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Commissioner Don Garber addresses the future of Major League Soccer


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Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Commissioner Don Garber addresses the future of Major League Soccer

Major League Soccer has undergone tremendous growth in the last 20 seasons and league commissioner Don Garber says he sees MLS becoming a top league within the course of a few generations, as it continues to expand and grow in stature and popularity.

"I do believe in 10 years' time or less, people will think of us like Serie A, La Liga, and hopefully the way they think about the Premier League," Garber said. "If we continue to do things right and stay to our plan."

It's a bold quote from Garber, who, while speaking at the SoccerEx convention in England, addressed a number of topics regarding the short and long-term futures of MLS, its star players and its clubs, old and new.



MLS is a different league. It is built with franchises rather than clubs, and those franchises compete for a playoff spot in the end, rather than vying for survival in a single table. That structure is unorthodox in soccer but its one that Garber says they're not looking to change.

"We play in a country where the major leagues are really successful," Garber explained. "There is no promotion and relegation in hockey and basketball and they work really well. It is not happening in MLS any time soon.

"We have a structure that intrigues the rest of the world, the idea that owners can come together and be partners off the field and try and beat the heck out of each other on the field ... It is attractive, it allows for some ability to plan and invest over a long period of time."

David Beckham, Miami, and Expansion


One of the most measurable metrics for the growth of MLS is the number of teams; the league continues to expand into new markets, with New York City FC and Orlando City joining this year, bringing with them star players like David Villa, Kaka, Andrea Pirlo, and Frank Lampard.

Franchises in Atlanta, Minnesota, and another team in Los Angeles would bring the league to 23 teams by 2020, and Garber also provided an update on David Beckham's potential franchise in Miami.

"He's enormously passionate about our league, about the sport, and really loves our country and wants to put roots down and become an owner," Garber said. "David just had an announcement the other day that they are settled on a site where the old Orange Bowl was. They're trying to get access to that land. I think we will be able to go forward with David and his partners in Miami.

"We love David, we love the city of Miami and we hope that we can get a deal done," Garber said. "Should David be able to cross the Ts and dot the Is, Miami will be the 24th team."

Winter Schedule


Another difference between MLS and European leagues is that MLS plays over the course of the summer and not over the winter. But, Garber quickly squashed suggestions of a switch to a winter schedule.

"I don't know who we are harming," Garber said. "Our calendar works for us because it would be really bad for our fans and our players to play in February when it is (below freezing) and there is four feet of snow on the ground. Who is that good for?"

Star Players and Loans


While MLS has attracted star players in bunches this season, the differences in schedules has seen those players leave on loans back to European clubs in the past. It's a trend Garber says he thinks won't continue this year, though, after LA Galaxy midfielder Steven Gerrard was linked with a return to Liverpool.

"I don't believe we are going to see many more off-season loans happening in our league particularly at what I would call the high-level designated players," Garber said. "It's been a couple of years. I don't remember the last one we have had ... Robbie Keane with (Aston) Villa, (Thierry) Henry with Arsenal."

Both those loans occurred in 2012.

Mid-season Tournament


Finally, Garber addressed mid-season friendlies, revealing a few ideas he has bouncing around in his head.

"We have been talking to the Premier League about doing some sort of official competition as opposed to just having clubs come over to the country on a random basis playing in a tournament that takes place every summer," Garber said.

"I would love to find a way that we could play our cup champion and our league champion against an FA Cup and league champion in a tournament and play it in New York City every year - If not every year, then every four years."

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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
What the MLS needs to do next is observe the FIFA International Dates and not play any games then... how hard can that be?

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