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Bertuzzi's Plea


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes he did. And you love him. Fag.

"Dude, you've got to come up to the Woodlot to try this gnarly gap jump I built."

"Sure...what's it like?"

"Don't know, I haven't ridden it yet."

Just remember grasshopper, you have a long way to go before reaching samarai status.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude, I applaud you for your efforts. Sometimes the sheep can get hostile and act irrationally. It doesn't matter what logical explanation you can offer; they have their '94 towel power t-shirt on and are ready to riot and loot. Do what any wise shepherd would do: drop your staff and run!!

Where's the pepper spray when you need it? Anyone got a tazer?

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Bert never crossed any imaginary line. He hit Moore in the side of the head(with his glove on)and then accidentally fell on top of him.

He accidentally fell on him? Robbie, since we're TTP team-mates, I need to know who elbowed you in the head to make you think this way. I'll go after him or her. No, really.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Some funny stuff posted here.

Firstly, Moore is a bitch, but he's a smart bitch.

To be fair, the guy isn't left with many options after this whole situation. No NHL team is going to come within 10 feet of signing him. He went from being a marginal player in good health to a marginal player with fractured vertebrae. Pierre Lacroix, who is a smarmy fcuk himself, cut Moore loose the first chance he got. I assumed that the lone chance Moore had of reviving his NHL career would come directly from Colorado, a club which then propmtly cut the kid loose and thanked him for sapping a divisional rival of their star forward for a while. His future is in Europe, and maybe on the motivational speaking tour. But he can kiss the NHL goodbye. So why not sue the fcuk out of Bertuzzi, the NHL and anybody else you can milk for a few bucks? It's not strictly a hockey incident anymore, especially when it went in front of the courts.

Secondly..."I also believe he should have stood up to Bert, and fought him". Yeah. There's a solid idea. That would have been the last of his illustrious two-fight career, which began 27 minutes earlier when he tangoed with Cooke. Moore isn't a fighter. Hell, he isn't even a hitter. His "hit" on Naslund was really just a late reaction to an attempted bodycheck. He caught #19 late and ended up doing shoulder-to-jaw instead of body-to-body. It's not like the guy was a hired goon.

Anyways. You can't have that significant an impact on derailing some guy's career and assume that 30 hours of highway garbage patrol will make up for it. This whole mess could have been avoided had Bertuzzi cut the kid a 4mil cheque with a post-it note that read "sorry about the misunderstanding". In the end, that's all Moore is going to want anyways, regardless of the emotional mumbo-jumbo.


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
It's always the pukes who feel like they get the short end of the stick who see these instances as oportunites to finally get a say.

"It's not fair! That bully Bertuzzi should be punished for all the injustice that I and all my whiner friends have suffered throughout our lives"

Idealists are always trying to make things fair. The world doesn't work on logic and gold stars.

It doesn't matter if Bert did it or Marchment or anyone else. Moore wants the rest of his life handed to him based on hypotheticals and a sob story. He needs to shut up, let Bert get punished and move on as best he can. Fuk him for being such a pussy about his situation.

This really has very little to do with Bertuzzi. He is just along for the ride now. It's all about Steve Moore. Finally he gets some prime time attention. It wasn't going to happen on the ice based on his skill. So he might as well milk it while people still remember his name.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
He accidentally fell on him? Robbie, since we're TTP team-mates, I need to know who elbowed you in the head to make you think this way. I'll go after him or her. No, really.
Read The Province teamate. The judge in the case said, "Video replays indicate that Bertuzzi may have tripped or slipped on his dropped stick and fallen onto Moore."

I only speak the facts.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Cryuff said:
It's always the pukes who feel like they get the short end of the stick who see these instances as oportunites to finally get a say.

"It's not fair! That bully Bertuzzi should be punished for all the injustice that I and all my whiner friends have suffered throughout our lives."

Cryuff, we're not talking about some scammer who slips on your sidewalk and takes you to court. Not many "pukes" have what it takes to make it to the NHL. Not many "pukes" can be accepted to Harvard.

Cryuff said:
It doesn't matter if Bert did it or Marchment or anyone else. Moore wants the rest of his life handed to him based on hypotheticals and a sob story. He needs to shut up, let Bert get punished and move on as best he can. Fuk him for being such a pussy about his situation.

Cryuff, I know your world doesn't include logic or gold stars, but if a similar incident happened to you on the soccer pitch, would you pass it off as "bad luck" or would you be a pussy and sue the thug responsible for ruining your ability to earn for a living?




Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial: you can't put it into that kind of perspective. Cryuff plays FVSL Cat, not EPL. There are a couple of levels in between the two.

The worst thing that will happen to him in Cat is that he'll leave his legs too wide open for me to meg him.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
The worst thing that will happen to him in Cat is that he'll leave his legs too wide open for me to meg him.
Can we get this thread back to reality now?


The fact is that Moore must now be seen as a pussy to not only the joe-average sports fan, but now to every professional athlete out there. Seriously, he is done regardless of physical recovery.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
What are you saying Regs, that it may be unrealistic for Cryuff to leave his legs too wide open? I suppose...

Answer: yes, which is why his future lies in Europe, where he'll be amongst peers.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude said:
Dial: you can't put it into that kind of perspective. Cryuff plays FVSL Cat, not EPL. There are a couple of levels in between the two.

Ooops. My bad. I thought he played for Indo. From what Hemi said, they pay good coin. :D

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Read The Province teamate. The judge in the case said, "Video replays indicate that Bertuzzi may have tripped or slipped on his dropped stick and fallen onto Moore."

I only speak the facts.

So true, Robbie :D

I thought Bert may have tripped over the "lucky loonie" buried at centre ice.

In fairness, Bert did all he could to avoid slamming Moore's face into the ice and onto the stick which cut him open. From the angle I saw it from, it appeared that he was trying to catch Moore as he fell to the ice and then Bert used his own body as a shield to protect Moore from all the others who piled onto Moore's neck. ;)

BlazeArmy said:
That or Moore's Unconcious body while it was falling.
:D :D :D


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Let's face it.....Moore is a pussy!

He took Naslund out by checking him in the head. And before any other pussies come on here (like on the radio and in the media) and say that that incident has nothing to do with the resulting hit on Moore, give your heads a shake. Anyone that has played team sports at a competitive level, knows that it is human nature to want to retaliate or seek retribution.

Moore should have answered the bell at GM place. He had plenty of opportunities to do so before the sucker punch. He should have done so like a man and gotten it over with. Bert isn't exactly a premium fighter anyway is he? :rolleyes:

Nobody wants to say any of this in the media. Everyone's too nice. This is why Canada sucks so much in international competition in most sports. No competitive edge and drive. :rolleyes:

It's unfortunate what happened to Moore and I hope he recovers. But quite frankly I'm getting tired of all the calculated, manipulative and scripted press conferences now.

Time for everyone to move on!



New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
if a similar incident happened to you on the soccer pitch, would you pass it off as "bad luck" or would you be a pussy and sue the thug responsible for ruining your ability to earn for a living?

I'd collect my insurance. Recover as best I could. Then get my retribution if I was able to play again.

Is Steve Moore not insured? Why is he making such a desperate push for money?


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Cryuff said:
I'd collect my insurance. Recover as best I could. Then get my retribution if I was able to play again.

Is Steve Moore not insured? Why is he making such a desperate push for money?


Not only is he insured, he is well educated and well spoken.

He will not be destitute and will not be out of work.

Anyone out there know the insurance details.


Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Cryuff said:
I'd collect my insurance. Recover as best I could. Then get my retribution if I was able to play again.

Is Steve Moore not insured? Why is he making such a desperate push for money?

Cryuff...what insurance is that, exactly? Not trying to be a smart ass, but what insurance does FVSL or VMSL have for injuries? And how thorough is it? Does it cover loss of wages, future loss of wages, and the suffering of having to eat through a straw for a year, never mind the ongoing rehab?

In fact, there have been examples in the past where they won't pay out insurance because the act (i.e. a sucker punch to the nose) was not considered an act which should occur during a soccer match. They've taken the position that if you want money for your damages, seek it yourself in a civil suit. I think BC Soccer's answer to WCB is DGH (Don't Get Hurt).

I don't think Steve Moore is eligible for the NHL's career ending injury insurance which takes into account future loss of wages because he has not played enough games. That's why he stated today that he will only pursue a civil law suit if it is deemed that he cannot play again. Seems noble enough to me. Then his insurance company will sue the Canucks' insurance company, and all parties will be happy...unless the Canucks' insurance company decided to sue Bert themselves. But that's a whole new thread.


New Member
Oct 5, 2004
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Cryuff...what insurance is that, exactly? Not trying to be a smart ass, but what insurance does FVSL or VMSL have for injuries? And how thorough is it? Does it cover loss of wages, future loss of wages, and the suffering of having to eat through a straw for a year, never mind the ongoing rehab?

In fact, there have been examples in the past where they won't pay out insurance because the act (i.e. a sucker punch to the nose) was not considered an act which should occur during a soccer match. They've taken the position that if you want money for your damages, seek it yourself in a civil suit. I think BC Soccer's answer to WCB is DGH (Don't Get Hurt).

This is exactly what I'm saying. Why wait and then sue someone? Sometimes you have to take care of yourself and buy your own insurance with your own dime. You can't expect people to pay for you not taking your future into consideration. Why should the rest of us pay higher ticket prices because he sues and presses charges and the whole lot forcing the teams, leagues, and facilities insurance to go up.

If Moore didn't look out for his own interests that really is his problem. If I were him I'd be more upset with my idiot agent for not looking after my future than Bertuzzi.

I'm sure he'll get paid though.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude said:
That said, let me ask you homers out there: if you were a fourth line NHL player who happens to be a Harvard graduate (with honors), son of successful lawyers, and all of a sudden you get blindsided and suffer career threatening injuries, what would you do?

Is this a rhetorical question? Seems obvious to me. Become a lawyer, working with all your successful-lawyer brethren. Duh.

Now, I certainly don't think Moore was at fault for the injuries he received but let's keep this in perspective. Scott Stevens was also 100% at fault for dropping Eric Lindros in the playoffs with a serious concussion a couple of years ago. He deliberately hit a concussion-prone player as hard as he could and almost (key word) ended his career. In no way is Lindros at fault for receiving that injury, using your logic. Had the concussion ended his career do you feel Lindros should have the right to sue Stevens? I doubt it. Bert did not intend to injure Moore as badly as he did and that is one of the reasons I don't feel this matter should be before the courts in the first place. Fights, including sucker-punches, are commonplace in the NHL. Christ, what's next? Suing a guy for slander for calling you a pussy? If so, watch out for Moore and his family of lawyers, guys.

P.s. Pierre Lacroix has shown his true colors with all this. Cutting Moore loose after all that's happened is almost as vile as Bertuzzi sucker-punching Moore (I said almost, Dude). What a cnut.


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Dirty Money
Cryuff said:
This is exactly what I'm saying. Why wait and then sue someone? Sometimes you have to take care of yourself and buy your own insurance with your own dime. You can't expect people to pay for you not taking your future into consideration. Why should the rest of us pay higher ticket prices because he sues and presses charges and the whole lot forcing the teams, leagues, and facilities insurance to go up.

If Moore didn't look out for his own interests that really is his problem. If I were him I'd be more upset with my idiot agent for not looking after my future than Bertuzzi.

I'm sure he'll get paid though.

9-1-1.....comparing it to the VMSL and FVSL is futile. We don't make money from footy (unless you're with Indo or Sikhs :rolleyes: ).

These NHL players make a lot of money. It's their work. I completely agree with Johann Cruyff that Moore should have paid his own dime for his own insurance, and most likely he did. Surely these players cannot rely on the NHL insurance alone. Just like anyone in a full time job, there must be some disability insurance in the picture. Even more important in the profession they are in. Most likely he has a big disability policy, that does not restrict him from doing other, less physical work. So he will likely get a hefty disability payout and be able to pursue another career. If he doesn't, he should fire his agent immediately!

I have to also completely agree with Dude's point regarding his prospects in pursuing another career. Obviously his dreams are shattered in terms of being a pro hockey player. Chances are he will not play at the pro level again. This must be completely devastating. But if it isn't yet, it will start to become almost competely about money. Nobody can blame him for this.

In all of this there seems to be almost no mention of the assumed risk that a player takes when they skate onto the ice, just like we do when we run onto a pitch. Did anyone hear Dan Russell interviewing Burky last night? The man speaks some sense. There have been plenty of other vicious attacks in hockey, they just didn't go as wrong as this one. Remember Bure's run a Churla? Great hit and I loved it at the time, but he could have killed him. Same with Stevens on Lindros.

Moore will be ok. He's luckier than most would be in this situation. He has lots to fall back on.


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