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BREAKING NEWS! Captin America dead!


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Killing the superhero's? What is going on with this world??

Marvel Kills Off Iconic Captain America:

Captain America has undertaken his last mission, at least for now.
The venerable superhero is killed in the latest issue of his comic that hit stands Wednesday.
Assassinated, in fact, as he walks into a New York courthouse in handcuffs, headed to his arraignment for refusing to sign the government's Superhero Registration Act and forcibly revealing his true identity.
A sniper, firing a high-powered rifle from a rooftop, hits the famed red, white and blue leader of the Avengers with three bullets and escapes the scene, as police and Captain America's military escort cope with chaos in the streets.
It ends a long run for the stars-and-stripes-wearing character, created in 1941. Over the years, some 210 million copies of Captain America comic books have been sold in 75 countries.
But resurrections are not unknown in the world of comics, and Marvel editor-in-chief said a Captain America comeback wasn't impossible.
Still, the character's death came as a blow to co-creator Joe Simon.
"We really need him now," said Simon, 93, who worked with artist Jack Kirby to devise Captain America as a foe for Adolf Hitler. The superhero was spawned when a scrawny arts student named Steve Rogers, ineligible for the army because of his poor health but eager to serve his country, agreed to a "Super Soldier Serum" injection. The substance made him a paragon of physical perfection, armed only with his shield, his strength, his smarts and a command of martial arts.


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Odd that they are doing this while their's alot of talk about a Avengers Movie
I believe a Iron Man movie is due out in the Summer or next
so a Avengers movie could be Part two to that
( from what I heard )
and you can't really do a Avengers Movie without Cap America

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Trying to do what D.C. comics did when they killed Superman in 1993 only thing is who cares about a super hero that isn't super? granted it will sell a bunch of comics, purely a sales pitch by Marvel comics.

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