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Conspiracy Theories and Left Wing Garbage


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Tell me how you feel about Ralf Klein and the Alberta government?

It's a fire sale!!! Selling off and privatizing for millions in profit for private companies. Great for the economy short term, bad for the Province long term. It is already starting to dry up. I know guys in the Oil and Gas industry that say there is way less work in Alberta now... some have even come back to BC.

The private banks: "private" being the key word. They are in business to make money. You're going to have to explain to me how, exactly, our taxes are going directly to the private bank industry. I can see indirectly, or to pay of Government short and long term debt, but other than that...sorry, you're- as they say- in left field.

Now starting in left field... number 16...(almost used the full name)

Okay. Financial institutions figured out quite a while ago that they were missing out on a ton of easy money because the Bank of Canada was financing all sorts of programs for Canadians. You mentioned business loans, but there were also student loans (intrest free), and many other programs. Canada, is a very rich country when it comes to resources. Those resources are assets. The Bank of Canada ccould borrow against these assets, eliminating the need for private banks when it comes to capital spending, financing crown projects, infrastucture, etc... That is the way it used to be.

Big banks successfully lobbied the government over time to use private banks. "We will help you get elected if..." Over the years, as the government continued to borrow money from these private banks, our national debt grew. Now our tax dollars go to paying that intrest, while our Country still needs capital spending, financing crown projects, infrastucture, etc... but don't worry. Our credit is still good with the private banks :rolleyes: Our Tax dollars go directly to private banks to pay off intrest and loans our government borrowed despite having the ability to do it themselves. It's a big scam. Once again, guess who loses.

Then there is the BDC...Canada's federal development bank. While there to finance the medium-higher risk business venture, or entrepreneur, they take a chunk of hide out of you for the experience. Prime plus 3 on your RBC Business Line of Credit? Well, that's great up to a $100K, but if you need a significantly higher start-up, the Private Banks won't touch you (because- shocker- they are in a commodity game, and only in it to make money, not take risks). This is where your Federal Development Bank swoops in to save the day- at the low low rate of prime plus 8 or 9. What a deal!

You are describing why private banks are terrible, and doing a much better job than I can...

Pan me all you want about living in a dream world, because I might say the same of you. Just because a company has the word Canada in it, does not mean it is the Canadian government, or based in Canada, or owned by a Canadian at all. RBC is Private bank owed by the Rothchilds... you can look it up. I know absolutely nothing about BDC, but I do know that several Canadian Corperations have been quietly sold to private corperations over the years, perhaps it is too.

CN Rail... Not owed by a Canadian (Sir John A rolling in his grave). CP Rail the same. BC Gas... sold to Terasen (not Canadian) not to mention the deregulation of delivery. BC Hydro.... For sale (Already we sell power to the US, imagine what will happen to the price if a US lobbyist buys BC Hydro... it will drop, and so will the profit) And under NAFTA once you start sending energy and goods to the US, it is against the law to stop. Therefore our power will be going south for next to nothing.... sorry off on another tangent.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Pan me all you want about living in a dream world, because I might say the same of you. Just because a company has the word Canada in it, does not mean it is the Canadian government, or based in Canada, or owned by a Canadian at all. RBC is Private bank owed by the Rothchilds... you can look it up. I know absolutely nothing about BDC, but I do know that several Canadian Corperations have been quietly sold to private corperations over the years, perhaps it is too.

Christ, you just plain speak out of your ass. The BDC is 100% a Federal institution.

Seriously, before going off on the rants, know some facts. Google BDC, and do a bit of research.

Your rant about Alberta is based simply on "people you know". The province is 100% debt free, and operates on a surplus year-in, year-out. There are simply not enough people there for the amount of labor required. They are in the midst of a massive labor shortage, which is one big reason Edmonton is the hottest real estate market in Canada at present. Yes, they have resources, but and one can argue all day long about the environmental impact of taping those resources, but as a Province, we are pretty rich too, but for years we've been mismanaged by the left, and now we're slowly digging out of the hole.

Our credit is still good with the private banks Our Tax dollars go directly to private banks to pay off intrest and loans our government borrowed despite having the ability to do it themselves. It's a big scam. Once again, guess who loses.

Isn't that what I said? Indirectly, the public sector is paying off short and long term loans to the Private bank. And, why not? If it is the lowest cost to borrow money, it is a better decision to borrow from those banks, while keeping the money in the country. What are the other choices? Think before you reply to that question...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You're missing the point. Right after stating that, he goes on to assume they are a private corporation that simply uses the word "Canada" in the name, i.e.: "The Royal Bank of Canada".

Again, I hate the bankers as much as the next guy ;) , but let's not confuse smart business and political lobying on their part to a direct pipeline of our tax money to the private bank vaults. If anything, it is indirect, and with a suplus budget, year-in, year-out, we climb out of that hole.

The example of just East of the Rockies.


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
What are the other choices? Think before you reply to that question...

I have no idea what other choices there are for borrowing money for small businesses. I know that Alberta is debt free, I know that BC is headed that way too. I also know that deals like the CP rail privatization, and the Coquahalla Hwy deal go along way to put millions into the bottom line. Both were very bad for British Columbians. You can argue about how important it is to be debt free, but when most of that money comes out of liquidating assets... overall we are not better off.

Dude, you know much more about this topic than I do. I don't pretend to have all the facts, and I don't know what the answer is. I know that privatization takes the power out of voters hands and into ethically bankrupt corperations that do not care if people suffer as a result of there fiscal bottom lines. I question whether our government really cares past getting re-elected, and that is where the system breaks down.


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Seriously please don't give Alberta as an example of "properly run right wing government". Throw a couple of trillion dollars in the ground in the form of Oil and Karl Marx with Lenin and Glen Clark as his financial advisors could make money.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

This Province is pretty damn resource rich, but our NDP government for years completely fcuked the economy by implementing miles and miles of red tape, making it nearly impossible to do business, and coupling that with their heavy left wing pro-union stance. The debt our Province is trying to climb out of can be pointed squarely at the numerous NDP governments over the years, and the idiot union supporting voters who would do nothing but give these guys a free pass every 4 years without looking at what they were doing. Hey, as long as it's good for me and my union, right?

Why do you think we are climbing our right now? A large part of it is easy access to mining, and pro business policies. Clearing the debt has to be one of the highest priorities if we truly intend to have good social programs here long term. The typical left wing union guy doesn't get that, because it comes at short term pain to them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude, although I do agree with some of what you have to say being in Business and all.....

I did a paper when I was at SFU that looked at the economy of BC under the NDP and the economy under the Liberals....

Alot of the difference in how well we are doing now is can be attributed to the high demand (and price) for the natural resources this province owns. Under the NDP, there was little or no external demand at that point for those resources....the demand had nothing to do with the NDP and everything to do with external markets...

The Liberals have done a good job of cutting red tape, etc...

However, there was a huge demand for our resources around the same time they came into power....and that has helped in a large way drive our economy...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Agree that timing is / was important, but consider this: around the time prior to the Libs coming into power (2000 or so), the demand for resources worldwide started taking a big jump. Bidding these projects is a big part of our business, and we were bidding and shipping exclusively outside BC, mostly South America, and one particular project in Europe. In Vancouver, there were a small handful of Engineering firms surviving in a very tough market. A lot of engineers were laid off and working independently. The firms that got work were all getting foreign contracts.

Now, with the Libs cutting the red tape, we have literally dozens of mining projects active, and even more on approval in this province. That is a DIRECT result of bringing in business friendly practices. See, for a significant period of time during Clark's rule, the demand was there worldwide, but mining companies wouldn't touch BC.

Now engineering firms are busy. Vancouver is home to one of the, if not the single strongest resource based engineering community in the world. A lot of work comes through the firms here. Currently, many of the firms are being run off their feet w/ local projects, which is great to see.

I'm just pointing out what I've experienced vs. what you researched. Right around the time the NPD was thrown out of power (just after, actually), I came within signing an acceptance letter for a corporate job in Capital Finance, and walking away from my little business. The wife was on maternity, and the revenue coming in was falling short of expenses, counting my salary (yes, I was working for free). Times were tough, and I was nearly sucked in to taking a nice paying corporate job, but a job w/ a financial ceiling, structured hours, call sheets, micro management, etc.

In the end, I simple put faith in that things had to turn around, and they did. For me, it was about not having to answer to someone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
It's good to see you are doing well Dude, glad things worked out for you.

Like I said, I agree with a lot of what you have to say. My point is, however, that the economy of this province was going to do better when the 90's ended just because the sheer rise in prices for our natural resources. It wouldn't matter if Regs was the Premier!

The tax revenue that the government has received from this boom was huge.

From my findings, governments could manipulate the economy somewhat, but the large majority of our economy is driven my demand for our natural resources.

The NDP, although they may not have managed the boom as well as the Liberals had they stayed in power, would still have been awash in cash as well. At least that is what the research I had done had found.

Even Carole Taylor has stated that if and when the demand for our resources fall, we are going to be in for a huge economic downturn. Although, given the current world markets, i don't see this happening anytime soon.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Like I said, I agree with a lot of what you have to say. My point is, however, that the economy of this province was going to do better when the 90's ended just because the sheer rise in prices for our natural resources. It wouldn't matter if Regs was the Premier!
That's a slag isn't it - fcuk you!

Like the liberals, I removed a lot of red-tape here on TTP and you can now easily show your support for site 24/7 using your credit card.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It's good to see you are doing well Dude, glad things worked out for you.

Like I said, I agree with a lot of what you have to say. My point is, however, that the economy of this province was going to do better when the 90's ended just because the sheer rise in prices for our natural resources. It wouldn't matter if Regs was the Premier!

The tax revenue that the government has received from this boom was huge.

From my findings, governments could manipulate the economy somewhat, but the large majority of our economy is driven my demand for our natural resources.

The NDP, although they may not have managed the boom as well as the Liberals had they stayed in power, would still have been awash in cash as well. At least that is what the research I had done had found.

Even Carole Taylor has stated that if and when the demand for our resources fall, we are going to be in for a huge economic downturn. Although, given the current world markets, i don't see this happening anytime soon.

All good points.

Also, on this:
It's good to see you are doing well Dude, glad things worked out for you.

I just related that to try and express what I found from actually experiencing it- no other reason. It wasn't meant as a self pat on the back if it came across that way.

The change in government really did have a very positive impact in optimism alone, and there was a time where the mining companies wouldn't have anything to do w/ BC because of the red tape. It was a problematic issue starring us all right in the face. I repeat this story often: the day after the NDP got the toss, I was out visiting people, making calls, talking w/ people. It was like a black cloud was lifted from the business sector; like handcuffs and ankle shackles being removed. Everyone I spoke with had optimism in their voice, and were all of a sudden positive about the economic outlook. Like I said: you were studying it, I was living it.

On my personal decision, I like to think it was a calculated risk, but in reality, it was more of a gamble. Simply put, I didn't want to have a boss. Three more months of what I was going through, and there would not have been a choice. I'd be a CIT man now.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude;226378 I just related that to try and express what I found from actually experiencing it- no other reason. It wasn't meant as a self pat on the back if it came across that way. [/QUOTE said:
It didn't come across that way at all Dude. It's good to see that you took a chance, and it worked out. Going into business for yourself is always a risk., especially when you have a family and others to look after.

Plus, the more people who do well in business, the better it is for my line of work!


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
And now from the left...

I can't find fault with anything that has been said. The NDP in BC was not doing there job, and boy did the election returns show that. Union workers voted for the Liberals that first year too (I voted Green). The result was a government without opposition. That was not good for the people of BC either. I'm glad that the ratio is more realistic now, and despite being an NDP supporter, I think the Liberal majority with a strong NDP opposition is what is best for the Province at this time. It's up to the Liberals to keep their jobs by balancing the left and right. The NDP found out what happens if you stray to far from the centre, and the Liberals will too if they don't look out for ALL people in BC.

... Conspiracy theories, not really :rolleyes:

How about any of these topics:

Weather manipulation - Scalar weapons and mind control, HAAPR, Chem trails
Reptilian race running Washington - weird...
Mayan calender ends in 2012, end of the world?
Montauk boys - secret government project of super humans
Blackwater mercinaries(sp) and new secret Military Police
FEMA concentration camps built all over the US
Eugenics - cull the world population of humans to 55 million.

and of course... New world order, free masons and illuminati. which are responsible for everything...

Come on boys, I may not be able to debate the finacial matters of ruling governments, but I can BS on these topics all day.:cool:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Union workers voted for the Liberals that first year too (I voted Green). The result was a government without opposition. That was not good for the people of BC either. I'm glad that the ratio is more realistic now,

Agree 100%.

I want to hear more about these two:

Reptilian race running Washington - weird...
Montauk boys - secret government project of super humans


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