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Conspiracy Theories and Left Wing Garbage


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Montauk Project

Located at Camp Hero on Long Island, The Montauk Project is a mind control project that had been active for over 50 years.

Using very advanced brain washing techniques, Scalar technology, and hypnosis, hundreds of people were put through years of torture and mind manipulation. The result were several agents of the government, some as young as ten years old that were capable of incredible feats.

One example is a man was put in a hypnotic state and told he was standing on the edge of a building... he was actually on a ladder. He was told to jump. In his mind he fell several stories, when he only jumped a few feet. The process in repeated over and over, each time increasing the length of the fall. The subject believes more and more that he can jump off buildings and not be hurt. This project alledges that all that is neccesary to pull off incredible feats of endurance and strength, is that the subject believes it is possible. It is not quite this simple, but you get the idea.

Mind over matter... enhanced.

There are some pretty way out there ideas of time travel, soul switching, and stables of sexual slaves as well...


Montauk Project
Camp Hero
Al Bielek
Montauk boys
Montauk Chair
Phoenix Project
Philidelphia experiment

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Can this mind over matter help me with my cheese burger cravings and help me at soccer. I think I can kick a ball, I think I can, I think I can.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
First, let me say that I don't buy this. Allegedly there is a race of reptilian shape shifters in control of the world...

This list is taken from educateyourself.org

This list was sent anonymously but a lot of the names can be verified by others in files on this site and others who expose government corruption, black projects, coverups and aliens. Here are things as they stand from one who "sees": If you see your name on this list and you would like to protest, just send us an email and we'll post it. I'm not claiming these people weren't 100% human at one time, what I am saying is that they invited the control and bodily takeover of Reptilians through blood drinking and rituals and now can be bodily overtaken by them or possessed against or within their own will.

*please keep in mind, we all have the ability to see these humans/reptilians for what they are and how they really are. Just pray for God to reveal it to you. Being a reptilian is something that must be activated through drinking blood and ritual among those who possess the serpent DNA. Not all those who possess this DNA are reptilian. Reptilians in human form are also called shapeshifters and can go between looking human one second, and a lizard-like reptilian the next.

Notable Reptilians:

George Bush Sr.,
George Bush Jr.,
Richard Cheney,
Al Gore,
Colin Powell,
Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew

President Bush's Cabinet

John Ashcroft , Attorney General -- High Order Reptilian
Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary -- High Order Reptilian
Tommy Thompson, Health and Human Services Secretary-High Order Reptilian
Gale Norton, Interior Secretary -- Alien controlled
Colin Powell, Secretary of State --Reptilian of the Highest Order
Paul O'Neill, Treasury Secretary -- Reptilian

President Bush's Advisors

Andrew Card, White House Chief of Staff
Mitch Daniels, Director of the Office of Management and Budget -- Alien controlled
Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor --Alien --other type

The list goes on to include pretty much every republican in Congress...

There have always been accounts of strange shape shifting beings throughout history. This is just the latest incarnation.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Watched the Alex Jones documentary called End Game this Week End. It focuses mainly on the Billdaberg (sp) group, eugenics, and the new world order. Pretty scary stuff.

Interesting factoid... The Rothchilds became ruling elite after Napolean was defeated at Waterloo. Rothchild had the news of the outcome earlier than the nobility of England and falsely leaked information to the stock exchange that England had lost the war with France. Stocks plummeted and Rothchild bought everything he could. When the real out come was reported, stocks recovered and Rothchild essentially owed the Whole English exchange.

After this pivotal 'business' decision, the Rothchilds have been involved in bankrolling every major conflict England has been involved in.

End Game is basically alleges a plan for culling the world population down to 50 million (as indicated on the Georgia Guide Stones), returning the Earth to the period immediately following the industrial revolution, where the ruling elite had complete control over the working class.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I am still messed up from My Favorite Martian. I am pretty sure that old dude is still controlling kids minds.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
For those of you who are interested, there is a very good documentary on Google Video called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" by Martin Durkin.

It provides overwhelming proof that Global warming is a hoax. CO2 is not the cause of Global warming and has little effect on the planets climate. It is interesting to hear what the scientific community has to say about "An Inconvienient Truth"


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Also in the Global warming category. SOHO sattelite (Solal Helospheric Observatory) has shown increased solar activety over the past 10 years. This has led to a general warming of all the planets in our solar system. Some very interesting videos available on Google if you are interested.

One of the stranger theories in this area alleges that there are space ships in orbit around the sun causing these changes by accelerating the fission reactions causing the increased activety... but I am not yet convinced.

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