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CJ's Crazy Idea

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Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Sad State

With all this talk about the Nucks making the play-offs or not making the play-offs, a horrible thought came to mind.

One day is going to come, and it will be sooner rather than later, that none of the current 6 Canadian hockey teams will make the post season:eek: in the same year.
This would reduce even more, the amount of big Canadian dollars that Canadian teams have to compete with the rich American:mad: hockey clubs.

Here is my solution for the Canadian teams to stay competive against the rich yankee clubs.

Make two very strong and wealthy hockey teams for Canada.
One Western based hockey team that plays out of Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton.
One Eastern based team that playes out of Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto.
Home games would be split between the three cities, with the reduced amount of games allmost gaurentee sold out areanas.

Three different owners would be able to put thier money together to stay competitive in the free agent market, so that play-offs are very possible every year.

This could be a better solution than losing our three small market teams in Edmonton, Calgary, and Ottawa. Then being left with three average teams in the other 3 cities.

We could still get our hockey fix from the B.C. Junior league and the highly entertaining W.H.L.

Mabey I'm just crazy with this idea.

H :rolleyes: S


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
big idea

And to think, the Western conglomorate and the Eastern hybrid NHL team could retire a boatlaod of ex-player's numbers to raise public awareness for their cause. That would be great. You should ring Gary Bettman with that one.
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