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Caps vs Thunder, MLS night


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Hey you goons.

The Caps are joint top of the table with Puerto Rico
United Soccer Leagues (USL)

They have two big games coming up at home here, and are having their "MLS Rally Night" this Sunday at 7:00 KO at Swangard against the Minnesota Thunder.

I know myself and few of the Nomads are heading down after our game to watch the game in the now new and improved Southside beer area after our game in PoCo.

The Caps are going to do a little TIFO, if you will, with the Grandstand with a card display of some sort and some actual atmosphere, as well the arrangement of seating and layout of the Southside will be improved following meetings with the Southsiders after some real bitterness between the clubs only supporters group finally boiled over and the Caps sat down with the southsiders for a meeting. The Whitecaps are using the theatrics and such for their MLS bid Book. Those of you that have been banging the MLS drum should come down and help the team with their bid.

I would humbly suggest this might be the best night of the year for atmosphere aside from the TFC night this season.

Aside from that, the Whitecaps are a good team playing some pretty exciting footy of late.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
In other news, the 2 additional players, Marlon James, and Cornelius Huggins, from St Vincent and the Grenadines did not receive international clearance in time or at all (A littl mystery surrounding this ordeal) and the roster freeze in in effect...so they will not be featuring.

The Caps are also not sending anyone to the WCQ game saturday in Montreal since Cann took off to Denmark (And subsequently has not been recalled to the MNT) so they should have a full complement of players available.

They will be tired though as they are playing Friday in Puerto Rico. They have been there all week IIRC.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Hey you goons.

The Caps are joint top of the table with Puerto Rico
United Soccer Leagues (USL)

They have two big games coming up at home here, and are having their "MLS Rally Night" this Sunday at 7:00 KO at Swangard against the Minnesota Thunder.

I know myself and few of the Nomads are heading down after our game to watch the game in the now new and improved Southside beer area after our game in PoCo.

The Caps are going to do a little TIFO, if you will, with the Grandstand with a card display of some sort and some actual atmosphere, as well the arrangement of seating and layout of the Southside will be improved following meetings with the Southsiders after some real bitterness between the clubs only supporters group finally boiled over and the Caps sat down with the southsiders for a meeting. The Whitecaps are using the theatrics and such for their MLS bid Book. Those of you that have been banging the MLS drum should come down and help the team with their bid.

I would humbly suggest this might be the best night of the year for atmosphere aside from the TFC night this season.

Aside from that, the Whitecaps are a good team playing some pretty exciting footy of late.

your getting way ahead of your self JBN. First you must survive and get out of pocompton alive. choose your colors wisley and never wear your hat sideways out there. peace


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
wearing a hat sideways is a douchbage tactic, that or white nike tennis visors...

along with the other following:
Cliche tired Tribal Tattoos or barbed wire designs
Pink Lacoste or Polo Golf Shirts that are a size too small
frosted tips
Christian Audigier Hoodies

all things frequently seen and heard about in port Coq.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Hey you goons.

The Caps are joint top of the table with Puerto Rico
United Soccer Leagues (USL)

They have two big games coming up at home here, and are having their "MLS Rally Night" this Sunday at 7:00 KO at Swangard against the Minnesota Thunder.

I know myself and few of the Nomads are heading down after our game to watch the game in the now new and improved Southside beer area after our game in PoCo.

The Caps are going to do a little TIFO, if you will, with the Grandstand with a card display of some sort and some actual atmosphere, as well the arrangement of seating and layout of the Southside will be improved following meetings with the Southsiders after some real bitterness between the clubs only supporters group finally boiled over and the Caps sat down with the southsiders for a meeting. The Whitecaps are using the theatrics and such for their MLS bid Book. Those of you that have been banging the MLS drum should come down and help the team with their bid.

I would humbly suggest this might be the best night of the year for atmosphere aside from the TFC night this season.

Aside from that, the Whitecaps are a good team playing some pretty exciting footy of late.

Since I have a crapload of unused tickets should be some Strikers there as well. And what's this about the new Southside layout. Are we still 80 feet back of the pitch or are we closer again? Do tell.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
basically I got the shake down and whined about it instead of doing what I could have done, which is file criminal and civil charges against the Security Company.

I called and emailed the whitecaps along with over 20 others and the Southsiders got a meeting with the Director of Events (Hillary Campbell) and the Manager of Marketing (Ryan McKee) The Southsiders made their gripes known and the Caps responded...

come for a pre match bevvy (on time this time ;) ) and I'll fill you totally in, I am not clogging up TTP with anymore than that...enough cyberspace has been dedicated to the issue already.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Wow, the atmosphere tonight was just electric :rolleyes:

That was the saddest rally I've ever seen. "Whitecaps... MLS" What a brilliant chant they had the kids singing.

A few things to mention to those of you who are part of the southsiders:

1) The Caps are doing you no favours by actually issuing Sec R Southsider-GA tickets to the general public. I used vouchers from a "smart circle card" I purchased and that's what they gave me.

2) You twats should actually stay in the south end. I didn't really appreciate you showing up at the north side and screaming down my ear for the second half. I'm sure the players also didn't appreciate stepping on your beer cups when they were taking corner kicks.

3) The "Moooooooose" call is moronic. It sounds stupid and you're heckling your own player. Ditch it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I'm pretty sure it was pretty good.

Good enough for Clarke and Nash to deliver a few 12 packs of pints after the game to the Southside Guys

I stood in the Southside the whole game and didn't see any of the usual suspects leave for the Northside at all...

What Moooooooooooooooooooose call? His name is Moose, Justin Moose.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Watched on TV last night (couldn't make it as the wee'est one did a faceplant in the afternoon and we spent the rest of it at the hospital getting his inner lip removed from between his teeth :rolleyes: )...

Southside looked somewhat packed, good job. Shaw switched to the end mikes whenever play hit that end which actually made the broadcast come off as a little 'hokey'.

But I've gotta agree with Dezza on the MLS rally comment - it really, really, really came off poorly on TV. You could hear the PA announcer (or someone) trying to get the crowd going and well, you couldn't really hear any chants happening... then they showed parts of the grandstand and it appeared that for every 20 people, about 5-6 held up their rally cards.

Let's hope they scrap this for the video and replace it with maybe the Steve Nash juggling video.



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm pretty sure it was pretty good.

Good enough for Clarke and Nash to deliver a few 12 packs of pints after the game to the Southside Guys

I stood in the Southside the whole game and didn't see any of the usual suspects leave for the Northside at all...

What Moooooooooooooooooooose call? His name is Moose, Justin Moose.

Maybe they weren't official Southsiders? They were a mix of scouse scum in Liverpool jerseys and guys in Whitecaps gear... they certainly seemed like the type that would be there every game, but were more interested in heckling and figuring out who can throw their empty beer cup closer to the end line than the actual footy game being played :confused:


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Maybe they weren't official Southsiders? They were a mix of scouse scum in Liverpool jerseys and guys in Whitecaps gear... they certainly seemed like the type that would be there every game, but were more interested in heckling and figuring out who can throw their empty beer cup closer to the end line than the actual footy game being played :confused:

are u a woman?

u bitch alot!


Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Maybe they weren't official Southsiders? They were a mix of scouse scum in Liverpool jerseys and guys in Whitecaps gear... they certainly seemed like the type that would be there every game, but were more interested in heckling and figuring out who can throw their empty beer cup closer to the end line than the actual footy game being played :confused:

Are you Richard Howes in disguise?

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