players could be subjected to it at the tournament.

"I will not accept racism at all," Balotelli, who was abused by Juventus and Roma fans while playing for Inter Milan in 2009, told France Football magazine.

"If someone throws a banana at me in the street, I will go to jail because I will kill them," he added, referring to an incident in Rome when someone threw a banana at him in a bar.

"It was lucky the police arrived quickly because I swear, I would have beaten them. I would really have destroyed them.

"I hope it never happens again."

BBC television's current affairs show Panorama highlighted possible racism in Ukraine and Poland this week in a programme entitled Euro 2012: Stadiums of Hate.

Images of fans making Nazi salutes and monkey chants towards black players have heightened fears that the tournament could be marred by crowd trouble.

Some black England players such as Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain have said their families will not travel to watch the matches next month.

"Let's see what happens at the Euros," said Balotelli. "I hope it will pass without problem. I really couldn't deal with that. If it happened I would walk off the pitch and return home.

"We are in 2012. It's not possible."

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said on Tuesday that fears of racism at the tournament had been exaggerated.

"Nobody who comes to Poland will be in any danger because of his race," he told a news conference in Rome.

"This is not our custom, as is not pointing out similar incidents in other countries, although we know they take place. In Poland, they're a rarity."

In Kiev, Ukraine's foreign ministry went further, saying the allegations were a "dreamed up and mythical problem".

"You can criticize Ukrainian society for a lot of things ... but, in the practice of racism, European Union member countries are a long way ahead of Ukraine," said ministry spokesman Oleh Voloshyn in comments reported by Interfax news agency.

Read more: Italy's Mario Balotelli will kill any racist Euro 2012 fans


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
What IS your take on the whole racism issue for the Euro tournament this year in Poland and Ukraine Polska, do you think it will be much of a problem or do you think it is getting overblown? I am sure you have seen the documentary that shows Nazi salutes and black players being taunted with monkey references, Indian fans getting attacked in the stadiun, along with Sole Cambell telling supporters to stay home. Not sure Fifa/Uefa/sport of soccer in general would like to take another bad PR hit after the damage that match fixing in Italy has caused.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
What IS your take on the whole racism issue for the Euro tournament this year in Poland and Ukraine Polska, do you think it will be much of a problem or do you think it is getting overblown? I am sure you have seen the documentary that shows Nazi salutes and black players being taunted with monkey references, Indian fans getting attacked in the stadiun, along with Sole Cambell telling supporters to stay home. Not sure Fifa/Uefa/sport of soccer in general would like to take another bad PR hit after the damage that match fixing in Italy has caused.

I think it's overblown. It happens. But the timing of the release of this journalism is just perfect to get the media he is getting.UEFA has a 0 tolerance against it and I don't see people getting attached in the streets.
I am going with a friend of mine who is African american and we have done our homework on Gdansk, Poland. Everything checks out that it will be fine.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Balotelli reconfirms what an idiot he is. He has basically double-dog-dared these freaks to abuse him. I think he has a virus or something.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
What IS your take on the whole racism issue for the Euro tournament this year in Poland and Ukraine Polska, do you think it will be much of a problem or do you think it is getting overblown? I am sure you have seen the documentary that shows Nazi salutes and black players being taunted with monkey references, Indian fans getting attacked in the stadiun, along with Sole Cambell telling supporters to stay home. Not sure Fifa/Uefa/sport of soccer in general would like to take another bad PR hit after the damage that match fixing in Italy has caused.

Recent Panorama documentary called Stadium of Hate.
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Since we get no exposure to those leagues on the tele, I must say I had no idea about all this. Just shocking. Sure makes you glad to be in Canada where our biggest problems are cross border shopping and a few daylight shootings of dirtbags getting rich and dead off the pot business.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Just shocking. Sure makes you glad to be in Canada where our biggest problems are cross border shopping and a few daylight shootings of dirtbags getting rich and dead off the pot business.

Yeah you're right, I can't imagine a black hockey player having to endure something like this.......err wait a minute.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Bronco you are right Canada has plenty of ignorant people and anybody who does buisness with the smaller towns around BC you know the way some people talk about Natives and minorities and it is pretty sad. There are plenty around town that are no better but the difference is for the most part is it does not happen in mass rallies at sporting events anymore, 30 or more years ago was a diiferent story and i believe Warren Moon can comment on that. In a case like the guy who tossed the banana on the ice this year was shamed in public and I am sure he regreted doing so because of the negative attention he recieved. I would be extremely ashamed if anything that happened in the video happened at BC place and would definitly cancel my season tickets if nothing was done to stop it, and that speaks volumes because after watching last season I still renewed this year. The girlfriend is Polish which makes my son half Polish and she assures me this is not how the majority of the people feel but there are certain groups that you want to avoid. I was going to go this summer but it didn't work out but maybe going this winter for Christmas so I'll get to see a small sample for myself.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Bronco you are right Canada has plenty of ignorant people and anybody who does buisness with the smaller towns around BC you know the way some people talk about Natives and minorities and it is pretty sad. There are plenty around town that are no better but the difference is for the most part is it does not happen in mass rallies at sporting events anymore, 30 or more years ago was a diiferent story and i believe Warren Moon can comment on that. In a case like the guy who tossed the banana on the ice this year was shamed in public and I am sure he regreted doing so because of the negative attention he recieved. I would be extremely ashamed if anything that happened in the video happened at BC place and would definitly cancel my season tickets if nothing was done to stop it, and that speaks volumes because after watching last season I still renewed this year. The girlfriend is Polish which makes my son half Polish and she assures me this is not how the majority of the people feel but there are certain groups that you want to avoid. I was going to go this summer but it didn't work out but maybe going this winter for Christmas so I'll get to see a small sample for myself.


Bring your own Bread


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Subban, the 23-year-old ice hockey defenceman currently playing for the Montreal Canadiens, appeared on the George Stroumboulopoulos show in Canada over the weekend, and the subject of racism was brought up when the host acknowledged that “there aren’t that many black hockey players in the NHL… There’s stil racism going on out there.”Stroumboulopoulos then pushed his point by quoting the Mario Balotelli’s now infamous banana statement, which lead to P. K. Subban’s replying:You know the way I’d approach it. I’d probably just pick it [the banana] up and eat it. It doesn’t bother me. You know what I mean! I don’t care.

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