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Caps new head coach

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trace Robbo get's to pick who he wants on his team. Core is there rest is up to him. Left D is needed right D is needed. Baba and him have added one mid in last few days. Guys has lots of skill. It remains to bee seen what he brings to the Caps. This year draft has few very talanted players. Caps should be able to get a very good player. Willson would be the best fit from American Universety. Grate playmaker and a setup passer.
We might see a guy or two from Barcklay league here. With out addition of better players all he will do is same as Rennie.
No team in MLS is going to give you better players. For most all giveup an avrage players. That's not going to improve Caps. There is a guy in PCSL fron Victopria. Hecould fit well in the back, strong and Quick plays hard. In my opinion he is better than the University kids they get from US. Same goes for a forward from UBC. And a guy on Rail Hawks called Brian Shriver. Coach must add pace and a strength to be able play against teams like Portland, Seattle, St Jose.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trace all jokes a side, Shrivers can score. In all the levels he played he scored at will. We lack in that area. It is an upsolute must to add a guy that loves to play hard and score. Brian plays a real pitbull style. Goes in hard digs the ball out and atttacks at full pace. Toni Stahl could help in the back. Allso very strong guy in the air and on the ground. And a young man by the name Carol Cort. Big strong forward a goto guy with hart.
Getting small guys will not do it against strong side like Portland and Seattle. Coach must match them in size and speed. Portland added a mid with blasting speed. Our D will have one hell of a time with that young man.
It remains to be seen what happens in January. Robbo better get some work horses here,bit many flash Goprdons here latley.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2005
Dirty Money
Really? We have the reigning golden boot, Manneh who seems to score at will, and a hopefully (well I don't hold much hope) a return to form Mattocks, and its an absolute must that we add a goalscorer? I'd like some help keeping the ball out of the back of our net for Christmas thanks.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Really? We have the reigning golden boot, Manneh who seems to score at will, and a hopefully (well I don't hold much hope) a return to form Mattocks, and its an absolute must that we add a goalscorer? I'd like some help keeping the ball out of the back of our net for Christmas thanks.

Agree...and even with Base saying our current attacking format won't cut it, but didn't the Cap's win the Cascadia Cup? Didn't they actually seem to perform quite well against those squads? No, we need more in the back, and a Maestro in the middle, please. Other than that, there are actually some very nice pieces in place to play with.

I'd love to see more Canadians getting a shot next season, and some sort of formalized relationship w/ a Canadian USL team to send the reserve players to for meaningful minutes.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
To all of you all the best for Christmas and a New Year. Dude I am glad you agree with me on our roster needs. I am not sure what they will do but there is no way forward with out two good backs and a solid forward. Kids that play in reseve play boy's soccer. Club must add a div two side under it's control. That way guys coming up would be in mens game shape. Local kids could get a dam chance. Somany kids play in HPL. Parents pay big dollars and at the end kids endup in Cap U soccer program beer league after that.
NASL and USL have fifteen twenty very good players. They could easy step in and do a good job. I just do not see the need going to Europe and getting old beatup horses.Caps can not aford young Europian players.
If Caps would get big crouds like Seattle than yest. As it is now all we will get ic class C players from over sea. Dutch Manneh is a dam good young player. If Caps could get Carol Cort those two would be a fun to watch. One five foot four on sixfoot four. Team would spread the fear across MLS.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
To all of you all the best for Christmas and a New Year. Dude I am glad you agree with me on our roster needs. I am not sure what they will do but there is no way forward with out two good backs and a solid forward. Kids that play in reseve play boy's soccer. Club must add a div two side under it's control. That way guys coming up would be in mens game shape. Local kids could get a dam chance. Somany kids play in HPL. Parents pay big dollars and at the end kids endup in Cap U soccer program beer league after that.
NASL and USL have fifteen twenty very good players. They could easy step in and do a good job. I just do not see the need going to Europe and getting old beatup horses.Caps can not aford young Europian players.
If Caps would get big crouds like Seattle than yest. As it is now all we will get ic class C players from over sea. Dutch Manneh is a dam good young player. If Caps could get Carol Cort those two would be a fun to watch. One five foot four on sixfoot four. Team would spread the fear across MLS.

Base...how dod you figure I agreed with you? I disagreed, for the most part. How do you figure styriking is our issue? We have the league's top striker, if actual numbers and production mean anything, and arguably the most envied young player in the league in Manneh. And you know what? At 8 goals or whatever Kenny Miller scored...he did show quite well, given his age and minutes. Of all the areas, striking from the striker position is not the biggest issue. Hey, a skilled, big target man who works hard would be great. Think Hassli, but a Hassli who bangs bodies, wins headers, and creates space. If you said striking from the midfield position was an issue, then maybe you have a case, but...

The only thing I agree with you on is our need for more stability at the back, and an emphasis on getting Canadian players minutes by way of a formalized relationship w/ a ULS team (I mean, Christ, can't one be bought for a dime, anyhow? Buy one and stick it in Victoria or Kelowna, FFS, make it the go between for the young reserve squad players and the 1st team players, and suplement it w/ signings that could be diamond-in-the-rough 1st team players, largely Canadian).

That's all for me. Looking forward to training camp.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude all the best in New Year. Yes I do think our midfield strking is not good enough. Reo works hard but could not hit the barn door for the life of him. Three games they needded he was there in front of net but could not score. I would move him to R D and add a guy with way more pace to his midfield spot. As far as a go to guy again I think we need a guy. Hassli is an old guy in a same form as Miller. Comes to play two out of three games. Robbo will play with more pace and forward attack. Cort did play in Barcklay League he's only twenty odd years he would fit the needs for Caps. Coast not high. 6'4" guy with hart. Good in air.
I think club should give Miller an Asst coaching job. His soccer is on a down swing. He is well spoken man knows the game but his injuries will not quit. Who better than Miller to develop second team. He and Delrimple woud do a fine job.
Team does need to add a team in PCSL just to see that the development they have is not as good as players in PCSL.
TFC blond yougster to Caps for Cap's youngster Mattocks would do both teams tons of help. Only way forward.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
TFC blond yougster to Caps for Cap's youngster Mattocks would do both teams tons of help. Only way forward.

I would approve of that trade in a heart-beat.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Thanks Regs and a Happy New year. Mattacks is good young player but in my opinion get him to stay here if his mind is not in to it makes for a long season. He would be much more eager to go in TFC. Lat's of guys fro Jamaica live there.
Young midfielder is needed here. It remains to be seen what Robbo and Bob does in next few weeks.
Rennie must be loughing. Lust thing I heard he has a job lined up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Base you come on here and spout off different names each week. I'm sure eventually your dart will hit one of the balloons...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I translated it.

Score 22 goals in a year in the MLS has consequences. The Brazilian Camilo Sanvezzo rain succulent offerings in the form of a very large of their salary upswing since the end of the season, to leave MLS and arriving in European football or the last great rumor Mexican League. From Vancouver, they deny any sale of their star but his agent says the same thing. It seems that the departure of the player is a matter of hours.
First, it was a great offer of the Rosemborg who spoke of a tax transfer $2 M. He rejects plan by the Canadian team who has never wanted to deal with the departure of Camilo who is considered the mainstay of your project by 2014. Weeks later came a very interesting offer from a team of Switzerland that was going to be a very generous contract the player but with a transfer offer lower than that came from Norway that the Whitecaps nor considered such an option.
But a couple of weeks ago has been established a line of negotiation with Querétano of the Mexican League. Sources from Mexico already speak that the agreement is closed and even announced that this same weekend Camilo arrived to the club [via ESPN] although in the Whitecaps already have launched their machinery to fully deny this news by communicating that Camilo will be present within two weeks at the start of the preseason.
This single game can end with the departure of the MLS player. If really offering is as high as a 7 digits is something that the Whitecaps won't be able to have long. The player has always declared that you for East 2014 was very important since you will receive if the Canadian nationality remains on the computer and you can play games with the selection of Canada as it has been his desire for a couple of seasons. Camilo is in Nice to Vancouver but offers as such without difficult to let them pass.
His tenure at the club it seems evident that passes by a new contract much more high (currently charges $250 K), also might be all a strategy his agent to get it fast-tracked from amagar output though this echo now seems a chimera to the offer put on the table by Querétano.
Camilo has played at the Whitecaps 92 parties, 75 as owner, in which he has scored 39 goals and 16 assists. The Brazilian striker has been one of the players that I declared himself in favor of named Carl Robinson as new coach after the departure of Rennie, though for months that the Brazilian has not to make any statement

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Johnny sorry man I head few beer that knight. In my opinion it's going to come too who do the Caps want here Camilo or Miller. It's all about money, Team has to pay the young man to stay here and make the club proud.
If the club looses Camilo, Robbo will be gone at the end of the year. I just don't understand Bob, why would he let Camilo go? Give Miller asst coaching job for three years he will stay here. Both he and Robbo would do well.
If Robbo thinks he is going to turn Mattacks around he is got some kind of gods power. Negative guys kill team spirit. Robbo needs a positive room. Guys must have fun at practice and games.
In my opinion if Camilo gives up on Canadian paprers he is lacking smarts. But again it's all about money.
I say Coaker and Camilo should stay, Miller coud be moved Mattacks could and should be moved.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Here is a list of few guys. One or two might be part of Caps in on coming season. We will see on 16 of January. Tesho Akindele MD-F, Jacob Buchue MD-D, Erick Miller MD-D, Victor Chavez FWD, Jimmy Oackford D, Ben Sweat D,Tomislav Zadro MD-F,Kevin Cope D, Bowie Romena MD, Nikita Kotlov FWD, Joey Dillon MD-D, Reilnaldo Brenes FWD.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Whitcaps have th #3 and #7 draft pick. Caps have 1 GK on contract so odds the #3 is ging to be a GK from NCAA. #7 could be a useful player.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I would hope they use #3 on the useful player and #7 on a back up keeper. We need solid players more than a back up keeper.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Caps have a good keeper in the reseve team. He can step in if need be. Kids from Universety are no better. Penn state has a 6'6" keaper, I would never waste # 7 good picks on a backup keeper. You can always add one as teams drop in roster numbers. Roud three is where I would add a keeper not before. Those two top picks should go for a good mid/forward and for a Good D. Hardest to get are good D. Zadro is a very good D/mid. 6'3: solid guy. Kevin Cope 6'1" is most needed here. Smart player. I still think club should go after the guy by the last name Willson. Very good setup play man and very good switchup player also 6'1". Joins the rush and always comes back. We must stop teams from pushing us aroud. Victor Chavez will go fast, Nikita Kotlov , Erick Miller will move in top few.
It'll be fun to see who we get. Robbo is a thinker if Cope or Zadro is avelable I can see Robbo add one or both to Caps.

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