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Div 2 Div. 2 MOTW #14

What is the Week 14 MOTW?

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Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
My MOTW is again over in 2C, as it has been the last week or two. No, this is not a 2C love-in, merely a reflection of how competitive and tight that table is showing to be. MOTW is Eagleridge Hades away at Coq. City Arsenal. My reasoning here is that ER cannot afford to drop points in this match, as they have a game at hand on Whalley with two more yet to play against that squad and only a one point margin between the two in the standings. Hades has its work cut out for them, as they are winless in three matches with only a tie to show for their efforts in that span. Arsenal, on the other hand, is coming into this match winners of their past two over solid squads in LUFC and DFC. My nod here is to Arsenal, 2-1. Looks to be a solid match, thought I'm sure many will automatically look at the 2A matchup between the Royals and NDFC as the shoo-in as MOTW. If you look at all the tables, however, I think this 2C matchup has more at stake than the 2A matchup, though it in and of itself should be a cracker.


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
I have to go with Royals vs NDFC as MOTW. It has a tremendous impact not only on the two teams involved but the entire division and how each team will finish. Plus, both teams play such solid games that for ND it will come down to being able to get to goal and for the Royals, they will have to rely on counterattack as they will have a hard time trying to build up an offensive against ND's stingy defense. As for the rest of the division, a Royals loss could have them finishing the league as far back as 4th depending on results according to standings, a NDFC loss and it's all back to square one with 4 or 5 teams battling it out down the stretch.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Bluenose, I realise you are a North Delta homer, but take a look outside your own table for a minute and realise that there are more important matches than the Royals/NDFC tilt. While it is a very important match for THOSE TWO TEAMS, and possibly one or two others, the 2C matchup between Arsenal and Hades affects the ENTIRE TABLE. Both teams have played 11 matches, with Hades in top spot and Arsenal in 8th. However, these two team are separated by only 7 POINTS in the table, and both hold two games at hand on every other club above Arsenal, save for Whalley for which they hold one game at hand. This matchup has consequences for nearly every single team in that table, and a win by Arsenal would severely hamper Hades' chances at finishing first. Do the math: Three points for Arsenal would mean that they would be no more than 6 points out of top spot by Sunday night, pending the outcome of the other matches, with still 18 POINTS still available to them until the end of the season. Theoretically, Arsenal in 8th place could still finish at the top of 2C! A longshot, to be sure, but still probable if they continue with their recent strong play. And that, my ND homer friend, is why this match is a bona-fide MOTW, and not your precious 2A matchup. All I ask is that you just consider more than just your loyalties when posting. At least give credit where its due. :D



shaven said:
Bluenose, I realise you are a North Delta homer, but take a look outside your own table for a minute and realise that there are more important matches than the Royals/NDFC tilt. While it is a very important match for THOSE TWO TEAMS, and possibly one or two others, the 2C matchup between Arsenal and Hades affects the ENTIRE TABLE. Both teams have played 11 matches, with Hades in top spot and Arsenal in 8th. However, these two team are separated by only 7 POINTS in the table, and both hold two games at hand on every other club above Arsenal, save for Whalley for which they hold one game at hand. This matchup has consequences for nearly every single team in that table, and a win by Arsenal would severely hamper Hades' chances at finishing first. Do the math: Three points for Arsenal would mean that they would be no more than 6 points out of top spot by Sunday night, pending the outcome of the other matches, with still 18 POINTS still available to them until the end of the season. Theoretically, Arsenal in 8th place could still finish at the top of 2C! A longshot, to be sure, but still probable if they continue with their recent strong play. And that, my ND homer friend, is why this match is a bona-fide MOTW, and not your precious 2A matchup. All I ask is that you just consider more than just your loyalties when posting. At least give credit where its due. :D

If we were in the last few weeks of the season, then I could see where you're coming from, yes every game counts but your basing your MOTW solely on points. I could sit here and bust out a bunch of mathematics for Div 2A as well, except it's just too "boring". NDFC and the Royals are clearly the best two teams playing against each other this weekend, #1 and 2 in our Div. This match has more skill and entertainment value, a Soccer Mom vs. NDFC TTP battle, plus the Royals are the only team to beat us this year. Shaven just cause WRU has no hope of finishing first, it doesn't mean the games in Div 2A don't matter anymore.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
NDFC and the Royals are clearly the best two teams playing against each other this weekend, #1 and 2 in our Div. This match has more skill and entertainment value, a Soccer Mom vs. NDFC TTP battle, plus the Royals are the only team to beat us this year. Shaven just cause WRU has no hope of finishing first, it doesn't mean the games in Div 2A don't matter anymore.

I'll give you that these are very valid points Blaz, and I do see your perspective on this. All that said, I'm not basing this solely on points, as in my original post I think I may have, and if not then I'll do it now, pointed out that Arsenal defeated LUFC last week, and has won two very important matches in a row over two good teams, while Hades has not won in three matches against teams they should have beaten for the most part. That is primarily the reason I am looking past the Royals/NDFC match, though I do agree that it has many interesting side bars to it. I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that I do believe that match will not be as close as you all think...NDFC 3-0 over the Royals. Not that the Royals are not worthy opponents, but I believe there are too many things working against the Royals right now with injuries and lineup changes et al. I believe the Arsenal/Hades match will be more balanced, and a better matchup at this point of the season. Just my opinion, of course...oh, and Blaz, WRU had no hope of finishing first when the season started ;) , but of course 2A matters to me. I love you guys! *sniff* :D


New Member
Oct 16, 2002
Dirty Money
I gotta give this match to Hades/Arsenal....Simply due to what Hades has to lose from this game. They are coming off 3 terribles games and are no doubt a little nervous going into this one. Arsenal has come off 2 big wins against LUFC and us(DFC). Though I can't give them all that much credit for their win against us. They were not the better team. We had far more control over that game than they did. They beat us for the simple fact that we *misunderestimated* them. (sorry boys, had to through a little George W. Bush joke in there for fun) The same reason we were able to come away with all of our wins against the better teams...they all had more control but they underestimated our defensive play. A style of play that wins us games and which we forget about when we're playing weaker teams....something we have to get over. Anyway..., with a win for the Arsenal, they could, theoretically, take 5th spot. A very important game for 8 of the 10 teams in 2C. This is why it is indeed, MOTW.

Soccer Mom

Nov 30, 2003
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
If we were in the last few weeks of the season, then I could see where you're coming from, yes every game counts but your basing your MOTW solely on points. I could sit here and bust out a bunch of mathematics for Div 2A as well, except it's just too "boring". NDFC and the Royals are clearly the best two teams playing against each other this weekend, #1 and 2 in our Div. This match has more skill and entertainment value, a Soccer Mom vs. NDFC TTP battle, plus the Royals are the only team to beat us this year. Shaven just cause WRU has no hope of finishing first, it doesn't mean the games in Div 2A don't matter anymore.

i'm sorry shaven, but blahzay is right, and i'm trying to be as unbiased as possible here. i have voted for games outside 2A in the past as i try to follow those tiers aswell. i can't give a 1st place team playing an 8th placed team MOTW. i expect hades to win without a doubt. but you also raised good pionts shaven, the royals haven't been playing well as of late, with our former starting centre back gone, 3 players quitting the team in the past 2 weeks, it's going to be a battle for the royals this weekend. but we are the only team to beat NDFC this season, it was a fairly even match the first time around, should be a good one. i'd even argue this match is more pivotal for the whole of 2A than the hades match is for 2C.

hopefully the pitch holds up as it was rained out last weekend.


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
shaven said:
Bluenose, I realise you are a North Delta homer, but take a look outside your own table for a minute and realise that there are more important matches than the Royals/NDFC tilt. While it is a very important match for THOSE TWO TEAMS, and possibly one or two others, the 2C matchup between Arsenal and Hades affects the ENTIRE TABLE. Both teams have played 11 matches, with Hades in top spot and Arsenal in 8th. However, these two team are separated by only 7 POINTS in the table, and both hold two games at hand on every other club above Arsenal, save for Whalley for which they hold one game at hand. This matchup has consequences for nearly every single team in that table, and a win by Arsenal would severely hamper Hades' chances at finishing first. Do the math: Three points for Arsenal would mean that they would be no more than 6 points out of top spot by Sunday night, pending the outcome of the other matches, with still 18 POINTS still available to them until the end of the season. Theoretically, Arsenal in 8th place could still finish at the top of 2C! A longshot, to be sure, but still probable if they continue with their recent strong play. And that, my ND homer friend, is why this match is a bona-fide MOTW, and not your precious 2A matchup. All I ask is that you just consider more than just your loyalties when posting. At least give credit where its due. :D

I understand how close the division is and the impact a potential Arsenal victory would mean to Hades chances, but, looking at their prior results, they have by no means much of a chance. I understand that the impact of a game has a large part to do with MOTW as we have all pointed out, but quality does as well. The 2A game has more potential for a strong match and its impact as Mom pointed has just as much if not more menaing to the whole division. As for being an ND homer, yeah, obviously, but I do not let it blind me.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Bluenose said:
I understand how close the division is and the impact a potential Arsenal victory would mean to Hades chances, but, looking at their prior results, they have by no means much of a chance. I understand that the impact of a game has a large part to do with MOTW as we have all pointed out, but quality does as well. The 2A game has more potential for a strong match and its impact as Mom pointed has just as much if not more menaing to the whole division. As for being an ND homer, yeah, obviously, but I do not let it blind me.

My point about the quality of the match, and I do agree with much of what your saying, is that with the Royals not being the same team they were when they beat NDFC 2-1 in their first match, I don't think this matchup is as quality as many of you claim it will be. The constant lineup shuffling (re: Mom) and injuries, as well as the loss of three players recently is bound to, and I would argue has already, messed with the Royals chemistry to the point that they are no longer at the same level as NDFC. Having faced both teams very recently, I've got a fairly strong read on both clubs, so I know that of which I speak. JMO, of course, but an educated one. :D


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Shaven, I understand group C is tight, and the tables can turn (and have turnred all season) for all the top teams at any time. But the implications of taking/remaining 1st will be there all season, it's not as though this will be a "seperate the pack" kind of game. There are 3 sections here. The top 4 the middle 3 and bottom 3 When all shakes out at the end of the season it will be LUFC, Whalley, ER, and PM Lions in the top.... it's a crap shoot who'll be where. The middle 3 will be DMU, DFC, and GEU. The bottom 3 will be CC, Poco and PAU. I don't understand how Coq. beat LUFC, they are a terrible squad, and the only reason they tied us the first time was we played terrible, and lost the next time was we handed them the ball in our 18 twice. We missed SEVERAL oppertunities. We were our own demise, and they were extremely fortunate... and as I said, we should end up below 4th, which gives you an idea of how poor "they" are. [This is not a personal slag, they're a great bunch of young guys]. If they were in the other groups, they'd be struggling in the bottom. ER will take their frustrations out on the lowly Arsenal in a romp 4 - 0. No contest.

My nod for MOTW would be NDFC/Royals. I haven't seen either, but if ND wins, it will seperate them from 3rd, and make it a race between the top 2 teams only for them. Also, with a two goal win, they'll have the edge on head to head games with the Royals. Last thing, they are both among the top 5 teams in all Div 2. The game should be at the very least entertaining with loads of tallent. The CC/ER game will be in a mud bath at Blue Mountain, (if it does go ahead with all the rain), and neither team has the tallent the other group has. NDFC will take this 2 - 0

SFC vs Columbia
Neither can score, but SFC has the 2nd worst goals against in all of div 2.
Columbia 3 - 0
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