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CWNT Threaten Boycott


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

What coaching issue is there to resolve at this point? They have a coach under CONTRACT do they not?

I'm growing weary of national team members, whatever the sport, making such ultimatums.



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I'm with the players on this one Regs, this is a completely different situation than the MNT. They are going to bat for their coach, to affect change at the highest levels of the CSA. This isn't MNT'ers saying they want more per diem, or to sack a coach they don't particularly like. This is about the Women that play on the team making sacrifices in their own lives and careers for this program and not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and doing everything in their power to protect their own intangible investment (Career, Personal Life, etc)

For once the CSA made an intelligent decision hiring a capable and qualified individual to run a program and she's excelled, now that she's shown what she can do she has for some reason lost the favor of the board in the CSA Ivory Tower... the players are threatening to strike to protect her, not to get her fired.

It's probably more complicated and delicate a situation than what I have summarzied, but that's it in a nutshell, it's also worth noting that the Gals are actually Good, compare that to our MNT which is ranked below such juggernauts as The Cape Verde Islands, Botswana, Uzbekistan, and FYR Macedonia. :eek: The Women are ranked ahead of England (Have their own Professional womens leagues) Italy, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, & Mexico :wa:


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree with bluenose, Regs...this is all about transforming the CSA. I really like what the players are doing here because it is only going to draw more attention to the CSA. There has been a lot of increased awareness about the CSA recently and finally it looks like things will be changing for the better. Apparently it is going to take some time, due in large part to a lot of the old cronies being unwilling to give up their director positions until they satisfy their own agendas, but ultimately it is happening and Canadian soccer will benefit. As Andrea Neil once said, "We need a new group of like-minded people in control of the CSA with the right vision and agenda for the future." As Paul Peschisolido once said, "I'd like for my wife Karen Brady to swoop into the CSA, knock some heads, and get the organization running properly, as a National organization should be run." Well, it's happening and let's hope they get it right this time...with a revamped CSA, 3 MLS teams in Canada, and a new model for youth development, Canada would surely qualify for a World Cup in the next 8 years.

CSA transformation....I have this image of the Saddam Hussein statue crumbling to the ground!


By the way, full marks to Kara Lang and Jason Devos, who are really spearheading changes at the CSA. Kara was not allowed to speak at the recent special meeting but obviously she found a way to be heard through the WNT.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry but for me on this issue I can't help but see it as too opportunistic.

Obviously change has been long overdue but the wheels as they say are in motion.

What exactly is Morace's issues? She is paid to coach, no?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
A bit more digging around the usual Voyageurs(roll eyes) Internets-watering-holes has uncovered some articles and general theorizing..
1. This is probably a power play by Morace, to draw attention to the CSA during a time of potential reformation and now that she has the leverage to do so (a good program)
2. Some of this has to do with the CONCACAF prize money not being given to the WNT players, and being absorbed by the CSA general budget, which sucks as most of these women decided to forgo their pro club seasons and the little earnings they could have made, this year to focus on prep for the WC.
3. She has been given access to her wants (budget, staff, training techniques, etc) but it has come with MUCH headache, heartache, and frustration
4. She can get more money from other Womens National Programs elsewhere if the CSA decides to let her go if she doesn't get her continued support and cooperation from the CSA.

She has the leverage and the proverbial button to push here. Good for her, and good for her players to back her. It's not like the players don't truly know what's going on here. These players are not making $80k a year and up to play like most of the MNT'ers are.



Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Regs, it could be a number of things...from budget, crap hotels and flights, gear, marketing, blah blah blah...all the same old things that the CSA has consistently botched. But honestly, I wouldn't underestimate the role of Kara Lang in all of this. Lang is part of this new movement against the CSA and she is in tight with Morace (yes Polksa, Lang in tight equals yum #2). Personally, I love this because it will bring even more negative awareness against the CSA. Accountability might not be that far away.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Sorry but for me on this issue I can't help but see it as too opportunistic.

Obviously change has been long overdue but the wheels as they say are in motion.

What exactly is Morace's issues? She is paid to coach, no?

So what if it's opportunistic!? For once we can see POSITIVE change from someone being opportunistic...

These wheels that are in motion are square and will take 3-5 years for the corners to round. The dinosaurs will stay and hold on to what they can for as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
None yet.... I said can, meaning potentially.

We were bad, both the MNT and WNT. Now one is good. If things go sideways perhaps people will care, like the average Canadian, not just the hardcore footy fans in this country.

The CSA needs harsh reform, and more resources or for those resources to be properly managed.. It's sheer hypocrisy for the "own the podium" to be a pet project as an investment in our future etc, something most taxpayers will support, and for it not to filter to the soccer community, headed up ultimately by the CSA.

More people are registered to play Soccer in Canada (Youth and senior) than Hockey and all the other sports. Why does it get merely a fraction of the spending/attention/governance our Hockey, Figure skating, Track, etc gets?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
On the surface, I like the blackmail motives. I'd like to know more of the inside details, but we're talking about the CSA here. Credibility isn't on their side.

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